Transcript Document

10 Years of Service
Math & Computer Sciences
Amin is a stalwart instructor in the
department’s statistics courses. His
evaluations often contain many
positive comments from students, and
how he effectively makes stats easy to
understand - if that’s possible!
Thank you for your 10 years of
10 Years of Service
Philosophy Department
Dr. Ardis Anderson, formerly Academic
Assistant and now Instructor in the Department
of Philosophy, is the backbone of our teaching
program and the coordinator of our out-reach
activities. Ardis is thought of by her students
and colleagues as the ‘good cop’ who is
probably our most popular and effective
Thank you Ardis for the past 10 years!
10 Years of Service
Electrical Department
Rick came to the University from the
construction industry and quickly
became a valuable addition to the
University. Rick enjoys new
challenges and takes great pride in
his work. Thank you for the 10
years of service and all the best for
the years to come.
10 Years of Service
Native American Studies
Yale did his undergraduate degree in NAS at U of L,
and did his Ph.D at Trent University on the
emergence and evolution of Aboriginal political
organizations in late 19th- and early 20th- century
As an Associate Professor in the NAS department
here, he has a strong and well-funded research
program across diverse areas such as gambling,
homelessness, and aboriginal political studies.
Thank you Yale for the past 10 years of service.
10 Years of Service
Music Department
Dr. Rolf Boon is an Associate Composer with the
Canadian Music Centre and member of the Canadian
League of Composers. His acoustic and electronic
works have received international premiers and
performances. His teaching has been acknowledged
via an Alberta Provincial (ACIFA) Teaching Excellence
Award. When he was Chair of the Department of
Music he led the development of the U of L’s Digital
Audio Arts Program and related infrastructure
implementation for Studio One, the Audio Research
Lab, and the W518 music technology teaching
10 Years of Service
History Department
Throughout his decade in the History Department,
Chris has become a popular lecturer and valued
colleague. His devotion to Stalinism is somewhat
troublesome, but so far we have successfully
resisted his periodic attempts to turn our
department into a totalitarian dictatorship.
Due to the recent retirement of Malcolm
Greenshields, Chris has also become the elder
statesman of the History Department, something
he may or may not appreciate.
10 Years of Service
Faculty of Management
While most people find technology
problems a source of great frustration,
Trevor solves them quickly and with a
chuckle to keep faculty and staff
happy in Management.
Thank you Trevor for the past 10
years of service.
10 Years of Service
Physics & Astronomy Department
Saurya is a prolific and accomplished theoretician,
who has worked on fundamental problems in
theoretical physics, including the quantization of
gravity, the origin of black hole entropy, and the nature
of space-time. He helped established the
department’s Theoretical Physics Group in 2008, and
then the Canadian Prairie Theoretical Physics Network
in 2009.
Outside the University he is active as a musician
(playing piano and singing), and as a cook (he has
won a curry cook-off).
10 Years of Service
Financial Services – Cash Office
Heidi is always willing to go the extra mile to be of
assistance to the students, parents and staff that she
is in contact with on a daily basis in the Cash Office.
She is always thinking and coming up with
suggestions and efficiencies for the office which keeps
us on our toes.
Heidi has a very busy social life attending her kids’
extracurricular activities and camping over the years.
But, more recently, Heidi has acquired the ‘travel bug’
with her trip to Mexico. Hopefully more trips are in her
10 Years of Service
Faculty of Management
Tanya has been an active contributor to the Marketing Area,
the Faculty of Management, the University of Lethbridge, and
the greater Lethbridge community since the day she arrived in
Alberta, and has continued her dedicated service for the past
10 years. We are especially grateful for Tanya's commitment
to service. She has coached students in case competitions,
dedicating many hours to helping students achieve success.
She has also served as the Director for the Centre for Socially
Responsible Marketing, whereby she successfully organized
two international research conferences. Additionally she has
served as the Marketing Area Chair, and she is an active
volunteer in both church and community. She accomplishes
all this while being an excellent teacher and strong researcher.
We are both fortunate and grateful for Tanya's contribution to
the U of L.
10 Years of Service
Women & Gender Studies
Jo-Anne is a caring and passionate
colleague. Her long career as a scholar
speaks about her dedication to advance
feminist discourse, especially for
indigenous women's rights. Jo-Anne is a
principled, fair and compassionate leader
who inspires others to reach out to
communities where it matters.
Thank you for the past 10 years of service.
10 Years of Service
Modern Languages
Inge Genee has taught Linguistics for
the Department of Modern Languages
since 1999. Her research encompasses
several languages including Irish, Dutch,
English and Blackfoot. She is the past
chair of Human Subject Research
Committee and current chair of the
Department of Modern Languages.
10 Years of Service
Caretaking Services
Donella is always smiling and is very
customer focused. She takes pride
everywhere she works. Donella is now
responsible for cleaning all the floors in the
First Choice Sports & Wellness Centre,
Student’s Union and Turcotte Hall. Donella
enjoys spending time with her
Thank you Donella for the past 10 years.
10 Years of Service
Biological Sciences
Joanne Golden is an Instructor in the
Department of Biological Sciences. Joanne is
an expert on the local flora and teaches
introductory labs on the diversity of life and cell
biology as well as our second year genetics
labs. She is an avid weaver, hiker, skier and
canoeist. Joanne enjoys spending time in the
outdoors with her spouse Tom and their
children, Pete and Jennifer.
Thank you for your 10 years of dedicated
10 Years of Service
Music Department
Bente Hansen teaches first-year theory and
popular music classes and accompanies
students for the Music Department. She is
active with the Drama Department, involved
with many main stage and student projects.
Off campus, she plays with the New West
Theatre Ensemble and is the Musical Director
for the Hatrix Theatre’s production of
10 Years of Service
Chemistry & Biochemistry Dept.
Paul has been a major player in building up our
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Centre, which is
now the pride of the Department.
