Thoughts - Spur Corporation

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Transcript Thoughts - Spur Corporation

” Invest in your own success” It is as much your own
responsibility as your supervisor to ensure that you are
kept up to date with what is happening in the company
Examples would be:
New Products
Labor relations
Company rules and regulations
You should not expect your supervisor to keep you informed;
ask questions to the relevant people in your company
to understand:
Cobus Jooste – 4 December 2006
Britt Fuller – 6 Nov 2006
• Tip today, when presenting the guest with his
bill, tell him where to pay. In some stores u pay
at the cash desk & at some stores u pay the
waiter, so it is often quite confusing for the guest.
So when placing the bill on the table u can say,
• "when u are ready sir, u can settle the bill with
me...... OR
• "..... would u kindly pay at the cash desk when u
are ready please sir"
Rita Kruger – 13/12/2006
• “Change begins when individuals and groups
understand what they are doing”
• Change is probably the most difficult thing to
manage in store, people often become
negative. When we are clear and specific and
most importantly tell them why and what is in it
for them, they understand what they are doing
and you’ll get their buy in.
Cobus Jooste – 15 Dec 2006
• Renew and reinvent the greatest asset
that you have, you!!!
• Go to a community college around the
corner and enroll yourself in a course. It’s
the right time of the year to do so!!
Thought of the Day– Britt
Friday 15 Dec 2006
• Teamwork:
• You can succeed best & quickest by
helping others succeed!
Rita Kruger
• Wednesday 6 Dec
• “There is no better way to take the irk out of your
work than to ENJOY what you do”
• Really care about your guests. “If you work with
your heart, the money will come”. People can
see your irritation when they ask for a glass of
water, perhaps you think that they don’t notice
but anyone can see through a fake smile. If you
truly care about their interests, you will make a
good impression and that is when you will reap
the rewards!
Cobus Jooste – 28 Nov 2006
• The main objective of management is to
help those people that are doing poorly to
do well, and those doing well, help them
• Understand the need of the employee. Do
they need training, coaching or
development, because then they will
become long term employees.
Britt Fuller – 23 Nov 2006
• Please discuss this with your management
team before u implement:
• If a guest complains about his meal (it's always
the men) and u have to remove the meal in
order to rectify the situation, tell the guest to help
himself to a complimentary salad until you can
return his meal.....
• It is very uncomfortable for everyone at the table
when someone's meal is removed, that's why
guests often only complain when exiting the
store, they don't want to spoil everyone's lunch
or dinner by causing a scene.
The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away
from you. So always see where you can better yourself whether it
is a degree, diploma, spur course or simply just a new skill in the
store because the knowledge will be yours forever. So everyday
think, what can I learn today?
If Napoleon is to be believed the main motivation of difficult
people is fear, fear of loss, embarrassment, ignorance,
inadequacy etc. People that come into our restaurants could feel
apprehensive because they don’t know what to expect or they
might have had a bad experience. Therefore he is not necessarily
a difficult person but due to his previous experience he expects to
be treated like that again. By changing our mindset, seeing it as a
challenge and not as a problem and understand why we have the
opportunity to change his mindset. Basically if you change the
way you view and act towards the customer, it might change the
way the customer reacts to you.
The way it begins is the way it ends. It’s important that you begin
each day with a clear and specific idea of what you hope and
want to achieve especially if you want to be guided towards
reaching your greatest potential. In other words your relationship
to your job can only be set by you. Wake up 15 min earlier in
order tom imagine each person or situation that you’ll face along
with the outcome. That way you’ll be able to set your goals and
most importantly achieve them.
Calm seas never made skillful sailors. Last week I said knowledge can
never be taken away from you, neither can experience. Experience is
gained through hardships, tough times, problems, mistakes etc. Instead of
asking for things to be easier or to go away rather ask for the strength and
wisdom to deal with it.
Criticism is never fun but it loses it’s byte as time separates us from the
circumstances that brings it about. We learn from criticism, many of our
most productive actions come from a recognition of areas of our lives that
need improvement.
You can make more friends in two months by being interested in other
people than you can in 2 years by trying to get other people interested in
you. Build a relationship with your customers – through caring you gain
your regulars. For example look at their credit cards and address them by
their surname. Compliment the changes for example hair color or you see
they’ve been on holiday. Make them feel good about themselves and they’ll
come back again and again.
Inspect what you expect. Follow up on tasks given. If the person did his
best to impress you and you don’t come back to see, how will he/ she do it
next time?
• 2 November: Instruksies
• Wanneer jy ‘n instruksie (of opdrag) aan iemand
gee, moet nooit aanvaar dat die persoon
outomaties weet presies wat jy verwag
nie. Wees spesifiek:
• WAT wil jy he die persoon moet doen?
• HOE moet dit gedoen word?
• WANNEER moet die persoon dit doen?
• HOE LANK behoort dit te neem?
• WAAR moet dit gedoen word?
• WIE moet dit doen, of wie almal moet help?
• WAT is die EINDRESULTAAT wat jy verlang?
• Is dit nodig om TERUG TE RAPPORTEER
sodra dit klaar is? Indien wel, vir wie moet die
terugvoering gegee word?
• HOEKOM moet dit gedoen word? (Help om ‘n
taak meer sinvol te maak)
9 November: Die regte mense vir die regte werk
Wanneer jy ‘n posisie in jou besigheid moet vul, moet nie net die eerste beste
persoon wat instap aanstel nie. Kyk na wat die pos verwag, en kyk na die persoon
voor jou. Is hierdie persoon reg vir die pos? Pas die vereistes van die pos by hierdie
persoon se vorige ervaring, kennis, begrip, vaardigheid, belangstelling en
• Vrot tamaties maak nie ‘n goeie mengelslaai nie. Net so doen die verkeerde mense
in jou besigheid meer skade as goed.
