Transcript New England

Warm Up
Why was there a need for forced labor in
colonial Virginia?
Who were the first people used as forced
laborers and why did they not work?
What were indentured servants?
Why did slaves eventually replace indentured
servants in the 1670s?
New England
Puritans & Pilgrims
Reasons People wanted to leave
1. Compete w/ Spain.
2. domestic Problems
3. Religious freedom
The Reformation
Many people in Europe thought the Catholic
Church was corrupt.
Selling of Indulgences.
Martin Luther
Reformation in England
In England, Henry VIII separates from Catholic
Church because Pope won’t give him a divorce.
New Church is Church of England (Anglican
King is the head (instead of the Pope).
Church practices do no change though.
Some people in England want more change to
the Church of England.
These people are called Puritans.
They want to “Purify” the Church of England.
Some, however, think the Church of England is
too corrupt to fix. These radicals are called
separatists (Pilgrims).
What was the name of the official church in
A = church of England (A.K.A. Anglican Church).
Who were the Puritans and what did they want?
A =People in England who wanted to fix (or
“purify”) the church of England.
What is the difference between Pilgrims and
Based on ideas of Swiss theologian John
Predestination—God decides who is going
to heaven at the beginning of time.
Good Deeds (or works) can’t change this.
Works vs. Grace
Lack of Religious Tolerance in
King does not like Puritans.
Thinks they are troublemakers.
They get hassled so many want to leave
Radical separatists who first go to Holland.
Kids begin to speak and act Dutch.
Go to North America.
Settle in Plymouth (1620) In what is
today Massachusetts.
The Mayflower
Mayflower Compact
Agreement signed on
the Mayflower.
Pilgrims agreed to
form a govt. and live
by the rules.
Considered 1st written
Constitution in N.
Indian who had been
kidnapped and learned
Middle-man with local
Indians who came to the
aide of struggling colonists.
Good relations with Natives
(at 1st). = Thanksgiving.
Puritans (The Great Migration)
Massachusetts Bay Co.
1st settlement =Boston
(1630) 17-ships 1,000
John Winthrop
“City on a Hill”
(Covenant Theology)
Warm Up
What was the difference between Pilgrims and
Why did the Reformation in England cause so
many problems? Which groups of people were
not happy wit hit and why?
Explain the main tenets of Calvinism
What were the messages of Winthrop’s “City on
a Hill” speech?
Stop for Primary Sources
Puritan Life
Came in groups of families
Formed Towns
Everybody had to attend church, but only
people that could claim to have had a
conversion experience were considered
church members.
Puritan Town
separation between
church and state.
Only male church
members could vote or
hold office.
Kicked out those that
questioned anything.
What did it take to be a church member?
Do you think it was hypocritical for
Puritans to not allow critics or dissenters
since that is what they were in England?
When people were kicked out of
Massachusetts, they often left in groups and
formed new colonies.
Thomas Hooker = Connecticut
Roger Williams—Rhode Island
“Purest of the Puritans”
Anne Hutchinson
Uppity Woman
Critical of leaders.
“Works v. Grace”
Indian Wars
Conflict over land
1637—Pequot War
1675—King Philip’s
New England Economy
Diverse—shipping, lumber, fishing
Salem, Mass.
Most of those accused
are single, middleaged women.
Threaten patriarchal
social norms.
Final Points
Majority of people who settled in New
England were Puritans.
Write a paragraph about why the Puritans
settled in Massachusetts, the nature of
their settlements, and how and why other
colonies--such as Connecticut and Rhode
Island--were formed in New England.
What was the name of the 1st colony
established by the Puritans?
A = Massachusetts
What is
Anne Hutchinson
Life in New England (CP)
Town Meetings
After 4 Generations people must move.