That`s why Barker barked!

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Transcript That`s why Barker barked!

Orange Line 2

Unit 2 What a week! – That’s why Barker barked!

Unit 2 What a week! – That’s why Barker barked!

What are they saying? Write a title for the picture.

Blatt 1

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! Check your answers.

– That’s why Barker barked!

In the new department store.

Blatt 2 I want to look at clothes.

Let’s go with Emma.

I’d like to go to the hairdresser upstairs.

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! – That’s why Barker barked!

What are they saying? Write a title for the picture.

Blatt 3

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! Check your answers. – That’s why Barker barked!

Blatt 4 Where is he? It’s cold and I’m hungry.

I want to go home.

Maybe he went to a different store.

Or maybe he went home.

Where is Terry?

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! – That’s why Barker barked!

What are they saying? Write a title for the picture.

Blatt 5

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! Check your answers.

– That’s why Barker barked!

I’m in the toilet. I can’t jump. It’s too high. Can you help me?

Blatt 6 Look! There’s a big box over there.

You can jump onto that.

That’s why Barker barked! But let’s go home now.

Behind the shop

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! – That’s why Barker barked!

What are they saying? Write a title for the picture.

Blatt 7

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! Check your answers.

– That’s why Barker barked!

I saw this young man on the TV Blatt 8 at my desk.

But I was in the toilet when the shop closed.

But I’d like to check all your bags. Please come with us.

In trouble

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! – That’s why Barker barked!

What are they saying? Write a title for the picture.

In the store detective ’s office Blatt 9

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Unit 2 What a week! Check your answers.

– That’s why Barker barked!

In the store detective ’s office Blatt 10 OK. You can go home now.

I think the kids are OK, Matt. I ’m sure I think the kids are OK, Matt.

their story is true.

I’m sure their story is true.

© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |

Tafelbildinfo Tafelbildinfo What a week! – That’s why Barker barked !

Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 Alle Rechte vorbehalten

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That’s why Barker barked!

(Unit 2, Story) eingesetzt werden. Den S wird zunächst das erste Bild der Geschichte sowie die dazugehörige Tonaufnahme präsentiert. Anschließend sind die S aufgefordert, einen Titel für die dargestellte Szene zu finden und die vorgegebenen Sprechblasen auszufüllen. Die nachfolgenden vier Bilder der Geschichte werden in gleicher Weise bearbeitet. Zur Ergebnissicherung kann jeweils ein Musterlösung am Whiteboard eingeblendet werden.


Illustrationen: David Norman, Meerbusch


c/p Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH Rotebühlstraße 77 70178 Stuttgart Umsatzsteuer-ID-Nr.: DE 811122363 Stuttgart HRB 10746 Verleger: Dr. h.c. Michael Klett Geschäftsführer: Thomas Baumann (Vorsitz) Ansprechpartnerin: Elke Munkelt Redaktion: Susanne Frehoff M. A.

Mediengestaltung: Anita De Das Tafelbild enthält Materialien aus Orange Line 2, CDs für den Unterricht (Klettnr. 547528). Die Mitwirkenden sind dem entsprechenden Verzeichnis zu entnehmen.

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© Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2010 |