Transcript Chapter 3

Sex Roles


Sex Roles

 Sex is biological  Gender is self or social conception of masculinity and femininity  Virtually every known society differentiates people on the basis of gender  Also based on male domination

Gender-Identity Formation

 Typical prenatal differentiation (6 weeks) – 23 human chromosomes • 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome – Chromosomal sex • XX: female • DSS gene on X • Ovaries XY: male SRY gene on Y Testes

Typical Prenatal Differentiation Part 1

Gonadal sex – Ovaries or testes (DSS or SRY)  Hormonal sex – Estrogens & androgens (once developed release)

Sex Differentiation

 Hypothalamus • absent testosterone during prenatal differentiation (pregnancy) • leads to receptor cells initiating menstrual cycle – Cerebral hemispheres – Corpus callosum (thicker in women)

Typical Prenatal Differentiation Part 2

 Internal structures – Mullerian (female) or Wolffian duct systems develop into female or male internal organs  External structures – Genital tubercle develops into clitoris or penis – Labio-scrotal swelling develops into labia or scrotum

Prenatal Differentiation of Internal Structures

Prenatal Differentiation of External Genitals

Prenatal Differentiation of External Genitals

Atypical Prenatal Differentiation Part 1

  Intersexed – Hermaphrodites • Both ovarian and testicular tissue – Pseudohermaphrodites • Gonads match chromosomal sex Sex chromosome disorders (see table page 54) – Turner’s syndrome XO • Only 1 sex chromosome, external OK, internal not developed – Klinefelter’s syndrome XXY • Antomically male, sterile, little interest

Transsexualism and Transgenderism

   Transexualism – Cross gender identification and gender dysphoria Transgendered – People whose appearance and/or behavior does not conform to traditional gender roles Intersexed people  Gender Identity vs. sexual orientation

Options for Transsexuals

 Gender blending / cross-dressing  Psychotherapy  Sex reassignment

Doing Gender

 Should not be based on size – Penis is too small, can’t possibly be a man  Gender is active – Performance with props, signs, symbols, behaviors, emotions – Sex changes vs. cross dressers as evidence

The Interactional Model

 Acknowledgment of both nature and nurture  Relative roles are still unclear

Other Issues

 Our culture believes certain characteristics are feminine and thus should not be part of being male – Males: independent and aggressive – Females: nonassertive, warm, and nurturant – Recent trend away from rigid stereotypes – Ethnic Variation in gender roles  What happens when women or men decide to contradict the larger culture’s views on femininity or masculinity?

Margaret Mead

 Found that in some societies men are more emotional and feminine than the women in that society  Argued that personality differences between the sexes are cultural creations, which we are trained to conform

Margaret Mead

 Majority of society will conform, few deviants  However she wanted to know why men and women were so divided in most cultures- regardless of the division  Why are boys taught not to show fear and for girls it is okay to show fear?


 5 Social Institutions – Family, economy, religion, political order, and education – Let’s focus on family and school for now


 First thing known about new baby  Toys  Chores  Role models


 Boys and girls reinforce and teach gender  Males receive more attention in class – They need it, can’t sit still, etc. – Demand more of it, call out


 Despite this extra attention boys generally do worse in school  ADD, mentally retarded, learning disabled (71%), emotionally disturbed (81%)  Schools are run by women, for girls – Expected to sit quietly


 Boys tend to be overconfident  Girls begin to undervalue their abilities  Comparing math scores when girls and boys did the same, boys rate their abilities higher and girls lower

The best thing about being a boy…

 Playing Sports (24.5%)  Being Strong (20.7%)  Entitlement (17.7%) – Listened to more – Allowed to do more – Greater respect

The best thing about being a girl…

 Appearance (22.5%)  Nothing (17.7%) – More boys than girls submitted this answer  Academic Advantage (13.4%)

Androgyny: Transcending Gender Roles

 Blending of typical male and female behaviors in one individual  Benefits and drawbacks  May show more flexibility & comfort with sexuality