Rhodes Scholarship Information Session

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Rhodes Scholarship Information Session
Wednesday, March 26, at 5:00 p.m.
Toldo 203
The Rhodes Scholarship:
The Most Significant of Many
 There are many significant national and international student
scholarships available that support post-graduate study:
The Rhodes
The Chevening
The Gates Cambridge
The Fulbright
The Frank Knox
The Mackenzie King
 These awards take years to prepare for. We are here today to
initiate that process, for some of you; and for others, we are here to
invited you to consider applying this summer for the Rhodes
 If you hope to apply in future, please identify yourselves to us. We’re
eager to help you.
The 3M-STLHE Award
A National Canadian Award
 The STLHE offers a $5,000 prize to a select list of undergraduate
student leaders.
 Consider their backgrounds. Is this something you could aspire to?
 http://www.stlhe.ca/awards/3m-national-studentfellowship/20143mnsf/
The Rhodes Scholarship for
 The Rhodes Scholarships are graduate awards
supporting outstanding all-round students at the University of
Oxford, and providing transformative opportunities for exceptional
 Established in 1903 under the will of Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes is
the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international graduate
scholarship program in the world. A class of 83 Scholars is selected
each year from Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong,
India, Jamaica and Commonwealth Caribbean, Kenya, New
Zealand, Pakistan, Southern Africa (including South Africa,
Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, and Swaziland), United
States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Rhodes’ Vision
• To develop outstanding
leaders who would be
motivated to fight 'the world's
fight' and to 'esteem the
performance of public duties
as their highest aim', and to
promote international
understanding and peace.
About Oxford & Rhodes
 At Oxford, the oldest university in the English-speaking world,
Rhodes Scholars join just over 20,000 students from more than 140
countries currently studying at the University, and are enriched by
the stimulating and rigorous education and the vibrant cultural and
community life.
 Rhodes alumni interviews:
 http://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/page/shona-brown
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLqVUl_Hlo4&feature=player_embedded
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVsS8zZIVvE&feature=player_embedded#at
• Rhodes House, Oxford, is the home of the Rhodes
Scholarships and the Rhodes Trust
• Rhodes House welcomes lectures, seminars,
conferences, dinners and other events
• The Rhodes House Library is home to the Bodleian
Library of Commonwealth & African Studies
'Glimpses of Rhodes' videos
Our Rhodes Scholar:
Josh Chauvin
• Bachelor of Arts [H]-Philosophy and Psychology
• Other information:
– Published research on artificial neural networks, volunteer with the Canadian
Mental Health Association, produced and directed a film entitled “I Am Not AIDS”
with the help of the AIDS Committee of Windsor
– Volunteer at Windsor Pride
– Established a new student organization called Student Filmmakers as Social
Advocates which is currently working on a documentary to highlight mental
illness stigmatization
• Josh’s current bio’s and contact information:
– http://www.psy.ox.ac.uk/team/students/joshua-chauvin
– http://mindyourheadoxford.org/about.html#whoweare
– Email: [email protected]
What costs does a Rhodes
Scholarship cover?
• All University and College fees
• The University application fee
• A personal stipend which is fixed by the
Trustees (£13,390 in 2013-14)
• Private health insurance
• One economy class airfare to Oxford at the start
of the scholarship and one economy flight back
to the student's home country at the conclusion
of the scholarship
What costs does a Rhodes
Scholarship cover?
• Scholars come into
residence in Oxford in
October of the year
following their
What course of study?
• Rhodes Scholars come from many academic
backgrounds and pursue a wide variety of
courses at Oxford. The Scholarship is more
accurately viewed as an investment in a person
of remarkable promise than support for a
particular course of study. Applicants should
study the University of Oxford’s course offerings
to determine the degree for which they would
Four Selection Criteria
Cecil Rhodes’ will outlines four criteria to be used in the election of
1. literary and scholastic attainments
2. energy to use one's talents to the full
3. truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of
the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship
4. moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an
interest in one's fellow beings.
In short, Rhodes Scholarship selection committees will be seeking
young women and men of outstanding intellect, character,
leadership, and commitment to service. The Rhodes
Scholarships support students who demonstrate strong propensity
to emerge as 'leaders for the world’s future'.
How to Apply
• The first stage of the application process
consists of a written portfolio, including:
– A personal statement of 900 words setting forth your
general interests, activities, and aspirations; reasons
for wishing to study a particular course of study at
Oxford; and vision as to future endeavour.
– Curriculum vitae (resume) listing your principal
commitments and honours while at university,
including scholarships, prizes, awards, leadership
positions held, athletic record, and extracurricular
interests and activities.
• By October 1 of the year following election
– a minimum age limit is 18
– a maximum age limit is 26 for Canadian
candidates (28 in some other countries)
• The Rhodes Scholarship may not be deferred
How to Apply
– University transcript, listing all courses and grades,
certified by the University's Registrar's Office
– The names and contact details for six referees, who
will be asked by the regional selection committee to
write a letter assessing your qualification for the
award. At least four of these letters must be academic
in nature, testifying to your scholastic achievements
and intellectual potential.
– A written statement from the President of your
university endorsing your candidacy for the
How to Apply
– Photocopy of a birth certificate or other
government-issued evidence of age
(notarized with English translation, if
necessary). To be eligible for the 2015
Rhodes Scholarship, a candidate must have
been born between October 2, 1990, and
October 1, 1996.
– A digital or scanned head and shoulders
How Important Is the Personal
• Very!
• The requirements vary by country
• The personal statement is your chance to tell your story:
who are you? what matters to you? what are you hoping
to do in the world?
• This essay gives you the opportunity to cast the
overarching narrative for the selection committee
• It is crucial that you give a clear statement of what you
wish to study at Oxford and why
What Should I Expect of the
• Selection committees are made up of
Rhodes Scholars and community leaders
from diverse backgrounds.
• The interview is of core importance as it is
here that selection committees have the
opportunity to weigh up a candidate's
depth of engagement, accomplishments,
and aspirations.
What Should I Expect of the
• The interview will therefore be wideranging in nature, designed to test
candidates' intellectual skills and
reasoning ability, but also to reveal their
character, core commitments, and
potential to make a positive contribution to
Can Married Students Apply?
• Yes
• Applicants should bear in mind, however, that
the Scholarship stipend is sufficient only for one
person, and that the Trust takes no financial
responsibility for the support of a Scholar's
spouse. Rhodes House, Oxford, warmly
welcomes the partners of Rhodes Scholars, who
are invited to all Rhodes events.
Class of 2014
• http://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/homepagerotation/meet-the-rhodes-scholars-elect-class-of-2014
Rhodes News
• http://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/page/rhodese-news
• Five different Canadian Rhodes newsletters are
available here:
• http://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/search?keywo
Next Steps
• Review the Rhodes Scholarship web page
• Chat with Clayton Smith, Simon du Toit, or faculty
members in your program of study
• Decide if you wish to pursue Rhodes this year, or in a
future year
• During the summer draft a letter of interest that speaks
to how you meet Rhodes’ criteria
• Submit your letter no later than August 1, 2014 to
Student & International Affairs, 117 CAW Students
Our Selection Process
• Review all letters of interest
• Interview top candidates (top candidates will be
invited to an interview preparation workshop)
• Make a recommendation to the President
• President selects University of Windsor nominee
Application Package
• Needs to be filed with the Rhodes online
application system using a code provided by the
Office of Student Awards & Financial Aid
• Anticipated date: early October