He develops new ways to investigate: materials
used in Alternative Energy technologies, new
crop derived biomaterials, and materials used
for remediation of Oils Sands Tailings.
Thank you, Paul, for the past 10 years of
10 Years of Service
Facility Operations & Maintenance
Rita started working in Human Resources to cover off for
vacation and project work in September 2001. She was offered a
full-time position in Human Resources, but she was not ready to
work on a full-time basis. Her decision was a great opportunity
for the Utilities department.
She started out for only a couple weeks to assist with some
backlog 12 years ago. She is a very dedicated employee always
willing to learn new things and take on new challenges. She was
offered a part-time permanent position in March 2004 and a fulltime November 2012.
She started off as a very shy person that was not sure about
working with 20 men in the department. She has risen to that
occasion and is able to deal with them through her natural talent
and wonderful quick witted personality.
10 Years of Service
Geography Department
Dr. Dan Johnson joined the Department of
Geography after his long service at the
Lethbridge Agricultural Research Station as a
Senior Research Scientist. Dan is a worldrenowned environmental scientist in the field of
Sustainable Grassland Ecosystems. He has
made a remarkable contribution to the
disciplines of biogeography, sustainable
agriculture, and data analysis at the University.
Thank you for the past 10 years of service.
10 Years of Service
History Department
In her ten years at the University of
Lethbridge, Lynn has become one of the
most popular lecturers and active
researchers in the Department of History.
Her courses on the Antebellum South, in
particular, are popular among students.
She draws the line, however, at teaching a
military history of the Civil War. In addition,
due to her scholarly interest in gossip, other
members of the department have to be
careful what they say around her.
10 Years of Service
Kinesiology & Physical Education
Dr. Kossuth comes to the University of Lethbridge all
the way from Johannesburg, South Africa! He teaches
and does research in the history of sport and leisure
practices in the late 19th and early 20th century
Canada. He is particularly interested in getting
students and communities engaged in their local and
regional histories and works hard to ensure sport
history is making its way to public audiences (via
museums and the Sports Hall of Fame). Dr. Kossuth
was also an Assistant Coach of the three-time
National Champion Pronghorns Women’s Rugby Team
from 2004-2013.
10 Years of Service
Printing Services
For the past 10 years, Diane has been working
for Printing Services helping out students,
faculty and staff at the Copy Centre. Whether
it’s a student having an issue with a copier,
needing a thesis bound or in a panic to get a
project completed on time, Diane is always
willing to help! Printing Services is very proud
to have Diane as part of its team.
Congratulations Diane!
10 Years of Service
Carma has been a proud and passionate
supporter of the University of Lethbridge,
and our students, since joining the
Recruitment team in 2003. Carma has
filled many roles on campus and is
respected by her colleagues for her kind
and insightful manner, and her dedication
to serving students. Carma is a wonderful
ambassador for the U of L!
10 Years of Service
Liberal Education
Bruce began his undergraduate
degree at the U of L in 1974, and
taught many courses here before
being hired as the Co-ordinator of the
Liberal Education Program in 2004.
With a multi-disciplinary background,
a broad range of courses taught and
current work on activism for social
change, he embodies the ideals of
liberal education.
10 Years of Service
Neuroscience Department
Rob McDonald, currently Director of CCBN,
is an Albertan, born and bred, who is also a
University of Lethbridge Alumnus. He
came to us from the University of Toronto
on a Canada Research Chair and was key
to enhancing our national and international
reputation for neuroscience.
Thank you for the past 10 years of service.
10 Years of Service
Biological Sciences
Katrina Mendez is an Instructor in the
Department of Biological Sciences. Katrina is
an insect ecologist by training. She is an
amazing artist and a crafter and prides herself
on being compulsively neat. Katrina enjoys
travelling and spending time with her spouse
José and their young boys Ezequiel and
Thank you for your 10 years of dedicated
10 Years of Service
Plant Operations & Controls
Ten years ago Greg was hired on as an Apprentice
Instrument Technician after completing a two year
program at SAIT. He completed his Journeyman
Instrument Technician in 2008. While working here
and working towards his Journeyman he completed
his 4th class Power Engineering Certificate. He works
on programming new/old systems, troubleshooting of
mechanical, and heating and cooling systems. Greg
has proven himself to be a team player and a great fit
with the Utilities group.
We wish Greg continued success in the years to
10 Years of Service
Faculty of Health Sciences
Jan is without doubt responsible for the
orderly operation of the Faculty of Health
Sciences. She is not only efficient and
organized but also very sensible - which
is extremely handy. Clearly Jan is an
invaluable member of our Faculty. In
particular she deserves an award for
meritorious service after spending the
last decade trying to explain the budget
to her Dean.
10 Years of Service
History Department
During her decade at the University of
Lethbridge, Janay has established herself as
one of the most personable and popular
lecturers within the Department of History. The
variety of topics she teaches, from the history of
the family through to the Scottish Reformation
are greatly appreciated by staff and students
alike, however, due to the bloodthirsty nature of
modern society, that Janay is at her most
popular when she’s describing witches being
burnt at the stake in lurid detail.
10 Years of Service
Music Department
Dr. Deanna Oye teaches Studio Piano, Musicianship
Skills and Collaborative Piano/Guitar, a unique
course series which she designed and implemented.
As a pianist, she maintains a busy and diverse
schedule as both a solo and collaborative artist,
performing locally, nationally and internationally.
Her performances have been heard on CBC Radio
Two, National Public Radio, and a solo piano CD will
be released this year by Centaur Records. She is
the current Chair of the Department of Music and an
active member of the Canadian University Music
Society, serving as its President from 2010 to 2012.
