Physical Examination of the newborn infant 新生兒檢查之標準流程

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Transcript Physical Examination of the newborn infant 新生兒檢查之標準流程

Physical Examination of the
newborn infant
高醫小兒科部 新生兒科
• 作完整新生兒檢查之時機︰在餵食之後約1到2個
• 維持溫暖的環境來作檢查。若可以的話,可使用
頭頂的輻散發熱器 (radiant warmer)。
• 除尿布之外,除去外部衣服,以作全身之檢查
• 在檢查期間,你需要使用溫和、輕柔的聲音;並
• 儘量使檢查流程順利,不要突然嚇到嬰兒。
• 作較侵犯性的檢查時,可使用安撫奶嘴。
1. 除去外部衣服,留下尿布。
2. 測量頭圍、身長及體重並將其畫在生長曲線圖上。
3. 摸前囟門(anterior fontanelle),感受其張力(tension)是否正常或是有凹
4. 注視嬰兒的臉,看其膚色及是否有異常之處。
5. 檢查眼睛,耳朵,鼻子和嘴。
6. 檢查頸部,包括觸摸鎖骨。
7. 聽心音及呼吸音,並估計心跳速率和呼吸速率。
8. 摸腹部。
9. 檢查手臂、手、腿和腳。
10. 打開尿布,並摸其股動脈脈搏。
11. 檢查生殖器、肛門口及臀部。
12. 把嬰兒轉向俯臥的位置並且檢查背部和脊椎,並評估肌肉張力。
13. 將嬰兒轉回仰臥位置,評估中樞神經系統(CNS)。
14. 確保你沒忽略任何事情,並且你也已經檢查母親所注意的任何現象
• Measure body weight
• Check Body length
• Check head circumference
– The tape should encircle the
most prominent parts of the
forehead and occiput
From Pediatric clinical skills P.27
Skin color
• Reddish pink – healthy warm babies
• Generalized redness of the skin, plethora -- ploycythemia
• White cheesy vernix
• Dry, cracked, or peeling skin – post-maturity
• Greenish – meconium
• Bruising and petechiae – birth process or need further
• Pallor – anemia or peripheral shutdown with shock or both
• Jaundice – normally, it appears between 2 and 4 days
• Mottled skin – cutis marmorata
Mottled skin
Normal skin color
Pallor and malnutrition
Skin rashes
• Milia
• Erythema toxicum
• Transient neonatal
pustular melanosis
• Acne neonatorum
• Herpes simplex
• Macular hemangioma
(stork bites)
• Port-wine stain (nevus
• Mongolian spot
• Cavernous hemangioma
• Strawberry hemangioma
(macular hemagnioma)
Erythema toxicum
Acne neonatorum
Seborrhic dermatitis
Mongolian spot
Mongolian spot
Macular hemangioma
Strawberry hemangioma
Port-wine stain
Epidermal nevi
Leukemia cutis—
multiple brown-red to violaceous papules and nodules
From assessment and care of the well newborn 2nd edition, color plate 12
Head and skull
Distorted and molded – normal
Size -- normally in 32-38 cm at term
Anterior fontanel -- for tension and size
Cranial sutures -- up to 1 cm is normal
Caput succedaneum -- edema caused by
pressure over the presenting part; crosses
suture lines
• Cephalohematoma -- collections of blood
between the periosteum and the skull
bones; most in the parietal; do not extend
across the suture lines
• Subgaleal hemorrhage – fluctuant; blood
accumulation beneath the scalp in a large
From Pediatrics 2005, Mosby, Inc. p17 &1262
Ear and nose
• low-set ears
• Note any pre-auricular
pits, skin tags or
accessory auricles
• Nose: general shape and
width of the bridge
Normal ear position
From Pediatrics 2005, Mosby, Inc. p18
• Note gross abnormality, size, dimensions and slant,
• Strabismus or nystagmus
• Ophthalmoscopic examination: not practicable
• Slight mucoid discharge: sticky eye; very common
in the first 2 days later
• Subconjunctival
very common after birth,
• Hypertelorism
• Hypoterlorism
From Physical diagnosis in neonalology P.249
• Normal: bright and clear; size 10mm
• If cornea size is greater than 13mm
(particularyly if the cornea is also hazy):
congenital glaucoma
• Cataracts: can be occasionally seen with the
naked eye using a bright light shone
• Note micrognathia;
• any asymmetry of the corners of
the mouth and the nasolabial
– Facial nerve palsy
– An absent angularis oris muscle
• Palate: intact or cleft or higharched or grooved
• Minor variations:
From Atlas of Neonatology 7th edition
– Epstein's pearls,
– Natal teeth,
– Short frenulum or tongue tie
From Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis 3rd edition p40 &
Physical diagnosis in neonalology P.216
Pierre-Robin sequence –
the association of an often wide U-shaped cleft palate with a
small mandible and a posteriorly placed tongue
• Webbed neck: Turner syndrome
• Redundant skin posterior: one of the
characteristics of Down syndrome
• Cystic hygromas: soft fluctuant swellings; most
