Alarm annunciator

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Alarm Annunciator
The audible signal is selectable from a library of WAV files.
The WAV files can be set to single play or loop mode.
Alarm Annunciation in the maxSTATION provides an audible signal that an alarm
has occurred within a pre-defined hierarchical group. Some features of the
annunciation subsystem are listed below:
The WAV file is played when an alarm occurs in a hierarchical group that has
been assigned to an annunciator. Up to 10 groups can be assigned to one
An annunciator supports a range of alarm severity and has an assigned priority.
The WAV file of a lower priority annunciator is pre-empted by the WAV file of a
higher priority annunciator.
The alarm annunciator can also drive a digital output.
A task is included that allows annunciator configuration. The configuration is
saved in a Microsoft Access database file.
The annunciator configuration can be changed online.
A Silence button is included on the Vertical template of Runtime. This button
turns off the currently playing sound and/or the digital output point. Note that
the alarm acknowledge buttons on the Alarm Summary, Alarm List, and Point
acknowledge button also perform the annunciator silence function.
© Metso Automation Inc. 2005
The Alarm Annunciation subsystem consists of two programs. The
MCS Annunciation Setup Task is used to define annunciators and
transmit this data to the Annunciator Task. The Annunciator Task
monitors alarm activity in each maxDPU4E/F and will play the
configured sound if an alarm occurs in a group assigned to an
Hierarchical Groups are defined in the maxDPUTOOLS Configurator.
Groups are assigned to individual points in the maxDPUTOOLS
Configurator. Group definition must be performed in the customer
database and the group names must be assigned to the desired points.
This database is then installed in each maxDPU4E/F for annunciators to
be operational. See the maxDPUTOOLS Configurator instructions for
information on group definition.
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The MCS Registry must be updated to allow the Annunciator Task to
run (See the picture below). The “Enable Annunciator Task” field
under “Machine Settings” must be changed to Yes. This field is read by
the Annunciator Task during startup. Restart the station if necessary. If
the value is “Yes”, the task will continue. If the value is “No”, the task
will exit.
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The MAXStation should be equipped with a soundboard and speakers if
sound files will be played. The soundboard driver should support WAV
formatted files. The annunciator configuration should be built and
saved on the station equipped for sound.
Annunciator Task Enable in MCS Registry.
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There is no auto failover of alarm annunciation from one maxSTATION
to another, so a system should have two maxSTATIONs set up to
perform alarm annunciation.
The alarm silence function as installed from the release is not global. However,
global silence is supported provided a registry update is made to each
maxSTATION. Perform this update as follows: Log on to the station at the
engineer or administrator level. From the Start menu, select Programs,
maxDNA, Utilities, MCS Registry Edit. This brings up the following display.
MCS Registry Editor.
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Select the Machine Settings folder and expand the MAX Control Systems, Inc. tree.
Click on Annunciator Silence Station 1 to bring up an edit box. Enter the Computer
Name of the maxSTATION where the annunciator task is running. Always include
the opening and closing bracket. The Computer Name is viewable from Control
Panel, Network on the desired station. If the annunciator task is running on this
station, no entry is necessary. An open and close bracket with no text in between
indicates that the current station processes the silence request. If the annunciator task
is running on more than one station, enter the Computer Names in the Annunciator
Silence Station 2 and Station 3 fields. Do not delete the brackets from any of the
annunciator silence station fields.
After entering the desired Computer Names, click OK to save the changes and
terminate the MCS Registry Edit program. It is necessary to restart the
maxSTATION programs to read in the new registry data. Either log on as a different
user or use the maxSTATION Startup program to stop and then restart the system.
Global silence requires that the MAXTransport program is running on each
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Alarm Annunciator Configuration
Alarm Annunciator Setup.
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The Alarm Annunciation subsystem includes a configuration task that provides
easy modification to the annunciator database. This task runs automatically at
startup to send the configuration to the annunciator task. It can also be manually
requested from a Desktop shortcut (MCS Annunciator Setup). The main window
appears as follows:
The main display includes three main buttons: Edit, Display and Send.
Edit and Display will call up new displays that are described below.
Send causes the current annunciator configuration to be sent to the
annunciator task. The “Send” should be performed after edits are
successfully made to the database. The “Send” can be done at any time,
even while the system is online.
Note that the annunciator database is automatically sent to the
annunciator task every time the startup program is run.
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Edit the Annunciator Display
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Add or Edit an Alarm Annunciator pop-up.
This display is called from the “Edit Annunciators” button on the main
display. It provides an enterable field for each item in the annunciator
database. A default database with one record is included in the release.
