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Transcript 非時變移動機械系統的

Modeling in the Frequency Domain
學習成果 Learning Outcomes
學習Transfer function技術:含Laplace transform、由
「微分方程」求「transfer function」、由「transfer
function」解 「微分方程」(2.1-2.3)
• 求線性、非時變電路系統的「轉移函數」 (2.4)
• 求線性、非時變移動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求線性、非時變轉動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求齒輪系統的「轉移函數」 (2.7)
• 求線性、非時變機電系統的「轉移函數」 (2.8)
• 機械系統的電路模擬(2.9)
• 非線性系統的線性化技術,為求「轉移函數」
天線模型 → 天線運動的微分方程式
→ 天線的位移方程式
以牛頓第二定律為例: F(t) = M a(t)
Taking Laplace:
F(t) = M a(t) → F(s) = M a(s) 所有初始條件= 0
Output/input = 1/M;
a/F = 1/M ; F(s) = M a(s)
Transfer function 定義
Output = Transfer function × Input
Taking inverse Laplace:
X(s) → X(t)
Table 1.1 (測試系統性能的輸入指令)
Test waveforms used in control systems
變力拉 (固定增幅)
變力拉 (加速增幅)
Sin 變力
Table 2.1
Laplace transform table
Table 2.2
transform theorems
學習成果 Learning Outcomes
• 學習Transfer function技術:含Laplace
transform、由「微分方程」求「transfer function」、
由「transfer function」解 「微分方程」(2.1-2.3)
• 求線性、非時變電路的「轉移函數」 (2.4)
• 求線性、非時變移動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求線性、非時變轉動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求齒輪系統的「轉移函數」 (2.7)
• 求線性、非時變機電系統的「轉移函數」 (2.8)
• 機械系統的電路模擬(2.9)
• 非線性系統的線性化技術,為求「轉移函數」
§ 2.5 Translational Mechanical System
Transfer Functions 阻抗的觀念(in S)
阻尼器 Damper
阻抗觀念 求系統方程式
Figure 2.17
a. Two-degrees-of-freedom translational mechanical system;
b. block diagram
A X1(s) + B X2(s) = F(s)
C X1(s) + D X2(s) = 0
Figure 2.18
Equation of Motion of M1
M1’s Free Body Diagram
a. Forces on M1 due only to motion of M1;
即 M1移X1、 M2固定時,M1之受力
b. forces on M1 due only to motion of M2;
即 M2移X2、M1固定時,M1之受力
c. all forces on M1
A X1(s) + B X2(s) = F(s)
Eq. 2.118a P.66
Figure 2.19
Equation of Motion of M2
M2’s Free Body Diagram
a. Forces on M2 due only to motion of M2;
即 M2移X2、 M1固定時,M2之受力
b. forces on M2 due only to motion of M1;
即 M1移X1、 M2固定時,M2之受力
c. all forces on M2
C X1(s) + D X2(s) = 0
Eq. 2.118b P.66
• System equation P.66
A X1(s) + B X2(s) = F(s)
C X1(s) + D X2(s) = 0
解2元1次聯立方程式 (By Cremer’s Rule)
X2(s)/ F(s) = G(s) (2.119)
由公式(2.120a; 2.120b) 直接求系統方程式
A X1(s) + B X2(s) = F(s)
C X1(s) + D X2(s) = 0
Figure 2.21
mechanical system
for Skill-Assessment
Exercise 2.8
Figure 2.20
Three-degrees-of-freedom translational mechanical system
由公式(2.121- 2.123) 直接求系統方程式
A1 X1(s) + B1 X2(s) + C1 X3(s) = 0
A2 X1(s) + B2X2(s) + C2 X3(s) = F(s)
A3 X1(s) + B3X2(s) + C3 X3(s) = 0
解3元1次聯立方程式 (By Cremer’s Rule)
X3(s)/ F(s) = G(s)
A1 X1(s) + B1 X2(s) + C1 X3(s) = 0
A2 X1(s) + B2X2(s) + C2 X3(s) = F(s)
A3 X1(s) + B3X2(s) + C3 X3(s) = 0
解3元1次聯立方程式 (By Cremer’s Rule)
X3(s)/ F(s) = G(s)
§2.6 Rotational Mechanical System
Week 3
學習成果 Learning Outcomes
• 學習Transfer function技術:含Laplace
transform、由「微分方程」求「transfer function」、
由「transfer function」解 「微分方程」(2.1-2.3)
• 求線性、非時變電路的「轉移函數」 (2.4)
• 求線性、非時變移動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求線性、非時變轉動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求齒輪系統的「轉移函數」 (2.7)
• 求線性、非時變機電系統的「轉移函數」 (2.8)
• 機械系統的電路模擬(2.9)
• 非線性系統的線性化技術,為求「轉移函數」
1D- Rotational System
1D- Rotational System
轉動慣量 J 的求法?
