The Electric Utility Industry

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The Electric Utility Industry

by Ian M. Torrens and Kurt E. Yeager Summary by Sean Perry

Overview Corporate Stewardship Environmental practices of EEI Importance of measurement and communication Criticisms of electricity Opportunities for improvement Promising electrical technologies Ways of preventing pollution

Corporate Stewardship New emphasis on sustainable development Public concern over climate changes Investor concerns over future liability Efforts to improve public image Increasing environmental regulations

Six Imperatives for Environmental Management (Hedstrom and McLean, 1993) Clearly define policy Utilize good measurement Establish dialogue with stake-holders Question “business as usual” Satisfy all stake-holders Integrate stewardship into all decisions

Edison Electric Institute Practices Corporate environmental commitment Environmental measurement, reporting Pollution prevention and waste minimization Employee training and responsibility Proactive environmental stewardship

Importance of Clear and effective communication to middle-management and other employees Clearly integrated into all other corporate goals Employee training on environmental matters Employee input on stewardship practices

Importance of Measurement Set clear goals for waste/emissions Allows industry standard Environmental Performance Indicators Materials used Number of environmental accidents Energy used CO 2 Water consumed Waste streams Water effluents Percentage of waste recycled Product impact during use Emissions of other air pollutants Expenditure on env. protection Total resource use Environment based liabilities Percentage of recycled materials used

Criticisms of Electricity Air, water, soil pollution Safety and (nuclear) waste disposal Health impacts of exposure to EM fields Greenhouse gas emissions

Opportunities for Improvement Switching to cleaner primary energy sources Improving efficiency of generation, delivery, and use Reducing pollution through better control of byproducts Substituting electrical technologies for those currently using fossil fuels

Beneficial Electrification Emerging “electrotechnologies” may prove environmentally cleaner than alternatives Numerous applications developing over the next twenty years New business opportunities for sustainable development

Technology Examples Industry: Infrared Heating, Electric-arc Furnace, Ultrasound Textile Dyeing Waste/Water Treatment: Ozonation, Electron-beam Disinfection, Desalination Medical Waste Treatment: Electropyrolysis, Microwave treatment, Plasma processing

Transportation Electric vehicles more efficient Greatly reduces noise pollution Legislation requires increased production of EV’s within the next few years Ten times cleaner than the most efficient gasoline-powered car Electric rail transportation also holds great promise for public transportation

Pollution Prevention Use of high volume byproducts in construction applications Recycling antifreeze via re-distillation and reconstitution Reducing use of cleaning chemicals and/or processing the chemicals for reuse in other applications Using contaminated soil in asphalt Recycling used solvents Seeking alternative, non-toxic paints and paint removal techniques Composting bio-fouling waste to reduced volume

Life-Cycle Cost Management Base decisions on the costs associated with entire life cycle of materials Effective waste accounting methodology Using full-cost accounting to price products according to their total environmental cost

Conclusions Electricity can help achieve sustainable development Versatility gives electricity distinct advantages Currently emerging technologies will assist the growth and cleanliness of the industry Responsibility for electricity providers

The Electric Utility Industry

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Results of Industrial Evolution The Good The Bad The Ugly

Dreaming Out Loud

Sometimes deserves laughing out loud The end of the rope?

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What did they

Put your money where your mouth is If you shoot from the hip, sometimes you shoot your foot…

Concluding Remarks

Idealistic Provides Direction and Inspiration Update for the Times Stay Focused

Questions ?