10 Years of Service
Registrar - Admissions
Deb joined the Admissions team at the U of L in
2004 and has been our trusty Eagle Eyes ever
since. She enjoys dancing and spending time
with her four grandkids. She keeps busy in the
winter months with curling and golfs as much as
possible throughout the rest of the year, earning
the title of Club Champion at Paradise Canyon in
2012. Her trip down to Arizona this past winter
can only mean she will be even more of a force to
be reckoned with this year. We would be lost
without Deb and look forward to many more years
working together.
10 Years of Service
Faculty of Education
Susan has provided 10 years of
exceptional service within the Faculty of
Education, most recently in the role of
Program Manager for the Graduate Studies
and Research in Education Office. She is a
very valuable colleague. She is described
by her peers with 3 C’s:
1. Collaborative
2. Caring
3. Competent
10 Years of Service
Adriana is a prolific and accomplished experimentalist.
Adriana is a founding member of the University's Remote
Sensing Group (RSG), and continues to play a very active
role in all the activities of the RSG. Adriana's work with the
Canadian Light Source (CLS) in Saskatoon, including the
design of one of the beamlines, has helped establish the
CLS as a world-class facility for spectroscopy. Adriana's
record of service is simply astonishing: at every level,
locally, provincially, nationally, and internationally; and at
every opportunity, she has given unstinting service to both
our local community and the physics community. Whether
in her local outreach activities, or through her participation
at International conferences, Adriana has been a very
effective promoter of science as a career for women.
10 Years of Service
Financial Planning
Marnie started at the University on January 15th, 2004 as a Financial Assistant in
Arts & Science covering for a maternity leave. At the end of the leave, Arts &
Science kept her on in the same position.
Marnie’s transferred to Financial Planning, on a term position in June 2006 as a
budget analyst. After Lynn Arnold’s retirement, Marnie was promoted to Manager
Budget & Planning on October 2010 working for Karen Clearwater.
While working full-time at the University and raising a family, Marnie continued her
education and in August 2011 she received her Certified Management Accountant
(CMA) designation.
With her education behind her, Marnie has been looking for things to fill her time.
With the budget announcement in March 2013 of a cut of 7.3%, and now with the
implementation of a new budget allocation model in 2014, Marnie has had to
complete two budget models each year rather than the usual one. She has also
started teaching an Introductory Accounting class for the Faculty of Management.
This extra work has made her career here at the University that much more
exciting and we’ve heard her say more than once, "this job may not be heaven but
it is right next to it."
10 Years of Service
Art Department
For ten years Kevin Sehn (Art Department
Technician) has provided excellent and
unflinching technical and fabrication
support to students in Art. With a breadth
of knowledge ranging from bronze casting
to fine woodworking, and from kilns to
found objects, Kevin is also adept at
interpreting diagrams drawn with a finger in
the air, and in mentoring students through
all stages of their creative projects.
10 Years of Service
Vice-President-Academic’s Office
Starting out as the researcher/writer for the
VP Academic office, Paul also handles
public lectures, strategic planning,
proposals and reports, and quality
assurance. He developed and managed
the Discovery Lecture Series from its
inception, was the main writer on three
Strategic Plans, and now helps coordinate
one of the best post-secondary quality
assurance systems in the country.
10 Years of Service
Information Technology
To the tune of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song:
In Lethbridge, Alberta born and raised. At the University is
where I spend most of my days.
Started out as a proctor while going to school. Graduated
then worked for Education, which was pretty cool.
While working through a couple of IT jobs, those were
really good. The Uni and its people became my
I got one little email and it almost brought me to tears! It
said 'You're time has come, its already been 10 years!‘
10 Years of Service
Facility Operations & Maintenance
Mark started in Recycling and Waste
Removal on campus 10 years ago. He
now does the cleaning and event set-ups
at the James Foster Penny Building.
Mark enjoys spending time with his
young son.
Thank you, Mark, for the past 10 years
of service.
10 Years of Service
Advancement and Communication
Cal has been a familiar face on campus over the last
10 years. His ‘can do’ attitude, professionalism, and
commitment to the U of L is evident when you
experience the meticulous detail, and high quality
sound and visuals we have come to expect at U of L
events. Outside of work, Cal is a well-known
performer, playing dueling pianos from Edmonton to
Las Vegas. Although Cal is an amazing piano player,
his Mick Jagger impression is something to behold.
Thank you for your last 10 years of dedicated service.
10 Years of Service
Economics Department
After 20 years in Academic (10
years previously at the
University of Saskatchewan),
Kien wants to enjoy life more
than ever by spending time with
his family and watching his two
beautiful daughters grow up!
10 Years of Service
Institutional Analysis
Darlene began her career in the Registrar's Office.
She made a seamless transition into the Office of
Institutional Analysis in September 2009. Darlene is
an exceptional analyst. She is attentive to detail,
professional, and well spoken. Over the years
Darlene has been described as "an invaluable leader",
"go-to-person", "at the top of her game" and "one of
the highest performers I have ever had the opportunity
to work with". This is a testament to Darlene's many
talents and abilities. The team in Institutional Analysis
is very happy to have her in the office.
Darlene, congratulations on 10 years of service!
Van Dyk
10 Years of Service
Faculty of Management
Carol brings sunshine to the
Faculty of Management Dean's
Office as the "Co-ordinator of
Everything" and her grandson,
Lincoln, brings sunshine to her
Thank you for the past 10 years of
10 Years of Service
Caretaking Services
Robin is hard working; she takes pride in her
area of responsibility. She currently cleans UHall, A4, A5, A6, B4, B5, and W5. Robin
started out in the Housing Department and
came to the midnight shift when the 1st Choice
Savings Centre for Sports and Wellness
opened and then moved to Markin Hall. Robin
has a beautiful voice. She has a son and
daughter who she loves to spend time with.
Thank you for the past 10 years of service.
10 Years of Service
Sport & Rec Services
Sandy has been a key component with the
Sport and Recreation Services team for the
past 10 years. She has booked thousands
of birthday parties, school rentals, internal
bookings and special events in our
recreation facilities with precise attention to
detail. As a former Pronghorn soccer
athlete, Sandy hopes her daughter will be
wearing a Pronghorn soccer jersey when
she attends the U of L this fall.
