Transcript Unit 18

Unit 18
Home Gardening
Analyze family needs for a garden.
Determine the best location.
Establish a perennial garden.
Prepare the soil and plants.
Protect the garden.
Harvesting and storing produce.
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Unit 18 Home Gardening
Read Unit 18
Take notes from powerpoint
Define Terms – Page 361
Complete Student activities on page 374 –
1-5 and 7
• Complete Self Evaluation on page 375-376
– Write questions and answers
• Test on Unit 18 on April 1st and April 4th.
The Need for a Garden
• Follow this good rule of thumb:
– Garden plot 10 feet wide by 26 feet
long for a family of four.
• List the family’s favorite flowers,
fruits, and vegetables.
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Location of the Garden
Convenient to the house
Accessible to water
Good well-drained soil
Sunny area
© 2005 Thomson Delmar Learning. All rights reserved.
Preparing the Soil
• To make the soil loose and well-drained add
organic matter to virgin soils. The rule of thumb
is ONE POUND of dry organic material per
SQUARE FOOT of soil.
• Turn the soil to break up clods.
• For soils that need drainage, make furrows or a
raised bed.
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Annuals, Biennials, Perennials
• Annuals—plant’s life cycle is completed in
one year.
• Biennials—plant takes two growing seasons
to complete its life cycle.
• Perennials—plants that live from year to
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Cultural Practices
• Weeding
– Chemical weeding by using HERBICIDES
• Watering
– Rule of thumb: 1 inch of water per week to a
depth of 6 inches.
• Protection from pests
– Rotate crops.
– Keep plants healthy by fertilizing, watering,
and keeping out weeds.
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Harvesting and Storage
• Harvesting
– Read and learn the maturity level of the
specific crop being grown
• Storage
– Warm storage
– Cool storage
– Canning
– Freezing
– Drying
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Early Start in the Garden
• Cold frames—bottomless wooden
box with a sloping glass roof
• Hotbeds—a cold frame with a heat
• Greenhouses—controlled light and
temperature environment
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