Parent Questionnaire 2013

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Governor Parent Questionnaire
Results Summary Autumn 2013
FGB 2nd December 2013
• 48 Statements
• 6 Key Areas
Personal development and well being
Learning and Teaching
Enrichment and extra curricular activities
Care, guidance and support
Transition from year group to year group (replaces
SEN – separate questionnaire for SEN register families)
– Communication
• Response rate up to 37%
• Overwhelmingly positive
• Significant improvement on negative
areas identified last year
Improvement on Last Year
• I think the school’s system of discipline is
effective – disagree 1% (down from 9%)
• I am confident that St John’s deals with
inappropriate behaviour effectively – disagree
3% (down from 14%)
• I understand the role of school Governors –
disagree 4% (down from 11%)
100% Positive responses Yr R
My child is happy at St John’s
I feel welcome when I come into school
St John’s has a good reputation
The school buildings are well maintained
I feel my child is safe in school
The classrooms are clean, tidy & attractive &
provide an effective working environment for
my child
100% Positive responses Yr R (cont)
• The outdoor environment at St John’s is
effective at supporting creativity & learning
• I would recommend St John’s to other families
• I think members of staff at St John’s are
• The school encourages parents & guardians to
play an active part in school life
100% Positive responses Yr 1-6
My child is happy at St John’s
My child has friends at school
There is a happy atmosphere at school
I feel welcome when I come into school
I feel my child is safe in school
Staff encourage my child to become independent
The weekly newsletter provides me with clear
information regarding what has happened in
school, but also about future events
98-99% Positive responses (Yr 1-6)
• St John’s has a good reputation
• I would recommend St John’s to other families
• The school’s values & attitudes have a positive
effect on my child
• I think members of staff are approachable
• The school is led & managed well
• The school encourages parents & guardians to
play an active part in school life
Disagree or Strongly Disagree (Yr 1-6)
• I receive adequate information about my
child’s new class & year group - 14%
• I am given enough information about how I
can support my child at home - 11%
• I am kept well informed about my child’s
progress - 7%
• 1 respondent disagreed with 38% of
No response or Don’t Know
• Year R, only 2 weeks in school
• Year 1-6, highest responses in:
– Learning and Teaching
– Care Guidance and Support
Consider whether
o new parents
o lack of experience related to particular statement
o need for more or clearer communication
Learning and Teaching
• A small minority of parents lack information
What children are learning in school
How to support learning at home
Children’s progress
Comments from the questionnaire:
• Lack of knowledge of personal targets
• Opportunity to discuss child’s progress (particularly working
parents, who miss out on informal contact in playground)
• Wanting longer than 5-10 minutes at parent consultations
Learning and Teaching (cont)
• Homework
– Is the homework appropriate, particularly KS1?
– What is the value of the homework set?
– Is there a consistent response to children
completing or not completing homework and to it
being handed in on time?
Policy seems to be widely accepted, maybe an
opportunity to review consistency and IMPACT
Care Guidance and Support
• Behaviour
– I think the school’s system of discipline is effective
(Don’t know 11%)
– I am confident that St John’s deals with
inappropriate behaviour effectively (Don’t know
• Other
– My child is confident that should they have a
problem, there is someone they can go to in
school who will listen to them (Don’t know 8%)
Actions Taken
• Parent consultations extended to 10 minute
slots from Sep 13
• Range of clubs extended and communicated
to children through assembly and parents via
the newsletter
• Further evaluation and development
– Learning related information to parents
– Consistency and Impact of homework policy
– Communication particularly with working parents
Extremely positive responses