10 Years of Service
Chemistry & Biochemistry Dept.
Ying is not afraid of innovation in
the classroom. She works really
hard to give all her students the
best possible experience.
Thank you for the past 10 years
of service, Ying.
15 Years of Service
Faculty of Management
Andrea is a very compassionate individual,
who cares about the students. She goes
out of her way to provide support to them
and is sensitive to their needs. She is
being honored with a Blackfoot name for
her outstanding commitment and support of
the First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI)
Thank you Andrea for 10 years of service.
15 Years of Service
Information Technology
John currently spends his time at the
University working as a Database
Administrator, which means he's
responsible for the care and feeding of
several important databases on campus.
In his spare time he roots for the Calgary
Flames and runs "John's Hockey Pool",
and is an active participant in the
"Southern Mustangs" car club.
15 Years of Service
English Department
Adam came to the U of L from McMaster (via UBC) in July 1999, when
he was hired as the principal specialist in Literary Theory in the
Department of English. His qualities as a researcher and a teacher
were already well-known; at McMaster, he was nominated for the
Dean's Prize for Research Excellence and won the Graduate Student
Teaching Award.
These same qualities have characterised his time at the U of L. He
has a distinguished record of service, including and now-concluding
stint as department Chair. During this time, he was successful in
Canada's most selective research competition, the SSHRC Standard
Research Grant, and, in 2004, won the F.E.L. Priestly Prize for the
most outstanding essay published in English Studies in Canada, the
primary journal in his field.
The department wishes Adam well as he turns his attention from
shepherding us to returning to his ambitious research programme.
15 Years of Service
Math & Computer Sciences Dept.
Yllias is one of the most pleasant
members of the department, taking on
several grad students in addition to his
teaching load and committee duties.
Students speak highly of his superb
teaching and kind personal character.
Thank you for the last 15 years of
15 Years of Service
Geography & History Depts.
Margaret is Assistant to the Chairs and a
department member in two departments:
Geography and History. Margaret has been
active in many volunteer positions within the
University, such as six years with the
University Senate. She provides extremely
professional and essential services that keep
the department functioning. The entire
department is grateful for her valuable
contribution to the department.
15 Years of Service
Destination Project Office
Shauna has spent the last 15 years
efficiently taking care of things in
Facilities and now she has taken on the
new challenge of watching over things at
the upcoming Destination Project.
Good luck on the new endeavor Shauna!
15 Years of Service
Faculty of Education
Erika has enriched and furthered the Faculty of
Education’s work in the areas of curriculum, literacy,
and culture. Together with colleagues, Dr. Cynthia
Chambers and Dr. Carl Leggo, her SSHRC research
explores literacy curriculum throughout Canadian
classrooms. Recently, Erika received the American
Educational Research Association’s Outstanding
Book of the Year in the category: Exploring the
Aesthetics/Art of Curriculum Inquiry in the Curriculum
Studies Division, for Life Writing and Literary
Métissage as an Ethos for Our Times.
Congratulations Erika!
15 Years of Service
Chemistry & Biochemistry Dept.
Susan works really hard to enable
everything we do in the
Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry. The loyalty that we
all feel for Susan is a reflection of
her loyal service to us.
Thanks, Susan, for the past 15
15 Years of Service
Math & Computer Sciences Dept.
Shahadat is dedicated to providing the
best computer science courses he can.
He has helped to establish an
optimization group in the department, as
well as supervising graduate students in
this specialized field.
Thank you Shahadat for your 15 years of
15 Years of Service
Anthropology Department
Dr. Katherine Kingfisher is a noted scholar who
has published extensively on policy and
governance and the implications for gender and
race in Canada, the US and Aotearoa/New
Zealand. Her newest work on happiness is again
multi-sited (including Samoa, Japan, and Canada)
and politically and socially engaged. Dr.
Kingfisher is considered to be an excellent
teacher. Her work has been recognized through
an appointment as a University Scholar and she is
currently the president of the Society for the
Anthropology of North America.
15 Years of Service
Materials Management
Laurie Martin began her career at the University back in 1999 in
the Information Technology department in a System Support
position. In 2009, she transferred into the Financial Services
department as a Purchasing Agent. The skills and knowledge
that she developed in IT have been beneficial in her purchasing
role of procuring computer equipment, managing the Bell cell
phone contract as well as other goods and services. Laurie is
always willing to go the extra mile to provide service to the
University community.
In her spare time Laurie volunteers on the AUPE job
reclassification committee and her strong organizational skills are
essential in her role as Manager of the U of L Fiat Dux dragon
boat team.
Thank you Laurie. We look forward to working with you for many
years to come.
15 Years of Service
Registrar’s Office
Cathy started at the U of L in 1998 and has been the Transfer
Credit Coordinator ever since, mastering this role with
positivity and persistence, a feat which few could accomplish.
As the self-proclaimed devil’s advocate for the Admission’s
Office, she encourages us to look at things from every angle.
She is a dedicated employee and determined fourth-year U of
L student close to completing a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Cathy became a new grandmother last year to granddaughter
Neveah, who is the light of her life. In her limited spare time,
you can find her in her garden or riding her Harley across the
mountains and prairies of Western Canada.
Congratulations on 15 years of service!
15 Years of Service
Faculty of Fine Arts
Margot O’Donnell started at the University of
Lethbridge in October 1997 in a part-time
position with the Conservatory of Music, when
her twin girls were babies. Her girls are now
17 years old. Margot is currently the Financial
Officer for the Faculty of Fine Arts. While
stressful at times, she has enjoyed working at
the University of Lethbridge solely due to the
great people she works with!!
Congratulations Margot!
