France 1 - Nuclear Safety and Security

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The role of technological
innovation for dry storage of
used nuclear fuel
H.Issard – June 2010
The innovation mandate
 Mission & Objectives
 Key performances
Innovation areas
Innovation process
 Main steps of the Process
 Methods & tools for innovation
Examples of Innovations
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
innovation mandate
Mission and objective
 Innovation is a keystone for the strategy of the back end,
 Need to integrate evolutions and New technologies
 Nuclear utilities needs evolve
 Additional payload, acceptance of higher discharge burnups and easier
licensing process
Key performances
 Storage capacity and economical performance
 Safety and ease of licensing
 Ease of operation and reduction of doses of operators
 Impact of selected technology on sustainable development
 Impact of selected technology on proliferation issues
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
innovation areas
Storage equipment design
 Cost, capacity, flexibility of the storage system
Interfaces for handling, loading and transfer
 Tie down designs
 Quick evacuation procedure
Justification methodology
 Modelisation
 Knowledge of safety margins
 Material behaviour for longer periods
 Damaged fuels
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
innovation process
Innovation process
 Perform regular interviews with customers and utilities
 Access, capture and reuse of experience feedback and knowledge
 Creativity and idea generation
 Screen ideas for added value
 Selection of ideas and R&D plan
Factors of success
 Participatory innovation : creation, collaboration, communication
 Involvement of everyone, including top management
 incentives
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Innovation process , methods
AREVA logistics open space of innovation : ID school
 Initiatives : creativity groups
 Express ideas through drawings, models
 Creative ambiance, develop participatory innovation
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Innovation process, methods
Methods to galvanize innovation
 Brainstorming, Triz, etc
 Creativity method developed by AREVA : method EFICA ®
Every step
is the result
of a
and a
EXPLORE (Exploration, Impregnation):
Identify all the aspects of the problem without paying too much attention to the aspect
which brought the problem to light; look at it from all angles without any prejudices or
preconceived ideas, become immersed in it and take it on board
FORMALIZE (Expression, Analysis, Formulation, Incubation):
IDEAS (Creation, Ideas, Enrichment, Inspiration) :
Analyze and structure in detail the formulation of the problem and all its components
and break it down into targeted areas of research; specify objectives, requirements and
selection criteria
Put together and produce for each area of research a large number of solutions and
original ideas; deepen and enrich ideas
CONSTRUCTION (Prioritization, Choice, Valorisation): :
ACTION (Application, Organisation, Action Plan) :
Range, prioritize, select ideas following the previously defined selection criteria;
combine and enrich ideas (cross-fertilization)
For any solution, build an action plan, i.e. a program with detailed facts and
figures for implementation
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Tools for innovation
Tools for management of ideas
 Ideas are welcome
 Idea management data bank (example ID HALL)
 Regularly, a committee evaluates each new idea:
 Apply
 Stand by
 Rejected
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Examples of Innovations
Baskets : High performance design solutions for sub-criticality
 Trend towards high burn-ups for LWR fuels ( 60 000 MWd/tHM for the EPR)
higher fissile contents = higher U-235 enrichments (5%) or higher plutonium
contents for MOX. Sub-criticality is guaranteed by the basket geometry and
the material. real challenge to design high capacity baskets. Use of a family
of borated alloys : Borated stainless steel plates or Metal matrix composites,
formed by casting, powder metal processes.
 All characteristics (composition, mechanical) have been studied, including
the homogeneity of Boron content and the resistance to corrosion in borated
water; they are satisfactory. Boralyn™ with 15% B4C is an example of high
performance materials for sub-criticality: it can be used for the structural
resistance of the baskets. There is also the new Boron Metal Matrix
Composite (MMC) material with an aluminium matrix and up to 25% B4C.
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Examples of Innovations
Innovation in containment
 A new type of fluorocarbon O-ring gaskets has been developed and qualified
to keep the guaranteed leak rate for a large range of temperatures -40°C to
 The long term behaviour at high temperature of EPDM O-ring gaskets has
been studied with innovative methodology , to establish time-limit versus
temperature for EPDM O-rings.
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Examples of Innovations
Mitigation of hydrogen risk
 For the mitigation of hydrogen risk in the cavity of casks, several catalytic
recombiners have been developed and qualified, with a sufficient capacity to
stabilise the hydrogen concentration bellow the flammability limit. In cooperation
with French research institute IRCELYON.
 Recombiner (dry conditions)
Recombiner dry /wet
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Box for recombiners
Examples of Innovations
Complete range of high performance neutron
shielding materials
 TN has developed high performance neutron shielding
materials resisting to fire tests (self extinguishing) :
TN® VYAL B, TN® HYPOP and TN® BORA for subcriticality. These materials are adapted to different
thermal environments and can be selected depending
the temperature of use.
Solutions for thermal and structural
 For a given metallic containment vessel containing a
given number of used fuels, the necessary thickness of
neutron shielding material increases when Burnup of
fuel increases. Innovation : a better heat evacuation
system to compensate the negative effect of thermal
insulation of neutron shielding material (polymers are
generally low heat-conductive materials) : thermal
conductors, fins, special surface treatments, and
minimizing gap between cask inner wall/basket .
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Examples of Innovations
Spent fuel dry storage systems
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
Examples of Innovations
Spent fuel dry storage systems
transport cask
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010
The role of innovation for the management of used fuel is to
bring important benefits in term of performance, safety and
public acceptance.
With innovation, the nuclear industry, and especially the back
end is looking towards the long term and engaged in preparing a
future with less CO2 emissions.
International conference on management of spent fuel from nuclear power reactors– June 2010