Transcript Document

Chapter 16
Narrative Research Designs
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright © 2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Key Ideas
 Brief history of narrative research
 Questions for determining narrative designs
 Key characteristics of narrative designs
 Strengths and weaknesses of narrative
 Steps in conducting narrative research
 Criteria for evaluating narrative research
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
Slide 2
A Brief History of Narrative
Research in Education
 1990 Clandinin and Connelly first overview
of narrative research in education
 Trends influencing the development of
narrative research
– increased emphasis on teacher reflection
– emphasis placed on teacher knowledge
– attempt to bring teachers’ voices to the
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Questions for Determining
Narrative Designs
 Who writes or records the story?
 How much of a life is recorded or
 Who provides the story?
 Is a theoretical lens being used?
 When can narrative forms be combined?
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Key Characteristics of Narrative
 Focuses on individual experiences
 Reports a chronology of the experiences
– use a time sequence of events
– chronology sets narrative apart
 Collects the individual stories told to the
researcher or gathered through field texts
– autobiographies
– interviews
– journals
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Key Characteristics of Narrative
 Restories the individual stories
– researcher gathers stories and analyzes them for
elements of the story
– researcher rewrites the story to place it in a
chronological sequence
– restorying provides a causal link among ideas
– information would include interaction,
continuity, and situation
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Key Characteristics of Narrative
 Coding for themes
– themes provide the complexity of the story
– themes add depth to the insight about
understanding an individual’s experiences
– themes can be incorporated into the passage
retelling the individual’s experience or as a
separate section of the study
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Key Characteristics of Narrative
 Describes the context or setting for the
individual stories
– includes the people involved in the story
– includes the physical setting
– setting may be described before events or
actions, or can be woven throughout the study
 collaborates throughout the process of
research with the individuals whose stories
are being reported
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Key Characteristics of Narrative
 collaborates throughout the process of
research with the individuals whose stories
are being reported
– participants are actively involved in the inquiry
as it unfolds
– relationships between research and participant
are negotiated to minimize the potential gap
between narrative told and narrative reported
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
Slide 9
Strengths and Weaknesses of
Narrative Designs
 Collaboration
 Gives “voice” to
 Helps others
understand topics
 Captures everyday
familiar data
 Participants may “fake
the data”
 Telling “horrific”
 Ownership of the story
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Steps in Conducting Narrative
 Identify a phenomenon to explore that
addresses an educational problem
 Purposefully select an individual to learn
about the phenomenon
 Collect the story from the individual
 Restory or retell the individual’s story
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Steps in Conducting Narrative
 Collaborate with the participant storyteller
 Write a story about the participant’s
 Validate the accuracy of the report
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Criteria for Evaluating Narrative
 Does the researcher focus on individual
 Is there a focus on a single individual or a
few individuals?
 Did the researcher collect the story of an
individual’s experience?
 Was there a restorying by the researcher of
the participant’s story?
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Criteria for Evaluating Narrative
 In the restorying, was the participant’s voice
as well as the researcher’s voice heard?
 Did the researcher identify themes that
emerged from the story?
 Did the story include information about
place or setting of the individual?
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Criteria for Evaluating Narrative
 Did the story have a temporal,
chronological sequence including the past,
present and future?
 Is there evidence that the researcher
collaborated with the participant?
 Does the story adequately address the
purpose and questions of the researcher?
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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Applying What you Have
Learned: Narrative Designs
Review the article and look for the following:
 The research problem and use of quantitative
 Use of the literature
 The purpose statement and research hypothesis
 Types and procedures of data collection
 Types and procedures of data analysis and
 The overall report structure
Educational Research by John W. Creswell. Copyright ©2002 by Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
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