Communication in Groups and Teams

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Communication in
Groups and Teams
Chapter 9 skipped (Personal Relationship)
1. Why are groups and teams becoming increasingly
2. How do groups and teams differ?
3. What are the potential strengths of group discussion?
4. What are the potential limits of group discussion?
5. Do groups need single leaders?
6. How can conflict enhance work in groups and teams?
7. How does communication shape group and team
Communication in Groups and Teams
Team 團隊的圖像
Communication in Groups and Teams
Communication in
Groups and Teams
Work together, or On your own?
Research found sound reasons for both
Groups (vs. Individuals)
More time to reach decisions
Superior decisions
Stimulates creativity, may suppress individuals
Communication in Groups and Teams
Groups in Daily Lives
Social groups
Provides stimulation of conversation and
Relaxed, informal, more interpersonal
Personal growth groups
Enable people to deal with issues in
supportive context
Task groups
To solve problems, achieve goals
Communication in Groups and Teams
Defining Groups & Teams
A Group
People interact
People are interdependent
Have a common goal
Share some rules of conduct
A Team
A special kind of group
1. Different & complementary resources of members
2. A strong sense of collective identity; greater
Communication in Groups and Teams
Six Kinds of Group in
Business and Civic Life (pp. 258-261)
Project teams 工作團隊
Focus group 焦點團體
Brainstorming groups 腦力激盪小組
Advisory Groups 顧問團;諮詢小組
Quality circles 改進小組;策進小組
Decision making groups 決策小組
Communication in Groups and Teams
Rules for Brainstorming
Do not evaluate ideas; no criticism.
Record ideas so everyone can see them.
Quantity; the more ideas, the better.
Build on ideas; extension.
Encourage creativity.
Communication in Groups and Teams
Agenda for Problem-solving (or
p. 262 (Figure 10.2)
Phase 1: Define the problem
Phase 2: Analyze information relevant to the problem
Phase 3: Generate criteria for assess solutions
Phase 4: Identify potential solutions
Phase 5: Select the best solution
Phase 6: Implement the solution (or recommend it)
Phase 7: Develop an action plan to monitor the
effectiveness of the solution
Communication in Groups and Teams
Potential Limitation &
Strength of Groups
Time needed
Conformity pressure
Majority opinion different from minority
One extremely charismatic member
Greater resources
More thorough thought
Heightened creativity
Enhanced commitment to decisions
Special energy that enlarges efforts, talents…of individuals
Total effects more than the sum of individual effects
Communication in Groups and Teams
Features of Small Groups (5 features)
Cohesion: closeness, spirit among member,
Cohesion grows out of communication.
3 ways to promote cohesion
Emphasize shared goals; reinforce group identity
Highlight similarity among members
Be responsive so all member feel valued
Excessive cohesion →Groupthink (ceased critical
Group size
Size affects amount and quality of communication
Larger vs. smaller groups
Five-seven, optimal (most researchers agree)
Communication in Groups and Teams
Features of Small Groups
Power structure
Power over: emphasizing status
Power to: empowering others; fostering win-win
Distributed power structure vs. Hierarchical
Social climbing: trying to increase personal status by
winning approval of higher-status member
Interaction pattern
Centralized vs. Decentralized patterns
Proxemics: communication relevant to space
Group norms
Communication in Groups and Teams
Challenges (1) (3 challenges)
Participating constructively
Four types of communication in groups (p. 269)
Task communication
Procedural communication
Climate communication
Egocentric communication (dysfunctional)
Communication in Groups and Teams
Challenges (2)
Providing leadership
Leadership is born, or made? (research found
no coherent leader traits)
Leadership, Not leader
Establish good working climate, organize
group processes, ensure substantive
discussion, and control disruptive members
Communication in Groups and Teams
Challenges (3)
Managing conflict constructively
Conflict is natural, can be productive (Ch. 3)
Disruptive (vs. Constructive conflict)
Competitive tone
Self-interested focus
Personal attack
Respect for diverse opinions
Emphasize shared goals
Cooperative focus, open climate
Communication in Groups and Teams
分享討論的過程:leadership, climate,
procedure, conflicts,…
Communication in Groups and Teams