Employability Skills

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Transcript Employability Skills

Acknowledgement to Jane Bell, Former
Director, The Amazing Group of Companies
Global businesses are increasingly
seeking graduates who have a global
awareness and have worked or studied
overseas as part of their learning
UK graduates are missing out as they
are now less likely to study overseas
International graduates consider that
they are more likely to have higher paid
jobs at more senior positions and spend
less time seeking those jobs, than either UK
graduates, or those in their home country
who did not travel
British businesses have global competency
models and recruit globally for their global
and local businesses
Quotation: “Global Business .. Global Graduates” The Council for Industry and Higher Education
Knowledge based economies
Competitive global markets
With a highly mobile workforce
Widening participation
Lifelong learning
Enhancing employability
Global Businesses are increasingly recruiting
globally. Graduates who have international
experience are highly employable because
they have demonstrated that the have drive,
resilience and inter-cultural sensitivities as
well as language skills. They are selfselecting elite.
“As students and graduates expand their
horizons they in turn become more
enterprising, innovative, socially aware
and better global citizens. It is these
qualities that global businesses, and we
hope increasingly societies, seek in their
future leaders.”
Just what is it, and why
do we need it???
It belongs to you…
It is your property…
But what is it?
It is not the same as
getting employment,
or being employed.
… how an individual grasps
the opportunities that are
before them
… how someone reflects on
their experiences
... how someone packages
and presents the skills they
the knowledge, skills and
attitudes that will support
future development end
Fundamental skills
Personal skills
Team skills
Managing Information
Numerical Skills
Problem solving
Positive attitude and behaviours
Taking responsibility
Continuous learning
Communication skills
Team-working skills
Intellectual ability
Planning and organisational skills
Literacy (good writing skills)
Numeracy (good with numbers)
Analysis and decision-making skills
Creativity skills to generate ideas
Risk taking skills to be entrepreneurial
Relationship-building skills to develop
the relationships that support innovation
Implementation skills to turn ideas into
Can employers realistically expect
new starters to have this huge
range – when so many skills take
years of experience at work to
There may be a methodology –
but that depends on the
Perhaps it is more realistic for
employers to recognise that new
entrants cannot possibly have all
that it required of them…
… and for graduating students to
develop an accurate awareness of
what they can contribute.
There are 3 easy (!) steps…
The development of one’s employability
attributes – and most importantly –
mapping examples to the list typically
sought by employers
The development of one’s self
promotional skills
The willingness to reflect and LEARN
Through good quality work
and part time work where you can
develop the skills alongside
theoretical understanding.
Reflect on what you achieve and your
Evaluation of performance and actions
based on sound reflection
Personal Development Planning (PDP)