15 Years of Service
Physics & Astronomy Department
Steve is an accomplished experimentalist. In
teaching, he has been the driving force behind
the design and development of our
undergraduate advanced labs. In research,
his construction and operation of a home-built
scanning tunneling microscope was a
technological tour de force. Outside the
University, as a member of hiking clubs, he
has explored much of the local topography in
Canada and the American Northwest. A
devoted oenophile and photography buff.
15 Years of Service
Psychology Department
Since joining the University, Drew has, among
other things, distinguished himself as an
accomplished researcher (irritating many of
the big names in the area of animal
‘language’), a dedicated colleague (serving as
department chair and chairing many SGS
committees) and a highly skilled practitioner of
animal calls.
Thank you for the last 15 years of service.
15 Years of Service
Materials Management
Michele Roberts started her career at the University in 1998
working as a Postal Clerk. During the past fifteen years
she worked for a short period of time in Printing Services
before returning to Materials Management. Michele is very
efficient in ensuring that all of our mail and courier
packages are processed in a timely manner.
In her spare time Michele loves to fish and travel to warm
and sunny destinations. Last year was an exciting year for
her as they welcomed a new daughter-in-law into their
Congratulations Michele on your significant achievement in
reaching this 15 year milestone.
15 Years of Service
Information Technology
Chris is a valued member of the Information
Technology department, where he is currently the
manager of the Client Services team. In his role,
Chris rarely has a boring day, but if you ask him he
would not trade it for anything.
Chris is a great family man, enjoying time with his wife
and young daughter, but if you get a chance, ask Chris
about his fascination with the Transformers and the
Transformers movies.
All the best Chris!
15 Years of Service
Registrar’s Office
Dedicated, accomplished and a superb manager
of people, Debi was the inaugural recipient of the
President’s Award for Service Excellence in 2003.
Debi’s contributions touch almost every aspect of
the institution. Excelling in positive relationships
with students, staff and faculty, she has a caring,
upbeat attitude and approaches every challenge
with confidence. Debi was the Associate
Registrar for 15 years, moving in 2013 to serve as
the EIS Manager of Operations and Reporting,
and is currently the Program Manager, Banner
15 Years of Service
Kinesiology & Physical Education
Stephane teaches primarily in the areas of
Human Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, and
Strength Training. He uses his academic
expertise to generously provide service
within the Province as an active member of
the Sport Medicine Council of Alberta and
as the current President of the Sport
Science Association of Alberta. Stephane
is also very active within the Lethbridge
Francophone community.
A. William
15 Years of Service
Faculty of Fine Arts
A. William Smith was the first New Media
full-time faculty member in 1999, starting
out with a class of 24 undergraduate
students. He is pleased to see the New
Media program continue to flourish with an
intake of 68 students each year drawn from
all over the world. Will has seen the
department grow to now include several
graduate students and about a dozen fulltime faculty/staff.
15 Years of Service
Information Technology
During Mike's years at the University, he has been on
a variety of teams, the most recent of which is a small
but dedicated team that is responsible for supporting
the University's learning spaces with regard to
technology and the user support that goes hand in
hand with the technology. Mike has proved to be a
very dedicated employee and regularly goes above
and beyond to meet the needs of the U of L
community within the learning spaces.
We are very pleased to have Mike on the Information
Technology team.
15 Years of Service
Faculty of Management
Stuart Thomas has worn many hats at the
University of Lethbridge. In addition to his
teaching and research work, Stuart has
performed service for the Faculty of
Management and the University of Lethbridge.
Some of these service duties are serving as
Accounting Area Chair and the STP member in
the Faculty of Management, as well as using
his accounting expertise when serving on the
University Budget Committee.
15 Years of Service
Registrar - Admissions
Dawn-Ann started at the U of L in the Information Centre in
1998 and joined Admissions in 2008. In her time at the
University, she has been actively involved in AUPE serving
in many roles, including secretary and chief union steward
and kept us all safe and orderly as fire warden. Dawn-Ann
can be depended on to perform all responsibilities to the
highest standards and we rely on her amazing memory,
institutional knowledge, and calm demeanor to keep us on
track. She is our walking, talking procedure manual.
Dawn-Ann loves spending time with her family at their
cabin on the lake in Whitefish, Montana. She is fabulous to
work with and we look forward to many more years with
Dawn-Ann in Admissions.
15 Years of Service
Faculty of Education
Ed has certainly distinguished himself in this, his
second career, after a highly successful career as
a school-based music educator in Saskatchewan.
His leadership in music education within the
University, locally, provincially, nationally and
internationally have taken many forms, including:
conducting, performance, adjudication,
workshops, presentations, committee work, and
high quality publications. Ed Wasiak is a totally
committed professional who does his Faculty and
his University proud.
20 Years of Service
Ancillary Services
Jim is our on-site entrepreneur at the University. Although you may not
always see him front and centre, he is the one that runs the
"businesses" on campus and works at finding innovative ways to
contribute so that our students have a great experience while they are
here. He is responsible for Housing, Food, Printing, Conferences and
Event Services and the Bookstore. Jim was the driving force in the
improvements in Food Services over the past year, which is gratefully
appreciated by all of us.
Jim likes pushing the envelope and makes us all try to stretch our
thinking and not stick to the status quo. This kind of philosophy and the
ideas he contributes make this University a great place.
Jim has a wonderful sense of humour and his quick wit lightens up
many conversations and meetings. Jim also is a great musician and
some of us have had the pleasure hearing him sing.
20 Years of Service
Dramatic Arts Department
20 years ago, Teresa chose to leave
professional theatre to become the U of
L’s Costume Shop Manager. She has
costumed over 80 shows for the Theatre
Department and looks forward to
numerous more.
Thank you for the last 20 years of
20 Years of Service
Sport & Recreation Services
Rob’s caring demeanor has been witnessed by
many over the past 20 years. Rob joined Sport
and Recreational Services after 12 years with
the Copy Centre and Recycling Services. Rob
can often be seen at major high profile events in
our facilities ensuring everything is in working
order for our customers. Rob’s enthusiasm and
hard work has generated many positive
comments from internal and external user
groups. A caring family man, Rob is known to be
a well-educated wine connoisseur.
