Book 2(Lesson 1)

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Transcript Book 2(Lesson 1)

Unit 1
Animal Imagery in Language
Paragraph 1:
 . . . certain animals seem to have . . .
 . . . it seems that certain animals have
specific characteristics.
 As . . . , and cranes are said to symbolize . . .
 as conj. 如同…一樣
 Do in Rome as the Romans do.
( 入境問俗 )
 . . . cranes are said to symbolize . . .
 . . . it is said that cranes symbolize long life.
N is (are) said to V
=It is said that N Vs
It is said/believed + (that) S + (that) S + V . . .
was/were/V-ed . . .
S + be said/believed + to be/V/have Ven . . .
Paragraph 2:
 as quiet as a mouse 非常地安靜
 My brother has been as quiet as a
mouse since he came home last night.
as poor as a church mouse 非常地貧窮
 N + be used to + V
( 被用來 )
 However, if . . . , an elephant would be . . .
 however adv. 然而,不過
 It was raining. However, we still went
 此為if引導的條件句,would在這裡有
 As a result, a teacher may say, “The
students are . . . like a herd of
elephants” . . .
 as a result 因此
= therefore
= consequently
= as a consequence
= hence
 a herd of表示「一群」,特指牛或馬
 What’s more, if a person . . . , it means . . .
 If you throw a stone into the lake, it sinks.
Paragraph 3
another elephant-related expression
= another expression which is related to
N + -related表示「和…有關的」,
Originally, “jumbo” was the word for
“elephant” in an African language.
 A is the word for B
 A is taken as B (被當作)
 since conj. 由於,因為
 more and more 越來越多…
 . . . has come to share the meaning . . .
come to do something 開始(做某事)
 After having lived in Taiwan for 15 years, the
foreigner came to think of himself as a Taiwanese.
let the cat out of the bag 洩露祕密
fight like cat and dog 激烈地爭鬥、吵架等
rain cats and dogs 下傾盆大雨
A cat has nine lives. 貓有九條命。(生命力強)
not have a dog’s chance 機會渺茫
lead/live a dog’s life 悲慘的生活
dog eat dog 競爭激烈
a dog in the manger 占著茅坑不拉屎的人
Love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏。
a wolf in sheep’s clothing 披著羊皮的狼(偽善者)
like sheep 盲從者
a lamb to the slaughter 羊入虎口
the lion’s share 最大、最好的一份
Paragraph 4:
 . . . gives others the impression that . . .
 give sb an impression 給某人印象
 make an impression on sb
 that為關係代名詞,引導後面的名詞
 When you call . . . , you mean that the
person . . .
 call A B
 that所引導的名詞子句做及物動詞
 . . . is always working or busy with
something . . .
 be + always + V-ing 表示「反覆出現或習慣
 Sam is always boasting about how
smart he is.
 be busy with + N/(in +) V-ing 忙於(做某事)
 Jason is busy with/(in) doing his homework.
Paragraph 5:
aside from = besides (包括在內 )
= except ( 不包括在內 )
 many sayings that . . . make English an interesting
language . . .
make + O + OC (N/adj.)
 Ms. Lee’s patience makes her a
good teacher.
 The good news made us happy.
 . . . plays a part in different languages.
play a part/role in sth 對某事物發揮作
 To many people, religion plays a part in
helping them find peace of mind.
 It not only . . . , but also . . .
not only A but also B是「不僅…還…」的
因not only . . . but also . . . 為對等連接詞,
 Not only you but also James likes to go