The Byzantine Empire

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The Byzantine Empire
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Growth of the Byzantine Empire
• Many leaders in the empire tried to revive
the power and glory of the Roman Empire.
– Justinian ruled from 527-565 AD.
– He lead the revival of the empire and is
known as one of the greatest emperors.
Justinian Code
• One of Byzantines
greatest accomplishment.
• Justinian ordered that
scholars to collect the
laws of Rome.
• The code was divided
into four parts.
• Formed the basis for
many Europeans legal
– And is the basis for English
Civil law.
Able Advisors
• One of Justinian's best
advisors was his wife---Theodora.
– Helped change the laws
that affected the status of
– Altered divorce laws to give
better benefit to women.
– Allowed women to own
property equal to the valve
of their DOWRY.
• Dowry -- money of goods
a wife brought to a
husband at marriage
Strength of the Empire
• The Byzantine had an all powerful emperor and strong
central government.
• They were clever diplomats.
– They created alliances through marriages with foreign powers.
• Their army was very well trained and were equipped
– Created GREEK FIRE … like napalm
• The Byzantine were able to control trade between Asia
and Europe.
– Controlled the Bosporus Strait
– Goods from England to China came in and out of
The Christian Church
• The Early Christian
Church was divided into
East and West.
– Two leaders
• The Pope in the West.
The Patriarch in the East
• They did not agree on
church practices.
• One of the major
differences was the role of
Icons in the church.
– The Byzantines were
iconoclasts -- did not
believe in having icons in
the church
The Christian Church
The Pope disagree with
iconoclast. He believed that this
was heresy.
– Heresy -- An opinion that conflicts
with official church beliefs.
They were threatened with
excommunication. Person can’t
be a member of the church
This cause a lot of friction.
Eventually the two churches split.
– The Western Church became the
Roman Catholic Church lead by
the Pope.
– The Eastern Church became the
Eastern Orthodox Church lead by
the Patriarch
Byzantine Culture
• Religion was the main
subject in Byzantine
• Many of the mosaics
covered the churches.
– Mosaic-- a picture or
design made from
small pieces of
enamel, glass or stone
– Artist didn’t try to
imitate reality.
Decline of the Empire
• After Justinian died, the empire
lost many wars against the
Persians to the east and the
Germanic tribe to the west
• During 1000 AD the Seljuk
Turks most of Asia Minor.
– The Western Empire helped to
regain some power back from
the Turks.
• The Ottoman eventually took
control of the empire in 1453
with the capture of
Constantinople. The
Byzantine Empire Ended.