20 Years of Service
Parking Services
Dick Lutwick is the manager of Parking
Services. Dick provides parking
arrangements for those patrons who
understand that parking on campus is not
defined in the Canadian Charter of Rights
and Freedoms. In 2012, Dick’s work in
managing the re-design of parking facilities
adjacent to Anderson Hall was recognized
in the City of Lethbridge Green List Awards.
Zoia (Zo)
20 Years of Service
Payroll Department
Zo started at the U of L in August 1992, first in Human
Resources before transitioning into a combined Payroll/HR
role in May 1997. Zo left the University for a short period of
time in May 2003, only to return "home" a few months later
for a role in Math and Computer Sciences. She then came
to her senses and returned back to her roots in the
Payroll/HR department in May 2007, where she remains to
this day.
Employment at the University is a family affair as Zo's
husband, Daryl, also works on campus in the Purchasing
Department. Zo is a dedicated Mother and soon to be
Grandmother. She has an ability to create a good work/life
balance and loves to spend time being active with her
family in Whitefish.
20 Years of Service
Information Technology Security
In June 1993, Ron started in the U of L Bookstore as the
Shipper/Receiver. Over the past 20 years, Ron has worked in a
number of roles with Ancillary Services and IT Services. Most
recently, he is working with the newly formed Managed
Applications Team as a Support Analyst supporting Blackboard
and Bridgebucks. Ron is a capable planner with a strong drive
for excellent customer service. He understands the needs of his
clients and users. He never loses sight of the principle that IT
exists to solve business problems. He is always trying to see
problems and challenges in terms of their impact and benefit to
his clients' businesses.
His colleagues have nothing but the highest regard for his
integrity and work ethic. His clients commend him on the high
level of responsiveness, and service with which he performs his
20 Years of Service
Housing Services
Terri brings incredible energy and enthusiasm to her role
and to the department. Her housing team characterizes
her as ‘a great mentor’ – always taking time to hear new
ideas and ensuring everyone is doing well.
Terri always leads by example and never hesitates to ‘jump
in’ to get the job done. Her philosophy is that teamwork is
the key to success. Known as ‘our fearless leader,’ her
dedicated staff knows she is always there to support them
through every task and challenge.
Terri is an invaluable member of our University and
Ancillary Services team, a great leader and a wonderful
person, and it is a pleasure to work with her every day.
20 Years of Service
Anthropology Department
Judy Whitehead’s life work has centered on people
constructed by multiple forms of difference, especially
gender, ‘race’, and class. It has also been focused on
South Asia. Her research projects have included the
construction of motherhood images and the
criminalization of courtesans in colonial India, the legal
vulnerability of India’s adivasis (hill population) to
dispossession due to infrastructural development, and
the recent history of Mumbai’s dispossessed industrial
workers in that city’s transformation into a global financial
centre. She has published two books and 40 articles on
these topics, and her awards include being named
University Scholar (2011-2014), a best article for 2012
award, and a Plenary Speaker Award (2014).
25 Years of Service
Shipping & Receiving
Allan Besplug has seen a lot of change in the last 25 years.
When he started as a Driver in 1989 the University campus
consisted of three buildings: University Hall, Centre for the Arts
and the Max Bell Regional Aquatic Centre. Allan worked for
the Materials Management department for about 10 years
before transferring to the Bookstore. We were fortunate to
have Allan rejoin the Materials Management team in 2008.
Allan is a great team player who always has a smile on his
face and a positive attitude which is infectious.
In Allan’s spare time he enjoys his summer’s camping and
sitting out by the fire watching the stars with his wife, Sylvia.
Congratulations Allan on 25 years of dedicated service at the
25 Years of Service
Information Technology
Craig Bullock is a valued member of the Information
Technology team. He started as an Operator in the
computer room and is currently managing the data
center facilities and the IT financial office.
Craig is a great family man, enjoying time with his
wife, kids and grandchildren, but is probably the
happiest with his fly rod in hand, hooked into a
scrappy rainbow trout.
All the best Craig.
25 Years of Service
Biological Sciences Department
Helena Danyk is an Instructor and Associate Chair
in the Department of Biological Sciences. Her
formal training is in plant biochemistry. She is
very active in her service to the department and
University. She is the long-time Associate Chair of
our department and has been instrumental in
developing science outreach programs at the
University of Lethbridge. Helena enjoys spending
time with her spouse, Troy, and young daughters,
Katie and Katrina.
Thank-you for your 25 years of dedicated service!
25 Years of Service
Dramatic Arts Department
Hired as a movement specialist in the theatre
department, Lisa created theatre/dance
productions, presented international touring
companies through the Now Showing series,
and published on dance and Canadian
multiculturalism and Blackfoot dance. She has
been able to move her arts expertise across
disciplines to research, teach and make
performances designed to spark positive
social change, locally and internationally,
thanks to the liberal education environment at
the U of L.
25 Years of Service
Building Maintenance
Marty joined the University of Lethbridge in
June, 1989, as the Assistant
Superintendent of Buildings, eventually
assuming the role of Superintendent of
Buildings. At present, Marty fills the role of
Manager, Building Maintenance with
Thank you for all of your efforts, dedication
and years of service, Marty.
25 Years of Service
Vice-President (Academic)
Andy's guidance has been instrumental
in building a leading university in
Canada. A chemist by trade, he has
learned to balance the fine art of
coaxing, demanding, and celebrating.
His passion for education, and the U of L
in particular, is inspirational.
Thank you Andy for your past 25 years
of service.
25 Years of Service
Math & Computer Sciences
25 years of solid teaching, research,
ULFA service, committee work, and
down-home camaraderie. It is always
a pleasure to deal with David and the
students support this in his many
positive course evaluations.
