Transcript Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The Church: Christ’s Mission Continues in the World Today

Biblical Images of the Church

Vine and the Branches  the branches need to be attached to the vine  We need to be attached to the Church Body of Christ  Just like the human body – all connected  Christ is the head  We are the members of the body

Bride of Christ  The groom loves his bride  Christ loves his Church and is faithful to it Temple  God dwells in the temple  God dwells in the Church Good Shepherd  The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep  Christ lays down his life for us ( the Church)

Leaven  When the yeast works – the bread rises  The church spreads throughout the world- for all people

5 Modern Models of the Church

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Edith Stein / Sr. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

St. Edith Stein

Born in Breslau, Germany, Edith Stein was murdered in the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz, Poland. She dedicated her life to a pursuit of truth, drawing first on her roots in Judaism. She went from adolescent agnosticism to the study of philosophy, to Catholicism and ultimately to life as a Carmelite. She served God with prayer, scholarship and dedication to her fellow human beings.

What is the Church

Origins of the Church    Began with Adam and Eve The Church was formed – covenant with Abraham Church was inaugurated – preaching of the Good News  Church was born- from the pierced heart of Christ on the Cross (St. Ambrose)

The Origins of the Church

The Church was inaugurated The Church was formed The Church was born

 Pentecost – birthday of the Church Made visible to the world Completed all covenants Jesus prepared Apostles for it Descent of the Holy Spirit  Feast of the first fruits – 50 days after Passover   Spoke many languages To Apostles and Mary   Feared arrest and death Over 3000 baptized


The Church became visible to the whole world.

The Holy Spirit came to make the Church holy and to lead her in her mission.

 Welcoming Gentiles Vision by St. Peter Apostles heard the word Council of Jerusalem – first council  Only 3 Jewish laws required Not to eat meat sacrificed to idols  Not to eat strangled animals Avoid illicit sex Required faith and baptism  Spreading the Good News Called the New Way Benefited from Roman roads

St. Paul

Saul: a tentmaker, a Pharisee, a Roman citizen, a persecutor of Christians, an educated man.

Paul: the greatest missionary for the early Church.

The Apostle to the Gentiles.

St. Paul  Had been a merchant from Tarsus      Raised as a Pharisee Persecutor Roman citizen Conversion Could speak Greek as well     3 missionary journeys Wrote letters- Epistles Arrested and charged Right to be tried in Rome   Beheaded in Rome in 67 By end of 4 th century- Christianity had become official religion of Roman Empire

Journeys and Letters of St. Paul

Proclaimed to all Gentiles  Gospel- source of truth Orally Then written  Apostles appointed Bishops as their successors – teaching authority  Christ personally chose the Apostles Appointed Peter as head – keys to the Kingdom

 Commissioned Apostles to interpret authentically God’s Word- Scripture and Tradition Extends to Pope and bishops in communion ( union) with him Magesterium – teacher- teaches with God’s authority Defines a dogma – Catholics obliged to believe

A Single Deposit of Faith

God wants everyone to be saved.

Jesus Christ is the final revelation of God.

The faith is handed on through




Mystery of the Church

Mystery of Faith- means and a goal of God’s love for us  2 essential elements  Human- the visible element Divine God’s life Church as sacrament – visible sign of invisible grace  Pilgrim Church- on a journey to God

The Mystery of the Church

Pope Paul VI called the Church “a reality filled with God’s hidden presence.” The Church is a mystery and a sacrament where the human and the divine meet.

People of God  More than an ethnic, political, or cultural group  Origin in Chosen People of Israel  Distinct characteristics Church is of God   Membership not by birth Baptism by water and the Spirit Christ is the head Holy Spirit lives within Law- love as I have loved you Mission- salt of the earth & light of the world Destiny is God’s Kingdom

 Membership is through faith  Participate in 3 offices of Christ- priest, prophet, king Priest- offers sacrifice Prophet – witness – word & action King – but not one who is served but who serves (even to his life)

The Three-fold Offices of Christ

Marks of the Church

History  Constantinople – 381 – one, holy , catholic,apostolic

The Church is One

Unity in the Trinity.

The same creed.

Jesus died to save all of us.

The Holy Spirit continues to fill each of us.

A common worship and sacraments.

Recognition of the Magisterium.

