Presentation Gabriella Fesus Future cohesion policy health 3

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European cohesion policy post-2013
Gabriella Fésüs
3 February 2011
Conception, Forward Studies, Impact Assessment
DG Regional policy
3 challenges for cohesion policy
What is the European added value?
• Geographical concentration
• Sectoral vs. Territorial approach
• Focus on results
• Closer alignment with EU priorities such as Europe 2020
• Assurance
• Simplification
Political context
Lisbon Treaty
– Territorial cohesion
– Co-decision
Europe 2020
– Greater thematic approach, more focus, greater coherence
– Structural reforms
Reform of economic governance
– Budgetary/fiscal contraints and risks
Europe 2020
3 thematic priorities: smart, sustainable, inclusive growth
5 EU headline targets – translated into national ones
• Employment rate, R&D investment, climate change, renewable energy and
energy efficiency, education and social inclusion/poverty
7 flagship initiatives – EU & national action
• Innovation Union, Youth on the Move, Agenda for New Skills and Jobs,
Platform against poverty, Industrial Policy, Resource efficient Europe,
Digital Agenda
Mobilising existing EU instruments:
Single market
External dimension
Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)
EU and national Budgets & new financing instruments
More value added: Geographical concentration
• Concentration of resources on least
developed regions
• An instrument of redistribution or
• Many regions face challenges of adjustment
particularly in areas related to Europe 2020
• A fairer and smoother transition mechanism?
More Value Added: Thematic concentration
• Alignment with Europe 2020 Objectives
• Strategic framework to translate Europe 2020 into
cohesion policy priorities
• Focus on a limited number of priorities
• Need for a national framework
• Flexibility in determining policy mixes
• Need to mobilise sub-national actors
Improving effectiveness
• Better monitoring and evaluation
• Clear and verifiable indicators
• Conditionality and incentives
– Macro-fiscal
– Structural
– Performance
• Possibility of output based approach
• A clearer chain of assurance – reinforcement
of single audit approach
• Efficient and simpler management and control
• Greater differentiation
• Financial flows/absorption
• Harmonisation of eligibility rules
• Combination of grants and loans
Key priorities for change
• Align Cohesion Policy with priorities of Europe 2020
• Concentrate resources on a limited number of priorities
• Introduce stronger incentives and conditionality
• Move towards a result-oriented delivery system
• Strengthen the strategic role of the Commission
• Stronger emphasis on financial engineering (non-grant
instruments in 2007-2013: EUR 10 billion)
• Strengthen accountability and transparency
Approach to health in 2007-2013
• ERDF focuses on lagging regions to address
deficiencies constituting barriers to development
• Cross-border cooperation
• Investments in health infrastructure, human
resources, health promotion and disease
• E-health, innovation and research
Health investments 2007-2013
Between 2007 and 2013:
•€5.1 billion (1.5% of the
total of cohesion policy
funding) has been
earmarked to support
health infrastructure
•€5 billion have been
earmarked for e-services
(including e-health)
•€1 billion has been
earmarked for active
ageing, etc.
Health infrastructure: Percentage of planned
investments in health infrastructure in relation to the
total amount of Structural Funds allocated to Member
States in 2007-13.
Approach to health in post-2013 period
• Alignment with the Europe 2020 strategy
• Focus on main bottlenecks constraining growth in
lagging Member States and regions
• Foster structural change in health systems
• Increase the quality of public expenditure
• European Platform against Poverty
Final reflections
Measurable and verifiable indicators
Integrated cross-sectoral approaches
Integrated urban development
Community-based approaches
Cross-border and transnational cooperation
Conditionality linked to EU funds
Next steps
• 9 November 2010: Fifth Cohesion Report
• 11 November – 31 January 2011 – Public
consultation on the 5th cohesion report
• 31 January/1 February 2011: Cohesion Forum
• Spring 2011: Future financial perspectives
• Summer 2011: Legal proposals
• 2012/13: Adoption of new legislative package
• 2014: Entry into force
Thank you for your attention!
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