查 「應用力學」
View point
Equation of motion for J1
(J1S2 + D1S + K) θ1(s) - K θ2(s) = T(s)
Figure 2.23 a. Torques on J1 due only to the motion of J1 J1動
b. torques on J1 due only to the- motion of J2
J1不動 J2動
c. final free-body diagram for J1
View point
Equation of motion for J1
(J1S2 + D1S + K) θ1(s) - K θ2(s) = T(s)
Figure 2.23 a. Torques on J1 due only to the motion of J1 J1動
b. torques on J1 due only to the- motion of J2
J1不動 J2動
c. final free-body diagram for J1
View point
Equation of motion for J2
外力和=o: - K θ1(s) + (J2S2 + D2S + K) θ2(s) = 0
Figure 2.24 a. Torques on J2 due only to the motion of J2
b. torques on J2 due only to the motion of J1
c. final free-body diagram for J2
Find T.F.
(J1S2 + D1S + K) θ1(s)
- K θ2(s) = T(s)
- K θ1(s)
+ (J2S2 + D2S + K) θ2(s) = 0
By Cremer’s Rule → θ2(s) = (K/△) T(s)
T.F. G(s) = (eq. 2.128)
Ex. 2.20 3-D rotational system
Figure 2.25
Three-degrees-of-freedom rotational system
Equation of Motion: 公式 2.130a,b,c 直接寫出 如2.131a,b,c
Find T.F.
G(s) = θ2(s) / T(s)
Figure 2.26 Homework
Rotational mechanical system for Skill-Assessment Exercise 2.9
Week 4
學習成果 Learning Outcomes
• 學習Transfer function技術:含Laplace
transform、由「微分方程」求「transfer function」、
由「transfer function」解 「微分方程」(2.1-2.3)
• 求線性、非時變電路的「轉移函數」 (2.4)
• 求線性、非時變移動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求線性、非時變轉動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求齒輪系統的「轉移函數」 (2.7)
• 求線性、非時變機電系統的「轉移函數」 (2.8)
• 機械系統的電路模擬(2.9)
• 非線性系統的線性化技術,為求「轉移函數」
1D Network
Figure 2.3
RLC network
By Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
△VL+△VR + △VC + V(t) = 0
Figure 2.3
RLC network
Figure 2.3
RLC network
2D Network
Figure 2.6 Two-loop electrical network
方程式1: Loop i1
方程式2 : Loop i2
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Input: V
Responses: i1, i2
Find T.F. : Vc / V
2D Network
2D Network
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
方程式1: Loop I1
-R1 I1 – Ls(I1-I2) + V(s) = 0 →
(R1+Ls) I1 – Ls I2 = V(s)
方程式2 : Loop I2
-R2 I2 – I2/Cs - Ls(I2-I1) = 0 →
– Ls I1 +【Ls + R2 + (1/Cs)】I2 = 0
2D Network
(R1+Ls) I1
– Ls I1
– Ls I2 = V(s)
+【Ls + R2 + (1/Cs)】I2 = 0
Figure 2.7
Block diagram of the network of Figure 2.6
Vc(s) = (1/Cs) I2
T.F. : Vc / V
Figure 2.9
Three-loop electrical network
3D Network
範例:外力在Mesh 2
A1I1(s) + B1I2(s) + C1I3(s) = 0
A2I1(s) + B2I2(s) + C2I3(s) = F(s)
A3I1(s) + B3I2(s) + C3I3(s) = 0
解3元1次聯立方程式 (By Cremer’s Rule)
I3(s)/ F(s) = G(s)
Figure 2.14
Electric circuit for kill-Assessment Exercise 2.6
Find G(s) = VL(s) / V(s) Homework
Figure 2.11 Homework
Inverting operational amplifier circuit for Example 2.14
Figure 2.12
General noninverting operational amplifier circuit
V0 = A (Vi – V1)
V1 = 【 V0/(Z1 + Z2) 】Z1
∵ A ﹥﹥1
V0/Vi = (Z1+Z2)/Z1
Find G(s) = V0/Vi
Figure 2.13 Homework
Noninverting operational amplifier
circuit for Example 2.15
Quiz on Oct. 8th 2010
Find G(s) = VL(s) / V(s)
學習成果 Learning Outcomes
• 學習Transfer function技術:含Laplace
transform、由「微分方程」求「transfer function」、
由「transfer function」解 「微分方程」(2.1-2.3)
• 求線性、非時變電路的「轉移函數」 (2.4)
• 求線性、非時變移動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求線性、非時變轉動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求齒輪系統的「轉移函數」 (2.7)
• 求線性、非時變機電系統的「轉移函數」 (2.8)
• 機械系統的電路模擬(2.9)
• 非線性系統的線性化技術,為求「轉移函數」
§ 2.7
T.F. for Gear System 1/4
Figure 2.27 A gear system
§ 2.7
T.F. for Gear System 2/4
r1θ1 = r2θ2