Congratulations, David.
25 Years of Service
Faculty of Education
Over the years, Judy has held various
positions, and carried out multiple
responsibilities in the Faculty of Education all with dedication and impeccable work
ethic. Underlying it all is her heart-felt ways
in professionally guiding the student
journey, and the kindness she exhibits in
friendship with co-workers.
Thank you for the past 25 years of service.
25 Years of Service
Department of Geography
Dr. Ian MacLachlan is a Professor in the Department
of Geography. Ian has served this University in
various capacities, such as Department Chair, General
Faculties Council, Senate, Coat of Arms Chair,
Convocation Chair, and MA Program Review
Committee Chair. He has taught more than 4,000
students who graduated from this University. As an
economic geographer, Dr. MacLachlan has broad
interests concerned with the changing industrial
landscape, the implications of industrial restructuring
for the growth and decline of metropolitan areas, and
restructuring of the meat and livestock processing
Edward (Ted)
25 Years of Service
Caretaking Services
Ted started his career with the U of L in 1988 Ted was part-time with Building Maintenance
until 2013. In 2013, Ted became full-time with
Caretaking as the Equipment
Supervisor/maintenance repair for all the
equipment (rider scrubbers, rider sweepers,
vacuums, etc.)
Ted enjoys hunting and camping with his
family in his spare time.
25 Years of Service
Economics Department
Duane has taught a total of 20 different courses in the
Economics Department in his 25 year career. He has
served as Department Chair on three occasions as
well as serving on numerous department,
administrative and ULFA committees. Duane's
research interests include international economics and
the economics of higher education, but more recently,
the economics of professional sports. Duane served
as the Vice-President of the North American
Association of Sports Economists in 2010-11 and has
also served as a consultant for the Canadian Soccer
Association, MLS and CONCACAF. In his spare time,
Duane enjoys fly fishing and restoring classic cars.
25 Years of Service
Philosophy Department
Since coming to the University, Michael Stingl
has been active in bioethics across the
province, teaching bioethics at the University
and serving on clinical and research ethics
committees both in Lethbridge and
Provincially. His other main interest is the
evolutionary origins of moral values. He also
enjoyed six years of service as Departmental
Thank you for the past 25 years of service.
25 Years of Service
Financial Services
Carrie is one of the most incredible people that has it all together. She
does a fabulous job managing Financial Services, is a caring and
supportive supervisor, a kind and loving wife, sister, daughter and friend,
participates in numerous volunteer endeavours and encourages and leads
her department to do the same. She has a good sense of humour and a
great smile, and, on top of it all, she takes good care of herself and runs in
marathons. She also managed to achieve her Certified Management
Accountant designation and her MBA degree while she worked full time. It
is hard to keep up with Carrie and all her accomplishments.
Carrie started at the University in Payroll & Benefits where she helped
implement GST. She has also worked in various roles in Financial
Services to eventually become the Executive Director of the department. It
would not be a stretch to say that she is the glue that holds the University’s
finances together and I could not imagine how the University could thrive
without her.
THANK YOU for all that you do Carrie!
25 Years of Service
Career and Employment Services
During the 25 years that Pat Tanaka has been with the
University of Lethbridge, she has worked tirelessly to establish
comprehensive career and employment services for students.
Pat is known for her collaborative approach with faculty
members, advisors, the School of Graduate Studies, the
Northern Campuses, Co-op Services, and Student Services
departments. She always places student needs front and
foremost. She is seen as the ‘wise guide’ within Student
Services. Pat is also well known within the wider communities
served by the University, and is famous for organizing the best
Career Fair in Alberta. Last but not least, Pat’s co-workers
benefit from her being a "foodie" as she organizes
departmental social events and contributes the most popular
buffet items: fruit pizza and brunch enchiladas.
25 Years of Service
Pension & Benefits
Starting here in 1989, Barb found her place in HR in
1993, first in Payroll and eventually as the Manager of
Pension & Benefits. Personally, and through the
Pension & Benefits team, she manages two pension
plans, several benefit plans and the provision of sound
advice to faculty and staff.
Barb has contributed to the community through the
Scout movement and basketball, and now enjoys her
extraordinary quilting and time on the beach in Mexico
in January.
Barb also enjoys decorating her office in "Pink".
25 Years of Service
Faculty of Education – Curr Lab
Gitte has worked at the University for 25 years,
starting in the Library and then moving to the
Faculty of Education’s Curriculum Laboratory.
She brings positive and professional attitude to
work each day, and a level of efficiency that few
can match. NOTE: when stressed, she tends to
disinfect everything in sight, including keyboards
and phones; sometimes to the point of shorting
them out.
Thank you Gitte, for the past 25 years of service.
25 Years of Service
Registrar’s Office
Kathleen joined the University of Lethbridge in March of
1989, 2 ½ months after her first child was born.
Throughout the life of her two children, Kathleen wanted
to be a good example by engaging in lifelong learning
and completing University courses during her lunch hour,
in the evenings, and on weekends. She studied parttime beside her kids to advance her education, aspiring
to graduate from University before them. She was
awarded a M.Ed. in 2010 and both children were
awarded U of L undergraduate degrees in 2012. Since
she spends a great deal of time at the U of L, she
decided to marry a faculty member. In their spare time
they enjoy their coulee playground northeast of the City.
25 Years of Service
Math & Computer Sciences
Shelly has been involved in a number of
areas at the University including
Mathematics, Liberal Education, Woman
and Gender Studies, Native American
Studies, and the Woman Scholars Group.
Her research has been founded by NSERC
since 1990, she has won the Distinguished
Teaching Award and held the inaugural
Board of Governor’s Teaching Chair.
30 Years of Service
Information Technology Systems
Doran is a valued member of Information Technology
Services, where he is currently the Manager of the
Database team.
