Transcript Slide 1

By: Francis & Jonathan
Sixth Grade
Teacher of the Day
Students learn how to find and distinguish
direct objects and indirect objects.
Students also learn how to use indirect objects
alongside direct objects in sentences.
What - an indirect object is a noun/pronoun
telling to whom or for whom the action is done.
ex 1. The chef cooked {for} the campers some
delicious pancakes for dinner.
ex 2. The great tree served {to} many caterpillars
unicorn pancakes.
When – an indirect object occurs after the verb in the
sentence and can only appear in a with a direct object. An
indirect object usually comes in front of the direct object.
Ex 3. Mr. McCann gave {to} the unjuicy class homework for
their totally unnecessary senseless chatter that frustrated all
the teachers throughout the day.
Note: if the word to or for comes before what you think is
the indirect object, the word is not an indirect object but part
of the prepositional phrase. If you don’t why this is so, ask
the creators of English.
How – to find the indirect object, you must
first find the direct object by asking the verb, “Yo verb, what are
you [verb] – ing?”
Then ask the direct object you just found, “What or who are you
being [verb] – ed for/to?
 Let’s try it! Underline the direct object and circle the indirect object in
the following sentences.
A. Vince bought his dad a new wallet.
B. The teacher gave the class unipillars.
C. Joe stole himself $1,000,000 from the bank instead of going on Who
Wants to be a Millionaire.
D. The farmer grew the local restaurant some very delicious tomatoes.
E. We saw the stars clearly with our new telescope.
Now, let’s do Mad Libs. If you do not know what Mad Libs
are, well that’s just too bad.
Use carrots (^) to insert indirect objects into the sentences.
The pastry chef baked an enchanting unicorn casserole.
The teacher bought food from Del Taco.
Anton Pavlovsky wrote a letter.
Oppenheimer made the first atomic taco.
My very eager pet toucan served nine pancakes.