arising in the posterior triangle
• Sternomastoid tumors: hematoma in the
sternomastoid muscle
• Clavicle: should be palpated for fractures => Erb's
palsy or shoulder dystocia
• Breast swelling + a few drops of 'witches'
milk: quite normal
• Respiratory rate: normally 40-60
• Respiratory pattern: flaring of the alae nasi,
grunting, retractions
• Auscultation: bowel sounds in the chest =>
asymptomatic diaphragmatic hernia
Cardiorespiratory system
• Palpate the precordium: thrills or pronounced ventricular
• Point of maximal impulse: usually found in the L't 4th
intercostal space inside the mid-clavicular line
• Check the peripheral pulses: if PDA + significant L't to R't
shunt  bounding pulse
• Heart rate: abnormally fast (>160/min) or slow (<100/min)
• Check if there is heart murmur
• Signs of heart failure: tachycardia, tachypnea,
• Measure the blood pressure: not practicable
• Abdominal distension: easily appreciated
• Umbilicus:
Three vessels
any discharge or reddening of the skin
Thick cord with profuse jelly => diabetic mother
Thin one => small-for-dates babies
Green discoloration: meconium stain => intrauterine asphyxia
Note umbilical hernia
• Palpate the abdomen: liver edge -- can be up to 2 cm
below RCM
• Kidneys -- detect any abnormal large renal mass
• Spleen -- just tipped; if > 1 cm => investigation
• Auscultation: suspect GI problem ex. distension, bilestained vomiting, failure to pass meconium, or bloody
• Penis:
– Normally about 3 cm; phimosis is usual
• Check the position of urethral meatus
– Hypospadias as glandular, coronal,
mid-shaft or perineal
• Inspect the shaft of the penis
• Check the urinary stream: meatal stenosis
with hypospadias; urethral valve
• Scrotum:
– Testes -- both should be palpable in full term
– Hydroceles -- resolve spontaneously
• Note inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia
From Pediatrics 2005, Mosby, Inc. p1353-1354
Bifida scrotum with hypospadias
Genitalia- Female
• Vulva: the clitoris and labia minora
are relatively prominent
• White mucoid vaginal discharge
with blood stained – normal
• Small skin tags or mucoid cysts -can resolve spontaneously
• Check the position of
the anus and anal tone
• By spreading the
buttocks apart as a
superficial dimple may
resemble an anus
Imperforated anus with
Ambiguous genitalia
From Pediatrics 2005, Mosby, Inc. p1359
Upper limbs
• Inspect the arm: shape,
posture, symmetry
• Examine the hand: flexion
deformities of the fingers;
palm creases; syndactyly or
• Observe spontaneous arm
• Erb’s palsy -- lack of
movement in the arm and the
hand showed 'waiter's tip'
From Atlas of Neonatology 7th edition
Clenched hand
Lower limbs
• Inspect the legs and feet: posture, symmmetry, general size
and shape
• Observe spontaneous or stimulated active movements:
restriction of joint
• Feet: 'Rocker bottom' shape and short hallux => Edward
• Puffy feet and hypoplastic nails => Turner syndrome
• Calcaneovalgus position => fetal position in utero
• Equinovarus position
• Over-riding toes: self-correcting
Trisomy 18
Edward syndrome
• Congenital dislocation:
common following breech
presentation; most of girls
• Perform Ortolani's test &
Barlow's test
From Physical diagnosis
in neonalology P.417
Neurological examination
• Formal testing is seldom needed
• Posture: normal neonate -- lies predominantly in a
flexed position
• The presentation at birth can influence posture for
several days
• Spontaneous motor activity
• Muscle tone and strength: test by
– Assessing resistance to passive movements
– Pull-to-sit maneuver
– Ventral suspension
• Crying: note if it is either-high pitched or very weak
• Feeding and sucking patterns
• Reflex responses: Moro reflex, Grasp reflex, Rooting
and sucking reflex
Primitive reflexes
Rooting reflex
Sucking reflex
Grasp reflex
Grasp reflex
Moro reflex
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