Module 7: Office Discipline Referral Forms

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Transcript Module 7: Office Discipline Referral Forms

Module 7: Office Discipline
Referral Forms &
Classroom Behavior
Tracking Forms
Office Discipline Referral (ODR)
• In formatting the referral form, you must make sure to
answer the following questions:
• Clarity on the referral form takes the guess work out of
the data entry person’s job
• Data will be more reliable and accurate as
judgement calls are minimized
Compatible Referral Form
The following categories must be included on
the form:
•Student’s Name
•Time of Incident
•Student’s Teacher (optional)
•Student’s Grade Level
•Referring Staff
•Location of Incident
•Problem Behavior
•Possible Motivation
•Others Involved
•Administrative Decision*
•Other Comments
•No more than 3 extra
* Will be discussed in a future
Characteristics of a SWIS III
Compatible Referral Form
Student’s Name
Time of Incident
Student’s Teacher
• Student’s Grade Level
• Referring Staff
• Location of Incident
•Problem Behavior
•Possible Motivation
•Others Involved
•Other Comments
•No more than 3 extra
* Will be discussed in a
future module
Developing the ODR
County required form
The form is not filled
out correctly
Create a
supplemental form
with additional
Re-train faculty or
return to faculty to fill
out completely before
Module 7: Office
Discipline Referral Forms
and Classroom Behavior
Tracking Forms.
Minor Infraction Report
Student Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
HR Teacher
Race Date
Incident Location: (Circle One)
1. Bathroom/Restroom
9. Library
2 Bus Ramp
10. Office
3. Cafeteria
11. Bus #___
4. Classroom
12. Other
5. Commons/Common Area
13. Playground
6. Gymnasium
Incident Type: (Circle One)
1. Dress Code
6. Harassment/Tease/Bully
2. Inappropriate Lang.
7. Property Damage
3. Disruption
8. Forgery/Theft
4. Defiance/Disrespect 9. Chewing Gum
5. Lying/Cheating
10. Other ____________
Intervention: (All that Apply)
1. Student Conference______ 6. Phone Parent_______
2. Re-teach Expectation
7. Peer Mediation______
3. Seating Change
8. Parent Conference______
4. Letter to Parent______
9. Curricular Modification
Referring Teacher
Possible Motivation: (Circle One)
1. Avoid Adult
5. Obtain Adult Attention
2. Avoid Peers
6. Obtain Items/Activities
3. Avoid Task/Activities 7. Obtain Peer Attention
4. Don’t Know
8. Other
Expectation Violated: (Circle One)
Respectful Responsible Ready to Learn
Incident Description:_________________________
10. Time Out
14. Student
11. Loss of Class Privilege
12. Refer to Guidance
13. Sent to Rm. #__________
(Please sign and return to school)
Parent Signature_______________________________
Goal of the Tracking Form
Collect data that are necessary to identify
effective ways of changing inappropriate
classroom behavior (minor) before it
results in an office discipline referral
Classroom Tracking Forms
• Classroom behaviors take up considerable
amounts of teacher time that could be
better spent on instruction
• Forms assist in identifying the pattern of
behavior and determining interventions that
will be most effective for the student(s)
•When does a recurring behavior become a major?
• Same behavior (3 minors = 1 major)
• From one particular teacher
• Suggested time frame ( 3minors within 4 weeks)
•Used as a tool to identify patterns of behavior
• When are the behaviors occurring? (math, transition)
• What are the recurring behaviors?
• What are the classroom interventions that have been used? Are these
interventions working or does something else need to be utilized?
• Why is the behavior occurring? (motivation, example: Johnny rips up his
math sheet and is given time out and gets out of his work. He always
gets to avoid doing his math work)
Reflection Questions
Answer these questions about your SW-PBS team:
1. Does your referral form have the following. "Yes" or "No" for each part.
a. Student's Name?
b. Student's Ethnicity?
c. Grade Level?
d. Date?
e. Time?
f. Referring Staff?
g .Incident Type?
h. Location?
i. Motivation?
j. Others Involved?
k. Administrative Decision?
Reflection Questions
Answer these questions about your SW-PBS team:
2. Does the staff at your school consistently fill out the form
correctly? If no, provide some suggestions for ways to retrain
the staff.
3. Does your school use a minor or classroom behavior tracking
4. If you answered "Yes" to question 3:
-are staff consistently using the form?
-are staff correctly using the form?
If you answered "No" to either part of 4a. What are some
suggestions for retraining your staff on using the minor form?
You have completed Florida's PBS Project
School-wide Positive Behavior Support
Module 7: Office Discipline Referral Forms
and Classroom Behavior Tracking Forms.
If you would like a certificate of completion
please print this page.