Daddy-Long-Legs Author

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Book Title : Daddy-Long-Legs
Author : Jean Webster
No. of pages : 185 pages
Summery :
Daddy-Long-Legs is a 1912 novel by an American writer
Jean Webster. The main character, Judy, was sent to school
with the help of a tall man. But the only requirement is Judy
need to write a letter to this tall man every month, and she
never knows who this tall man is. In this book, it is combined
with many letters but not chapters. And the first chapter is the
only chapter that is not in letter-form. This story is using first
person narration. Because Judy only know he is very tall, so
she named him ‘Daddy-Long-Legs ‘. Through reading Judy’s
letters, the readers can know about her school life.
Jean Webster(琴.韋伯斯特), who old name is Alice Jane Chandler(愛麗
斯.珍.錢德勒),was born on July 24, 1876 in American New York state
Frey the Duoni Asia.(美國紐約州的弗雷多尼亞)
Her father was worked in the publishing , her mother is the American
big literary giant(大文豪) Mark Twain‘s(馬克吐溫) niece
When she was student, she always went to the orphanage to do social
service.(社會服務) After she graduate, she started writing job.
On 1912, she finished <<Daddy-Long-Legs>>.
On 1915, she wrote Daddy-Long-Legs continuation.(續集)
On 1915, she married to a lawyer.
On 1916, after she gave birth to a daughter, she died because of
Part1 “Blue Wednesday” is talk about :
After Perfectly Awful Day, a trustee of the
John Grier orphanage has sent the oldest
orphan-- Jerusha Abbott to college because he
wanted her to be a writer. The only
requirement was she must wrote letter to him
every month, and she can’t know who he is.
Dean was very happy because no many girl
can went to college.
The Letters of Miss Jerusha Abbott to Mr. Daddy-Long-Legs
Smith is talk about:
Miss Jerusha Abbott wrote letters to Mr. Daddy-Long-Legs.
Judy as pours(傾吐) out the object took “Daddy-long-legs”who
does not divulge the real name philanthropist, he looks like
was the family member was the same, “Daddy-long-legs”
would also reply her, the expression(表示) care and
encourages.They talked about what happened to Jerusha in
the school .
The most unforgettable of the letter is :
10th April
Dear Mr. Rich-Man,
Here's your check for fifty dollars. Thank you very much,
but I do not feel that I can keep it. My allowance is sufficient
to afford all of the hats that I need. I am sorry that I wrote
all that silly stuff about the millinery shop; it's just that I
had never seen anything like it before.
However, I wasn't begging! And I would rather not accept any more
charity than I have to.
Sincerely yours,
Jerusha Abbott
Although it is a brevity letter, it contains many meanings.For
example, take a bow and to voice mood herself.
Before I read this book, I think this book is very
boring.When I read English book, I need a dictionary near to
me.But after I read this this book, I think it is suitable to
teenage. We can learn a lot of new words in the book.
We have learnt a lot from the main
character-- Daddy-Long-Legs, we
have learnt giving is better than
receiving. We think Daddy-LongLegs helped Judy to go to college
for study, he is happier than Judy.
In<<Daddy-long-legs>>,Judy always writes letters to daddy-longlegs. In her letters, she told him about her daily life in school and
something funny. In the end, she wrote a letter to Jervie (Daddylong-legs) to tell him that she loves him.
In our daily lives, letters let us share things with our relatives
and friends who we can't see them everyday. Also in the letters,
we can share our feelings and something we can't say with our
mouth because of shy. And every addressee receive letter will
very happy because someone miss us and we can know their
current situation. Now, we always use the e-mail and no use the
letter. But I think letter is best than e-mail.Because if the letter
is send to old friends, I think the sender what to say. “Although
we are no play together, but we will keep our friendship forever.”
And our friends can know our feeling in our writing.
After we read this book, first we think Jean Webster is a
brilliant writer. Because we really love this story, it’s quite
dramatic. She through Judy’s letters to tell the readers
about Judy’s school life. It’s not same as the other books,
just write out the story, and not attractive.
Our favorite character : is the most secret people in this
book, Daddy-Long-Legs. Although he is quite strange,
but he help Judy to college. When Judy felt sad or
unhappy, he still make Judy smile again. When Judy got
something happy, she can also share her happy to