Technical Report Writing

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Transcript Technical Report Writing

Technical Report Writing  Purpose of Report Writing  Structure of Report Writing  Layout of Report Writing 1

Purpose of Report Writing

 A technical report is a set of coherent information on a subject matter transmitted to a group of people.

 A report should be easy to read and it has verifiable facts.

 Your report contains applicable information and is not a historical repository.


Purpose of Report Writing

 The experimental report enhances the readers knowledge and interests.

 Render the accuracy and reliability of the measurements in your experiment and be able to link it to the related theory.

 Be able to demonstrate the order and coherence in your experiment results.


Structure of Report Writing

 The cover page – Title, Author, Date, and Class Name.

 Experiment Objective – Explain the experiment purpose and reveal the heart of the matter.

 Experiment Description – Describe the important aspects of the experiment.


Structure of Report Writing

 Equipment and the materials used in the experiment.

 Team members name and their roles.

 Experiment Results – Make note of your observations, and unexpected experimental behavior.


Structure of Report Writing

 Sequence your results that can be used in a table or graph. Indicate the accuracy of the result.

 Take some images of the experiment and include them in your writing with clear marking.


Structure of Report Writing

 Calculation – Include the calculation and indicate the accuracy.  Extract pertinent information from your graphs or tables.

 Indicate the type of theory used in the calculation.


Structure of Report Writing

 Results – Indicate any discussion concerning your results and draw a logical meaning and some relevance that may impact the conclusion.

 Compare your results with theories used to guide your experiment.

 List your symbols, graphs, and tables.


Structure of Report Writing

 Appendices – Put your extra graphs, tables, pictures, computer prints-out, formulas derivations, process and data sheets, and some details work in the appendices.


Layout of Report Writing

 Basic Layout – Each chapter starts with a new page, title, and chapter number.

 Margins – Use standard margins.

 Graphs & Tables – Put their explanation under them.


Layout of Report Writing

 Paragraph – Arrange and organize your information in logical paragraph.

 Numbering – Use the enumerated decimal numbers to number sections of your write-up.

 Formula – All formula should have numbers with reference to their chapters. For example,




)   

t t

1 2 2


t dt

( 2 .

1 ) 11

Layout of Report Writing

 Tables – Each table has a number and if many tables appear in a chapter, use the decimal numbering.

 Figures – Any non-text materials are figures and should be numbered. All the figures have concise and short information.

 Figures should be close to the related text information.


Layout of Report Writing

 Appendices – Include appendices at the end of the report but give a reference in the table of content.

 Tables – Put above or under the table a brief description.

 Tables – Use a vertical table to make it easier to read. Use the repeated information in the table headings.


Layout of Report Writing

 Graphs – Have a Title, Axes name, Legends, and Units for the graph. The graph numbering is either with an integer or decimal value and is placed under the graph.

 Lines – Use smooth lines to plot your graph. Use different line colors for comparison or repeating the same experiment with different methods.


Layout of Report Writing

 Literature List – Cite the author initial, last name and a number in the [ ] for your reading research. For example, “Catapult is used to kill the Demon by [Dan R. Brwon 10].”  Page Number – Indicate the page number of the book that you obtained the information.


Layout of Report Writing

 Books – Author full name, title, year published, volume number, list the first and last pages, and edition.

 Journal articles – Authors, Article title, Place, Name of the journal, Number, Year, Volume number, First and Last page of the article are quoted in between brackets.


Have Fun With Report Writing.