• Mense wat in posisies gegooi word net om dit te vul, bring ongelooflike spanning,
konflik, frustrasie, en ‘n geweldige mors van tyd en geld.
• Hoe nou gemaak?
• 1)
Vat tyd en doen moeite om met hierdie persoon te praat. Vind uit by vorige
werkgewers of hierdie persoon eerlik, hardwerkend en vaardig is (of saal jy jouself
nou op met meer moeilikheid?). Wat is die gehalte werk wat jy kan
verwag? Hoekom is hierdie persoon weg by sy vorige werksplek?
• Onthou: as ‘n kelner se hy het vorige ondervinding, beteken dit nie noodwendig dat
hierdie persoon goeie diens aan jou kliente kan lewer nie!
• 2)
Moet nie iemand ooit dadelik weg wys wat werk vra nie. Voer jou onderhoud,
en as jy hou van die persoon, plaas hulle op ‘n waglys vir wanneer jy dalk tog iemand
• 3)
Stel vir jouself ‘n pligslys op vir elke posisie in jou winkel. Wat presies moet
hierdie persoon kan doen? Wat is die vaardighede wat nodig is vir hierdie
werk? Watter ander kwaliteite in hul persoonlikheid is vir jou belangrik?
• 4)
Moet nooit tyd as verskoning gebruik om nie ordentlike onderhoude te voer en
mense te keur nie. 30 – 60 minute se werk kan jou maande se probleme, frustrasies,
konflik, tyd en sakke vol geld spaar!
• As jy geen standaarde het as dit by keurings en aanstellings kom nie, het jy nie die
reg om na die tyd te kla as hierdie persoon swak werk lewer of jou frustreer nie…JY
is tog die een wat hom aangestel het!
Richard Lowe – 22/01/2007
• Today’s thought was on the impact of the
first visit to the table!!! First impressions
Tuesday – 23rd Jan 2007
• Why carry a tray & how to carry a tray!
24 January – Wednesday
Rita Kruger
• Wine glasses: When to serve fresh
glasses, new label and NB: ESPECIALLY
Britt – 25th January 2007
Before you shift starts, work out a couple of descriptive words u can use
to make the sauces sound scrummy.......e.g
Spicy Peri Peri - goes really well with the Chick & Rib Burger
Hot Chilli tomato sauce
Creamy Garlic Sauce
Fruity Tangy Monkey Gland Sauce
Point out the special to every table on your first visit ..... use the visuals
- point out the hanging posters!
Tell the guests that the sauces are ONLY R5.95 with every Double
When taking the order, as soon as the guest places his order......YOU
ASK the QUESTION......
Sir, Ma'am with your burger would you like a Spicy Peri-peri, A hot
tomato Chilli or a Creamy Garlic sauce..........look at the guest and NOD
What's the trick, every time u offer a sauce, DON'T u want a
sauce??? - now u r getting the guest to think YES or NO - rather give him
the choices.....Would you prefer a Sweet chili, Tangy MG or Creamy
Garlic sauce with your Dbl burger???...... NOW he is not thinking .....Do I
or DON'T I want a sauce....he is thinking....."WHICH SAUCE DO I WANT!
Liezle De Lange – 2/02/2007
Vibe meetings
Vibe = houding, gevoel, atmosfeer
Onthou die rede vir hierdie meetings: VIBE VIBE VIBE
‘n Vibe meeting is die gulde geleentheid wat jy het om ‘n positiewe atomosfeer te skep en bietjie
kwaliteit tyd met jou span kelners te spandeer.
Dit is wanneer julle bande verstewig en die grondslag vir spanwerk gele word.
Dit is ook in hierdie tyd dat jy waardevolle inligting aan jou mense oordra:
Spesiale aanbiedinge
Enige items wat nie beskikbaar is nie, en die alternatiewe wat aangebied kan word
Items wat prioriteit aandag moet geniet – ekstra verkope
Wie watter tafels bedien en vir watter addisionele take (duties) verantwoordelik is
‘n Herhindering aan reels, regulasies en ons spesiale manier van diens lewering
Om kennis op te skerp
Enige probleme kreatief en positief op te los
Hierdie inligting moet gedek word, maar wees versigtig oor die manier waarop jy dit doen!
Watter Vibe jy ookal jou vergadering mee hou, is die vibe waarmee jou kelners
jul kliente gaan bedien!
Die algemene gevoel (houding) in die restaurant begin by die gevoel of houding waarmee die Vibe
meeting gehou word:
Hou die Vibe in die Vibe meeting, bly positief. opbouend en altyd motiverend – en sien dan hoe
almal hieruit voordeel kan trek!
Cobus Jooste – 06 Feb 2007
• First visit to the table
• Remember to take your Knives and forks, place
mats and colorings to the table, while you are
doing the introduction, set the table at the same
• This prevents customers from having to ask for
knives and forks while you are busy trying to
serve the meal.
• Also helps you selling more salads as you can
recommend that the customer can help
themselves to salads while they wait for the
Britt Fuller – 13th Feb 2007
• The 3 magic words to use ALL the time:
• Please.....Thank-you.......Excuse me!
Rita Kruger – 14th Feb 2007
• WOW your customer therefore increase
your tip
• While your customer’s are having their
desserts without even asking take them a
glass of water.
• Water is free whether they want it or note,
they will still appreciate the gesture and
realise that you are going the extra mile.