Close Reading - Disciplinary Literacy

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Common Core State Standards and
Next Generation Science Standards
Grades 6 - 8
Disciplinary Literacy:
Close Reading of Science Texts
Agenda: Close Reading
– Welcome/Introductions
• Outcomes
– Investigate Common Core State Standards and Next
Generation Science Standards
– Close Reading
• Establishing a Definition
• Constructing a Routine
• Purpose
• Tools
• Implementing Close Reading
Close Reading
Participants will:
• Gain a working knowledge of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and
the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
• Practice and apply appropriate Close Reading strategies in various
complex texts.
• Develop a working knowledge of Close Reading in the science context.
Questions to Ponder
– What are some characteristics of an independent learner of
– What are some characteristics of a literate person in science?
– How might we move this vision forward?
Introduction to Common Core State
• (Group 1) Introduction- (p.3)
• (Groups 2 and Group 3)What are the key design
considerations and distributions? (pp.4-5)
• (Group 4) What is not covered? (p.6)
• (Group 5) What does it mean to be College and
Career Ready (CCR)? (p.7)
• (Group 6) How to read the document. (p.8)
Investigating Science Literacy:
Expectations of the CCSS
Common Core State Standards for Literacy in
Science and Technical Subjects
CCSS RST 6-8- Reading Standards
• RST.6-8.1- Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and
technical texts.
• RST.6-8.2- Determine central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an
accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions
• RST.6-8.4- Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other
domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in context and
relevant to grades 6-8.
• RST.6-8.6- Analyze the author's purpose in providing an explanation,
describing a procedure, or discussing an experiment in a text.
Next Generation Science Standards
Practices and Common Core State
How do the expectations of the Next Generation Science
Standards (NGSS) for Science & Engineering Practices
correlate with the Common Core State Standards for
Science Literacy?
Next Generation Science Standards
By grade 12, students should be able to:
• Use words, tables, diagrams, and graphs (whether in hard copy or
electronic), as well as mathematical expressions, to communicate their
understanding or to ask questions about a system under study.
• Read scientific and engineering text, including tables, diagrams, and
graphs, commensurate with their scientific knowledge and explain the key
ideas being communicated.
• Engage in a critical reading of primary scientific literature (adapted for
classroom use) or of media reports of science and discuss the validity and
reliability of the data, hypotheses, and conclusions.
• Recognize the major features of scientific and engineering writing and
speaking and be able to produce written and illustrated text or oral
presentations that communicate their own ideas and accomplishments.
Quick write
How do you envision the Next Generation Science Practices and Common
Core State Standards working together in a science classroom?
What is Reading?
“If we understand that reading is not just
‘receiving a message,’ but actively building
meaning upon prior knowledge using staged,
strategic thinking, then we will teach
Subjects Matter, Daniels & Zemelman –p.31
“To Read”
• The detective quickly reads the situation and
decides upon an appropriate response.
• The park ranger is always careful to read the
skies when escorting hikers into the
• The coach reads the opponents’ defense and
immediately adjusts the next play.
• The child tries to read his mother’s reaction
to see if he will be permitted to play with his
Close Reading
What does this term mean to you?
Close Reading
Why do students need to
close read?
Close Reading is…
close sustained reading of grade-level
appropriate complex texts to examine
their meaning thoroughly and
methodically, ultimately arriving at an
understanding of the text as a whole.
Close Reading is NOT…
• skimming for answers.
• surface processing.
• reading and forgetting.
Close Reading in CCSS
read closely
work diligently to understand precisely
ability to discern
attention to precise detail
wide, deep, and thoughtful engagement
close, attentive reading
careful attention to specific passages
close sustained reading
“read like a
read purposefully
Close Reading
• Reading to infer/interpret/draw conclusions
• Supporting arguments with evidence
• Resolving conflict with views encountered in source
• Solving complex problems
Close reading involves:
- getting “into” a text,
- going “through” a text by annotating, asking questions,
and discussing it,
- going “beyond” the text to deepen understanding.
Close Reading Behaviors
Implementing Close Reading
1. Pre-teach the vocabulary and concepts
2. Set a purpose for reading
3. Model close reading
4. Provide guided practice
5. Provide independent practice
6. Organize discussions and debates
7. Have students write about the text
Power of “Think Alouds”
Step 3: Model Close Reading
• Modeling is best accomplished by a “think aloud.”
• Modeling is a critical step in instruction.
• “Teachers have to ‘think aloud’ to demystify how to
select the best quotes, facts, and data: how to make lists
and outlines; and how, for more formal assignments, to
make adjustments…”
M. Schmoker, Focus, p. 87
Close Reading Tools
Six tools for Close Reading:
1. SOAPS- Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Speaker
2. Connections- Text-to-Text, Text-to-Self, Text-to-World
3. Three Levels of Questions
4. Arguments and Evidence
5. Appeals- Logic, Ethical, and Emotional
6. Assumptions
Applying Close Reading Tools
to an Article
- Use SOAPS to closely read the Scientific American article Who Owns the
- After utilizing other tools, which ones seem to work best for this article?
What were the indicators that determined whether a tool worked or not?
Reading Graphs and Charts
How does Close Reading apply to reading a chart
or graph?
Close Reading Practice
Using the Tools
Annotate - Global Thermometer Still Climbing
• Which close reading skills do I most want my
students to learn and practice?
• Which close reading tools will I model for my
students and ask them to use?
• Which steps of the close reading routine will I
Adapted from the Consortium on Reaching Excellence in Education, Inc.