Skills and Techniques

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Intermediate 2
& Higher Physical Education
Skills and Techniques
Starter Task
Complete the table below
Stages of Skill
Methods of Practice
Principles of
effective practice
Lesson objectives…
Complete starter task on programme of work
Model Answer Jigsaw puzzle for describing programme of work
Monitoring and reviewing programme of work
How has our performance developed
Mark model answer
Answer to Starter Task
Stages of Skill
Methods of Practice
Principles of
effective practice
Cognitive Stage
Shadow Practice
Work/rest ratio
VERBAL feedback.
VISUAL feedback
Associative Stage
Repetition Drills
Combination Drills
Pressure Drills
Work/rest ratio
VERBAL feedback.
INTRINSIC feedback
Conditioned Games
Work/rest ratio
WRITTEN feedback.
Describing Programme of Work
Jigsaw puzzle for describing programme of work
In pairs put the jigsaw together to create a model answer which describes the programme of
work that you followed to develop your overhead clear.
Review model answer and consider whether there is any content missing (click here for answer)
Common Int 2 / Higher Question
Describe the programme of work that you followed to develop a skill or technique.
Developed OHC using gradual build up. Programme of work had five stages. Stages got
progressively more difficult as performance/stage of skill learning progressed. Various levels
within stage, each level had success criteria...achieve necessary success criteria before
Section 1:
Planning/Cognitive stage...shadow practice. Undertook various drills. Describe
drills… consider... feedback... Progression
Section 2:
As level of performance and stage of skill learning improve alter method of practice. At
practice/associative stage use repetition, combination and pressure drills.
Describe drills… consider... feedback... Progression.. Work to rest ratio… Success
Section 3:
Last of five stages... conditioned games. Played opponents of similar ability. Games
had slightly different conditions to encourage overhead clear.
Monitoring and Reviewing Programme of work
Monitoring and Reviewing Programme of work
Think... Pair...
Review your data gathering booklet
Discuss the principles of effective practice –What are they? What is the anagram we use?
Thinking of the two points above, create a plan describing how you would monitor and review your
programme of work.
You may be asked to share your plan with the class
How has our performance developed
Common Int 2 / Higher Question
Describe how your performance of specific skill/technique has changed
Describe how you reassessed your performance using all three specific observation schedules under the
same conditions. Explain briefly why it was important to retest under same conditions.
Explain the improvements shown in
Hoop Test – improved accuracy
Scatter Diagram – more at rear of court, better use of space
Movement analysis observation schedule – how has performance improved at Preparation, Action, Recovery stages
Describe how your performance has altered during competitive games what are you now more able to do
that you couldn’t previously.
Outmanoeuvre opponent – play shuttle front to back
Tactically link overhead clear with other shots
Use overhead clear as defensive shot when under pressure
When opponent is close to net – play flat attacking overhead clear
At autonomous stage – subroutine automatoc - can focus on shot placement and disguise
Explain that when you re-assessed overall performance using stroke effectiveness observation schedule you
identified a new development need.
Name the skill that you have identified as new development need.
Explain that because you can perform the OHC automatically does not mean you are at the autonomous
stage for all skills.
Peer Marking Task
Read the model answer that describes how your performance of the overhead clear changed
after undertaking a programme of work to develop it. (click here to see model answer)
Description of how reassessed performance
Explain why carried out tests under same conditions
Describes improved performance in all three tests – discus test results
Links improved performance in tests to in game performance
Gives examples of how overall badminton performance has improved
Identify new development need