World History Chapter 13 On-line Study Sections 1, 2, & 3

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Transcript World History Chapter 13 On-line Study Sections 1, 2, & 3

World History
Chapter 13 On-line Study
Sections 1, 2, & 3
Woodridge High School
Mr. Hearty & Mr. Bellisario
Table of Contents
• Section 1 Japan Modernizes
• Section 2 Southeast Asia and the Pacific
• Section 3 Self-Rule for Canada, Australia,
and New Zealand
Question #1
The ___________
opened up
Japanese ports to
American ships.
• Treaty of Tojo
• Treaty of Kanagawa
• Treaty of Tokyo
Question #2
The ___________ was
a period of reform
from 1868 to 1912.
• Emperor’s rebellion
• Honshu reform
• Meiji restoration
Question #3
The Kawasaki family is
an example of a
• Anatawa
• zaibatsu
• Ohayou gozaimasu
Question #4
Japan was able to
modernize rapidly
partly because it
was a
• homogeneous
• Heterogeneous
• Mixed society
Question #5
During the
Japan defeated
Russian troops in
• Sino-Japanese War.
• Russo-Japanese War
• Moscow-Tokyo War
Question #6
By the 1800s Japan was weakened by…
• industrial pollution.
• economic problems.
• conquest by China.
Question #7
The Meiji reformers were determined to…
• strengthen Japan against the West.
• overthrown the emperor.
• close Japan to the West.
Question #8
Despite Meiji reforms, women in Japan
• still assigned a secondary role in society.
• granted more political rights.
• not allowed to get an education.
Question #9
One reason Japan felt they needed to
expand their empire was…
• to gain respect from China.
• to give the navy something to do.
• a lack of natural resources.
Question #10
Development in colonial Korea mostly
• China.
• Japan.
• United States.
Question #11
French holdings in Southeast Asia.
• Philippines
• French Indochina
• French Burma
Question #12
Modernized Siam in the
late 1800s.
• Queen Liliuokalani
• Chulalongkorn
• King Simon Lo
Question #13
Overthrown by
American planters in
• Queen Liliuokalani
• Chulalongkorn
• King Simon Lo
Question #14
Led Filipino nationalists
• Emilio Aguinaldo
• Victor Fernandez
• Eduardo Pena
Question #15
Britain expanded its empire in Southeast
Asia to include…
• Vietnam.
• Burma and the Malay peninsula.
• Burma and Laos.
Question #16
Vietnamese officials tried to suppress
Christianity by...
• converting to Confucianism.
• killing converts and French missionary
• outlawing missions.
Question #17
Siam remained independent partly because
its rulers…
• did not modernize.
• did not underestimate western power.
• did not accept unequal treaties.
Question #18
The industrial powers were first interested in the
Pacific islands as…
• supply bases for whaling ships.
• land for growing Western populations.
• sites for mining operations.
Question #19
American sugar
planters asked the
United States to
• Samoa.
• the Philippines.
• Hawaii.
Question #20
Filipino rebels expected the United States to
recognize their independence because…
• they were promised so.
• Britain supported them.
• they had helped fight the Spanish.
Question #21
Canada’s first prime
minister, encouraged
expansion across
the continent.
• Lord Chamberland
• John Macdonald
• Douglas Smith
Question #22
The Aborigines were the _____________
inhabitants in Australia.
• foreign
• second
• indigenous
Question #23
Australia was originally established as a
• British luxury travel location
• location for good raw materials
• penal colony
Question #24
Ranchers carved out huge sheep ranches in
the Outback and displaced the
• Aleuts
• Maoris
• Aborigines
Question #25
The ____________ were descendants of
seafaring people from Polynesia.
• Aleuts
• Maoris
• Aborigines
Question #26
Why did Britain pass the Canada Act in
• to unite the provinces
• to ease ethnic tensions
• to close down the Catholic Church
Question #27
What effect did westward expansion have on
Native Americans in Canada?
• It destroyed their way of life.
• It expanded their land holdings.
• It granted them more freedom.
Question #28
Australia’s population boomed with the 1851
discovery of…
• good pasture land.
• oil.
• gold.
Question #29
How did independent Australia keep its ties to
• by importing exclusively from Britain
• by recognizing the British monarch as head of
• by keeping women from voting
Question #30
What was one way that New Zealand was a
pioneer in democratic government?
• first to grant women’s suffrage
• first to introduce the secret ballot
• first to have a prime minister