This database must be modified to include valid hierarchical group data for
annunciators to be operational.
Add – Add a new record to the annunciator database. The fields on the
display are filled with default data.
Delete – Deletes the current record. An acknowledge pop-up will appear
when Delete is requested. Once a record is deleted, it is not recoverable.
Accept – Accepts the changes made to the current record. The Accept
button moves the data on the display to the annunciator database. If
changes are made to a record and Accept is not pressed, the changes are
thrown away. Use the Accept button after modifying fields on a new or
existing record to force those changes to be saved.
Next – Moves to the next record in the annunciator database.
Previous – Moves to the previous record in the annunciator database.
Close – Return to the main display.
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The functionality of the six buttons on the bottom of the display is as
Any of the following fields on the Edit display can be modified. Use the mouse or
tab key to move to the desired field. After modifying one or more fields, use the
Accept button to save the changes.
Sound File
Play Mode
Output Point
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This field specified the output that is exercised when an
annunciator condition is detected. The output of an annunciator
can be “Speaker”, “DO” or “Speaker, DO”. If Speaker is
selected, a sound file must be provided. If DO is selected, an
Output Point must be provided (tagname/attribute).
Click this field or button to call up the wave file picker.
Currently wave file selection is restricted to the Custom\Sounds
folder. The user can add files to this folder as long as the files are
in wave format. This field is required if Speaker output is
This field determines how the sound file is played when an
annunciator condition is detected. It is only used if Speaker
output is selected. To play the selected sound file repeatedly,
select “Loop”. This is advisable for short sound files. To play
the sound file once, select “Single”.
Enter the name of the output point that is controlled when an
annunciator condition is detected. This field is required if DO
output is selected. The point name should represent a digital
output. The attribute of the point can be included. The point
name and attribute are separated with a period.
DOB101.RUNSTC. If an attribute is not included, the RUNSTC
attribute is used by default. There is no error checking performed
on the entered point name.
Severity Min
Severity Max
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An annunciator supports a range of severities. Enter the
minimum severity of the points in the specified hierarchical group
that can trigger this annunciator. Valid severities range from 1 to
5. Minimum severity must be less than or equal to the maximum
Enter the maximum severity of the points in the specified
hierarchical group that can trigger this annunciator. Valid
severities range from 1 to 5. Maximum severity must be greater
than or equal to the minimum severity.
Priorities can range from 1 to 9 with 9 being the highest priority.
The priority of an annunciator determines whether or not it is
processed. The sound file for a priority 1 annunciator will not
play if a priority 9 annunciator is active (currently playing). The
sound file for a priority 9 annunciator will replace the sound of an
active priority 1 annunciator.
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This field is required for each annunciator. Enter the text of the
desired hierarchical group. Use a forward slash to separate
hierarchical levels. Ex. /Group1/Subgroup2/Level3. If any point
that is assigned to this group goes into alarm, the annunciator will
be triggered.
Each annunciator supports up to 10 hierarchical groups. An
alarm occurring in any of the specified groups will trigger the
Do not leave blank fields between group
assignments. Configuration logic will process the group fields
until the first blank field is found. If text is entered in
Hierarchical Group1, Hierarchical Group2 and Hierarchical
Group4, only Hierarchical Group1 and Hierarchical Group2 will
be recognized.
Display Alarm annunciator
Annunciator Summary.
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The display below is called from the Display Annunciators button on the
main display. It provides a list of the annunciator database. This
display is read only. Use the Edit Annunciators display to modify the
Alarm Annunciator Task
The annunciator task icon resides in the tray on the toolbar. Click this icon
to bring up the Annunciator Task dialog box. The dialog box contains a
Test Sound button that can be used to verify sound and speaker operation on
the MAXStation. The test sound can be played once or looped. When
looped, press the Test Sound button again to stop the sound. The dialog box
also contains a Silence button. This button functions the same as the
Silence button on the vertical template.
Sound Files
Sound files are saved in the C:\Custom\Sounds folder. A set of sound files
is included in each release. Files can be added to this folder and assigned to
an annunciator as long as the file is in Wave format.
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This task runs automatically at startup. It receives the annunciator
configuration sent by the configuration task and monitors the alarms in the
groups specified by the configuration. It will perform the output action
specified in the configuration if an annunciator is triggered. Triggered
annunciators are processed according to their priority. A lower priority
annunciator is ignored if a higher priority annunciator is active. A higher
priority annunciator will pre-empt an active lower priority annunciator.
© Metso Automation Inc. 2005