→ N1θ1 = N2θ2
Figure 2.28 Transfer functions for a. angular displacement in lossless gears
§ 2.7
T.F. for Gear System 3/4
T1θ1 = T2θ2
→ T1N2 = T2N1
Figure 2.28 Transfer functions for b. torque in lossless gears
§ 2.7
T.F. for Gear System
Figure 2.27 A gear system
Figure 2.28
T. F. for angular displacement
in lossless gears
T. F. for torque
in lossless gears
註1: T.F. for Gear System
Θ1 > θ2
Θ1 < θ2
註2: T.F. for Gear System
T1 > T2
T1 < T2
省略齒輪組後的等效阻抗推導 (a) → (c)
Figure 2.29
a. Rotational system driven by gears;
b. equivalent system at the output after reflection of input torque;
c. equivalent system at the input after reflection of impedances
Case I
T.F. G(s) = θ2(s) / T1(s)
(JS2 + DS + K) θ2(s) = T1(s)
T.F. G(s) = θ1(s) / T1(s)
(JS2 + DS + K) θ1(s)
= T1(s)
省略齒輪組的等效阻抗 (結論)
Figure 2.31
T.F. of Gear train
Figure 2.32
Example 2.22 HOMEWORK 證明 Je and De; 求 G(s)=θ1/T1
a. System using a gear train;
b. equivalent system at the input;
c. block diagram
Je = J1∪ J2 ∪ J3 ∪ J4 ∪ J5 對系統的綜合影響相同
De = D1∪ D2
綜合影響相同 = 施相同外力T1 獲相同反應θ1
Figure 2.32
Example 2.22 HOMEWORK 證明 Je and De; 求 G(s)=θ1/T1
a. System using a gear train;
b. equivalent system at the input;
c. block diagram
Figure 2.33
Rotational mechanical system with gears for Skillassessment Exercise 2.10 求 G(s)=θ2/T
齒輪可省力 (證明)
If N1 / N2 = 1/ 2
J, D, K 均降為原負載的 1/ 4
學習成果 Learning Outcomes
• 學習Transfer function技術:含Laplace
transform、由「微分方程」求「transfer function」、
由「transfer function」解 「微分方程」(2.1-2.3)
• 求線性、非時變電路的「轉移函數」 (2.4)
• 求線性、非時變移動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求線性、非時變轉動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求齒輪系統的「轉移函數」 (2.7)
• 求線性、非時變機電系統的「轉移函數」 (2.8)
• 機械系統的電路模擬(2.9)
• 非線性系統的線性化技術,為求「轉移函數」
§2.8 T.F. of Electromechanical System
Figure 2.34 NASA flight simulator robot arm with electromechanical
control system components (an example)
Typical Example 1/10
Figure 2.35 DC motor:
a. schematic12;
b. block diagram (T.F.)
Figure 2.36
Typical equivalent mechanical
loading on a motor
Figure 2.37 System
DC motor driving a
rotational mechanical
求機電系統的T.F. G(s)
νb (t) = κb (dθm/dt)
νb(t) : back emf 反電動勢 ;
Κb : back emf constant
dθm/dt : angular velocity of motor
求機電系統的T.F. G(s)
Tm(t) = κt ia(t)
Tm(t) : torque developed by motor ;
Κt : motor torque constant ;
ia(t) : armature current
求機電系統的T.F. G(s)
νb(t) = κb (dθm/dt)
νb(t) : back emf 反電動勢 ; Κb : back emf constant
dθm/dt : angular velocity of motor
Tm(t) = κt ia(t)
Tm(t) : torque developed by motor ;
Κt : motor torque constant ;
ia(t) : armature current
Laplace ↓
求機電系統的T.F. G(s)
By Kirchhoff’s current law
外加電壓與Tm ,θm 關係
-RaIa(s) – LasIa(s) – Vb(s) + Ea(s) = 0
(Ra+Las) Tm(s) / Κt + Κbsθm(s) = Ea(s) (2.149)
求機電系統的T.F. G(s)
Motor 轉子
機電系統 機械負載部
外力 : Tm ,θm (機與電共有的項目)
θm 受機械負載影響
目標 找Ea 與θm 關係
Jm = Ja + JL(N1/N2)2
Dm = Da + DL(N1/N2)2
外力 = Σ阻抗 * 反應
(JmS2 + DmS)θm(s) = Tm(s)
By Newton’s 2nd Law
JmS2θm(s) + DmSθm(s) = Tm(s) (2.150)
JmS2θm(s) + DmSθm(s) = Tm(s) (2.150)
By Newton’s 2nd Law
(Ra+LaS) Tm(s) / Κt + ΚbSθm(s) = Ea(s) (2.149)
(2.150) 代入 (2.149)
(Ra+LaS) (JmS2 + DmS)θm(s) / Κt + ΚbSθm(s) = Ea(s)
Sice Ra>>La
(Ra+LaS) → Ra usually true
i.e. La= 0
(Ra/ Κt ) (JmS2 + DmS)θm(s) + ΚbSθm(s) = Ea(s)
(Ra / Κt ) (JmS2 + DmS)θm(s) + ΚbSθm(s) = Ea(s) (2.152)
G(s) = θm(s) / Ea(s) = κ / S(S+α)
κ= Κt / (Ra Jm)
α= (Dm + Κt Κb / Ra) / Jm
if κ,α已知 G(s) 完全定義
κ,α為已知 if Κt, Kb已知 求Κt , Kb?