Doran has put together an amazing 30 years of service to
the University of Lethbridge, and for that we honor him. If
you think about it, most of the students and some faculty at
the University were not even born when he began his career
Doran is a bit like an IT Swiss army knife, he has been a
computer operator, a database administrator, a systems
team manager, and a database team manager.
Well done Doran and all the best!
30 Years of Service
President’s Office
A dedicated task master, Deb Bullock
does an excellent job keeping the
President in line. She does so with a
smile on her face, always sporting the
latest fashion! She is a pleasure to work
with and a good friend and colleague to
Thank you for the past 30 years of
30 Years of Service
Plant Operations & Controls
John was hired on as an Apprentice Instrument
Technician. Before being hired, John completed a
2 year Diploma in Instrumentation Technology and
also his 4th Class Power Engineering. While
working here, John has worked on controls,
refrigeration, heating and cooling systems and
project commissioning for mechanical systems.
John has proven to be a valuable asset to the
Utilities group.
Congratulations on your 30 years and your
continued support.
30 Years of Service
Electrical Department
Tal joined the University of Lethbridge as a 1styear Electrical Apprentice in July of 1983, and
remained as a Journeyman Electrician
commencing in late 1988. In 2000, Tal accepted
the responsibilities and challenges of the Electrical
Systems Supervisor and proudly became part of
the Physical Plant management team. Tal is
presently the Manager, Electrical Systems with
the Facilities team.
Congratulations on your 30 years and your
continued support.
30 Years of Service
Biological Sciences
Stewart Rood is a Professor in the Department of
Biological Sciences. His research program focuses on
plant physiology with emphasis on hormone regulation,
ecophysiology of river valley cottonwoods, and river
regulation and restoration. His outstanding research and
achievements have been recognized by a Killam
Research Fellowship and a University of Lethbridge
Board of Governors Research Chair in Environmental
Science. Stew loves the outdoors. He enjoys spending
time kayaking, canoeing, boating and skiing with his
spouse Dianne and their young children, Amanda and
Thank-you for your 30 years of dedicated service!
30 Years of Service
Registrar’s Office
Linda has been with the Registrar’s Office since 1983,
working her first Convocation in 1984. She has an amazing
‘institutional memory.’ As Convocation Officer, Linda has to
deal with many delicate situations with students on their
special day and she has a unique talent for calming them
down and making the best of a sometimes stressful
situation. An alumnus sent along a message regarding
Linda, expressing her sincere thanks to an employee who
went above and beyond the call of duty. She said that
Linda provided ‘the highlight of my experience with the
Registrar’s Office and I am grateful to have had her
assistance.’ This is just one example of the feedback
received about Linda, which shows why she was awarded
the "President’s Award for Service Excellence" in 2012.
30 Years of Service
Registrar’s Office
Penny has been with the Registrar’s Office for over 30
years, becoming the Supervisor of the Information
Centre in 1988. She was the recipient of the "President’s
Award for Service Excellence" in 2006. Penny’s goal has
always been to provide the best student service possible.
She reminds us that the students are the reason why we
are here. Over the years, Penny has touched many
people’s lives across campus - students, faculty, and
staff and she has friends everywhere. Penny is about to
start a new chapter in her life, that of a retired person,
having more time to spend travelling with her husband
and spoiling her 16 grandchildren, the latest having been
born in March!
30 Years of Service
Caretaking Services
Jerzy loves to come to work every day, he
dresses up on special occasions, and likes to
play practical jokes. Jerzy has worked
everywhere on campus and for the past 8
years he has been responsible for the
recycling of paper, cardboard, light bulbs,
batteries, and composting. In Jerzy’s spare
time he loves to work on cars.
Thank you for the past 30 years of service.
30 Years of Service
Registrar’s Office
Guy has been with the University for 30 years and in the
Registrar’s Office since the mid 1990’s. Guy worked on
the original Student Record System back before time
began and because of that background, he was a key
player in the original implementation of the Banner
Student System. Given that he has such extensive
knowledge of BANNER Student, he has recently been
asked to take on the role of technical team lead on the
BANNER Student revitalization project. Over the years,
Guy has both prevented many disasters and been
responsible for many huge successes. His outside
interests have ranged from cycling, to motorcycles, to
sailing - living dangerously both on and off the job!!
35 Years of Service
University Library
Doris began her career at the U of L in 1978 as Secretary to the
University Librarian, Richard Burkett. Her professionalism and
expertise have made her critical to the smooth running of the
Library, where she has guided 12 University Librarians through
the process of acclimatizing to the intricacies and idiosyncrasies
of library administration. Doris’ belief in supporting our students
can be seen in her participation in Convocation Ceremonies, and
in her on-going contributions to the Supporting our Students
campaign. Doris connects with everyone, her warmth and
generosity being appreciated by all who know her here. Doris is
described by her colleagues as dedicated, considerate, an
amazing lady, caring, supportive, the epitome of discretion,
welcoming, and the 'heart and memory' of the library.
Congratulations Doris and thank you for all of the generous
contributions you have made to the University.
40 Years of Service
University Library
Lynne started her career at the Library at
18, riding in on a motorcycle. She has
since swapped the motor for pedal power.
Lynne is a dedicated worker, a loyal friend,
and a hardworking and trustworthy person.
She is most proud of her two sons - their
families, and her grandson Parker.
Thank you for the past 40 years of service!
40 Years of Service
Plant Operations & Controls
Wow, another notch in his belt! 40 years, Amazing!
Gary has been with Utilities and only Utilities for the past
40 years. His career here started out as one of the 8
Utility workers compared to today’s group of 22 within the
Utilities unit. He has seen our campus grow from 2 main
buildings to over 20+ buildings now. Gary can control
your heating and cooling comfort zone by the push of a
button. He has made the Control Room and Central
Plant his third home. In the last few years, Gary has
started to enjoy his second home by the lake more and
more every summer.
We wish him continued success and would like to thank
him for his 40 years of faithful service.