Coercive/Intolerable Acts

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Coercive/Intolerable Acts

The Plot

       In response to the BTP, Parliament passed a series of acts known as the Coercive Acts/Intolerable Acts 5 major acts included Boston Port Act—closing of the port of Boston until they paid for BTP Massachusetts Government Act—reducing colonial government Administration of Justice Act—British officials living in the colonies who committed serious crimes would be sent to England for their trials (where they would receive more sympathy) Quebec Act—extended French territory south to the Ohio River, pushed out British colonists who were still trying to move west to settle in the valley Quartering Act—Must house and feed British soldiers

Key People, Groups and Figures

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Parliament: passed the law to punish the colonies


Colonists of Mass. and specifically Boston George Washington: wealthy planter / war hero from F&I War— “The cause of Boston now is and ever will be the cause of America” Ben Franklin—Unofficial colonial ambassador who tried to smooth things over…He called the BTP a “violent act of injustice”


  Put a stranglehold on the city of Boston that causes Colonists to dislike the British and think about ways to band together against the British people outside Boston sent support in the way of food and money to help— Committees of Correspondence now became assistance networks

Historical Significance

    Colonists saw this as “intolerable” Backfired for British United the colonies even further pushes them toward First Cont. Congress and eventually war … pushes them toward First Continental Congress and WAR!

Intolerable Acts

     Boston Port Bill, June 1.1774: intended to close down the Port of Boston until the East India Company was paid for their tea, and Parliament was paid the tax due on the tea.

Massachusetts Government Act, May 20, 1774: declared that members of the Massachusetts Council would be appointed by the Governor, not elected by the people. Town meetings could take place only with the Governor's permission. The governor had full power to appoint local officials judiciaries, and juries would be appointed by the sheriffs, not elected.

Administration of Justice Act, May 20, 1774: any British official serving in the colonies, who was accused of a capital offense could be removed from the colony and sent to another colony or to England for a fair trial. Quartering Act, March 24, 1765: colonial citizens would be required to house, and feed, British Army soldiers, officers and troops in their private homes.

Quebec Act May 20, 1774: gave Canada's Catholics civil equality and guaranteed religious tolerance. Also gave the French vast territories west of the Appalachians. The colonists saw this as an attempt for Britain to renew their battles with both the French and the Indians.