One   Source – unity in Holy Trinity Founder – Jesus  Guidance of Holy Spirit   One creed Common worship – including 7 Eastern Rite Churches  Recognition of bishops as successors of the apostles  But diverse in its unity- race, culture, language, unique gifts  One leader

 Ruptures in Church unity Dates back to St. Paul Sinfulness on both sides Heresy – denying a truth of the faith Apostacy-abandoning the faith Schism- break in the Church  Great Schism 1054 Constantinople Still many of same doctrines, sacraments, Mass, devotions Formed Orthodox Church Did not accept Pope as leader

Protestant Reformation      Martin Luther- Germany- Lutheran John Calvin – Switzerland, John Knox - Scotland Presbyterian Henry VIII – England – Anglican Church We have a great deal in common- Trinity, Bible, Prayer, Baptism, moral code, service to the needy Brothers and sisters in Christ Repairing Christian Unity- Ecumenisn  Remain faithful to own vocation      Living holy lives Common prayer with other Christians Knowledge of each other Study own faith Dialogue by theologians  Work together in service

Pray for Unity

“so that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you.”


is the name given to the efforts to build unity among all Christians.

The Church is Holy…

because she is the Body of Christ.

because the Holy Spirit dwells in her.

because of her intimate connection with God.

The way to holiness is love. We become holy through acts of penance and seeking forgiveness for our sins.

Holy  Not because of anything we do  Holiness comes from God  Ways to holiness Love Special love for children and the poor Love enemies We are a Church of sinners Steps to overcome sinfulness   Eucharist Reconciliation

Communion of Saints

On Earth - The Pilgrim Church In Purgatory - The Church Suffering In Heaven - The Church in Glory

 Communion of Saints Saints in heaven  Intercede for us   Act as models Mary- Mother of the Church Saints on earth   Pray to saints in heaven Pray for saints in purgatory Saints in Purgatory  Will be united with God  Canonization Study lives Signs from God – 2 miracles

The Church is Catholic

The Church is catholic or universal – for all people everywhere.

Although the Church is for everyone, not everyone belongs to the Church in the same way.

Other Christians do not profess the Catholic faith in totality.

Muslims share with Catholics a belief in the one Creator God, and devotion to Abraham, our Father in faith.

Catholic  Universal- for everyone  Jesus died for all  Not all belong to Church in same way Baptized and practicing Catholics Other Christians- joined to Church in many ways Jewish people- predecessors in faith Muslims- believe in 1 Creator God Those who have not heard the Good News Non Christians- shared humanity

 To the ends of the Earth Missionary mandate Americas in 16 th -17 th century   Some abuses – language, forced conversion Many stood up for the rights of the people – Junipero Serra Peter Claver- slaves in Columbia Martin de Porres – lessen evils of slavery Jesuits- preserve culture while educating Focus on social justice Local- diocese, parish In union with Magesterium

The Church is Apostolic

The Church was founded on the Apostles chosen by Jesus himself.

She continues the mission given by Jesus to the Apostles.

She teaches the same things the Apostles taught.

Her leaders are the successors of the Apostles.

Apostolic  Ministry of Apostles  Still teaches what the Apostles taught   Leaders are successors 3 degrees of Holy Orders – bishop, priest, deacon  Religious and laity  Role of Hierarchy Peter clearly made leader With Paul founded the Church in Rome Became primary Church

The Magisterium

The official teaching authority of the Church composed of the Pope and the bishops united with him.

The Magisterium teaches with Christ’s own authority.

The Holy Spirit bestows the gift of infallibility on the Magisterium when teaching doctrine or morals

ex cathedra

or in an ecumenical council.

 Magestrium- teaching authority of the Church Bishops & priests share with the Pope the authority to teach in Jesus nsme Found in documents, encyclicals, pastoral letters, homilies  Infallibility Pope is protected from error by the power of the Holy Spirit when speaking

ex cathedra ( from the chair of Peter)

on matters of Faith and Morals Also Ecumenical (worldwide) Council in union with the Pope  Religious Life Evangelical counsels- poverty, chastity, obedience May be members of hierarchy or laity

Laity and Religious

The laity includes any baptized Catholic who has not received Holy Orders, and who is not a member of a religious order. Members of religious orders take vows of chastity, obedience, and poverty.

 Laity Not 2 nd class citizens Own role as priest, prophet, king Baptized Catholic- no Holy Orders or vows

We are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.