求Κt , Kb?
(Ra+LaS) Tm(s) / Κt + ΚbSθm(s) = Ea(s)
RaTm(s) / Κt + ΚbSθm(s) = Ea(s)
RaTm(t) / Κt + Κbωm(t) = ea(t)
(La= 0)
(after inverse Laplace)
RaTm / Κt + Κbωm = ea
(at steady state; ea :DC voltage)
(aTm + bωm = 常數) (ax + by = 常數)
Figure 2.38
Torque-speed curves
with an armature
voltage, ea, as a
At Tstall where ωm= 0 → Κt
At ωno-load where Tm = 0 → Κb
Dynamometer: 於定電壓下量
torque and speed of a motor
求Κt , Kb?
RaTm / Κt + Κbωm = ea (at steady state; ea :DC voltage)
(aTm + bωm = 常數) (ax + by = 常數)
At Tstall where ωm= 0 → Κt
At ωno-load where Tm = 0 → Κb
Dynamometer: 於定電壓下量torque
and speed of a motor
Figure 2.38
Torque-speed curves with an armature
voltage, ea, as a parameter
Example 2.23 Homework
求Κt , Kb
Figure 2.39
a. DC motor and load;
b. torque-speed curve;
c. block diagram
Figure 2.40 Homework
Electromechanical system for Skill-Assessment Exercise 2.11
Find G(s) = θL(s)/Ea(s)
Tm = -8ωm + 200
學習成果 Learning Outcomes
• 學習Transfer function技術:含Laplace
transform、由「微分方程」求「transfer function」、
由「transfer function」解 「微分方程」(2.1-2.3)
• 求線性、非時變電路的「轉移函數」 (2.4)
• 求線性、非時變移動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求線性、非時變轉動機械系統的「轉移函數」
• 求齒輪系統的「轉移函數」 (2.7)
• 求線性、非時變機電系統的「轉移函數」 (2.8)
• 機械系統的電路模擬(2.9)
• 非線性系統的線性化技術,為求「轉移函數」
§2.9 Electric Circuit Analogs 1/3
§2.9 Electric Circuit Analogs 2/3
§2.9 Electric Circuit Analogs
外力 = Σ阻抗 * 反應
F(s) = (MS2+fvS+K) X(s)
-MSv(s)-fvv(s)-Kv(s)/S+F(s) = 0
v(s) = SX(s)
-MS2X(s)-fvSX(s)-K X(s)+F(s) = 0
MS2X(s)+fvSX(s)+K X(s)= F(s)
§ 2.10 Nonlinearities
Figure 2.45
a. Linear system;
b. nonlinear system
Figure 2.46
Some physical
§ 2.11 Linearization
Example 2.26
Linearization of f(x) about x = /2 where f(x)= 5 cos x.
Taylor series (非線性系統線性化的工具)
f(x)= f(x0) + (df/dx) x=xo(x-x0)/1! + (d2f/dx2) x=xo(x-x0)2/2!
+ --- (2.181)
f(x0) = f(/2 ) = 5 cos /2 = 0
(df/dx) x=xo(x-x0)/1! = (-5 sin /2) x = -5 x
f(x)= -5 x = -5 (x-/2)
直線公式 當 x around x = /2 時為真
Figure 2.48 Example 2.26
Linearization of 5 cos x about x = /2
Skill assessment exercise
Skill assessment exercise
Skill assessment exercise
Skill assessment exercise
Skill assessment exercise