Transcript Slide 1

Land Re-Use Program
Ms. Debbie Conrad
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky
International Airport
Noise Abatement Programs Coordinator
Kenton County Airport Board
P.O. Box 752000
Cincinnati, OH 75275-2000
Ph: (859) 767-7021
Fax: (859) 767-4818
[email protected]
Completed Product
 Original Land Re-Use Plan submitted in 1999
 CVG was one of eleven airports included in
the OIG Audit (Sept 2005)
 Request from FAA ADO (June 2006) to submit:
 Parcel Map detailing AIP funded land with noise
contour overlay
 Additional request from FAA ADO (August
2006) to also submit:
 Detailed Parcel Cost Reports
 Completed Land Re-Use Program Report was
submitted to the FAA ADO in January 2007.
Land Re-Use Report
 Written Report provides Purpose and Background of
Noise Programs and Re-Use Plan explanations.
 Land Re-Use Property Map includes;
 All properties purchased by the Board as part of noise mitigation
or airport development program
 Parcels with avigation easements (exception sound insulation
parcels in subdivisions)
 Parcels purchased by the Board and then later re-sold for
compatible use
 2011 Noise Compatibility Plan Contour
 2025 Future Airport Layout Plan
Land Re-Use Plan
 Detailed Spreadsheets include 379 parcels (approx. 710
acres) of property acquired for noise mitigation using AIP
 Parcels were color coded for each proposed re-use plan
 Purple – parcels have been re-designated as future airport
development land (151 parcels totaling 401.462 acres)
 Green – parcels have been designated for continued use as
noise compatibility (225 parcels totaling 303.3081 acres)
 Blue – parcels have been re-sold or partially re-sold to a third
party for a compatible use (3 parcels totaling 5.4502 acres)
 CVG has correctly accounted for revenues from the sales of noise
Report Challenges
Gathering the data from multiple sources is a very
time consuming process.
Used CVG’s Exhibit A Map (Auto CAD)
Determine which parcels were purchased using AIP monies
Added color coding to AIP parcels
Added noise contour overlay (Part 150 Update)
Added future potential development (Master Plan Update)
Combine parcel data from multiple program databases
Incorporate detailed list of all costs incurred for each
Eligible costs versus total costs
Grant numbers (multiple grants per parcel)
Unanswered Questions
Which Noise Exposure Map should be used
(existing NEM or future NCP) for noise
Do we use 65 DNL or 75 DNL for retaining land
needed for noise compatibility?
FAA Policy & Guidance specifically defines the areas of
“Significant Noise Exposure” to be those areas within
the 65 DNL.
Can CVG retain land for Potential Future Aviation
2006 Baseline NEM
FAR Part 150 Update
2011 NEM / NCP
FAR Part 150 Update
2025 Master Plan Study
North-South Runway
Concourse D
East-West Runway
• Alternate Location
2025 Master Plan Study
• 1996 Airport Layout
Challenges of Land Disposal
specific to CVG
Most parcels are less than an acre in size
Many parcels are not contiguous
Current zoning is agricultural and/or residential
CVG has no zoning authority
Lack of infrastructure to support commercial
and/or industrial (compatible uses)
Volatile Real Estate market (currently a down
Zoned A-2 & RS
Other Issues
 The FAA cannot treat all airports the same.
 Airports have an investment of at least 20% of the costs of
each parcel and therefore should have input in the re-use
 Selling unimproved / raw land could go for much less than
what has been invested into it. Should the FAA and CVG
take that big of a loss on our investment?
 Other geographic and legal constraints
 Subdivision restrictions
 Potential law suits by neighboring property owners for the blighting
of their property.
 What to do with land in rural areas with no future potential for
industrial or commercial use?
 Need to streamline the process of creating future plan
updates (GIS based system with linked database)
Completed Product