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Transcript 《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》的建议。

Administrative Law

Dr. He Chen [email protected]

Chapter 4: Abstract Administrative Acts

•General Description Administrative Act of •Administrative Legislation •Other Abstract Administrative Acts Abstract


General Description of Abstract Administrative Act

•4.1.1 concept and feature •Abstract administrative act is a rule of conduct which has widely binding forces made by the state administrative organs on unspecific persons or matters.

•Including: regulations, administrative other decrees, laws administrative measures and so on.

and commends,

•Comparing with specific administrative act, abstract administrative act has the following features: – Generality of its object – Constancy and repeated application of its effectiveness – Indirectness of its function – Be of quasi-legislative character – Be of non-indictable([in’daitəbl] 不可起诉 ,) character

•4.1.2 the legal essentials of the abstract administrative act •Legal subject •Legal content •Legal limits of authority •Legal procedure


the classification administrative act of abstract •The administrative legislative act •Other abstract administrative act

4.2 Administrative Legislation

•4.2.1 concept of administrative legislation •Administrative legislation refers to the normative legal documents that have broad range of applications for the relative administrative management events, which are made and published by the authorized administrative organs within their authorities according to the legal procedure.

•Its forms include administrative regulations and rules.

•4 . 2 . 2 regulations enactment of administrative •Administrative regulations procedure in order to (法规) are general term of various laws made by the State Council according to the Constitution and laws and legal manage and lead administrative work.

•Among these, it will be called ordinance( 条例) if it was made in a

comprehensive and systemic

way for a specific aspect of the administrative work, it will be called prescript ( 规 定 ) if


, measure (办法) if



•4.2.3 enactment of administrative rules •administrative rules ( 规 章 ) can be divided into department rules and local government rules

– Department rules refer to normative documents made be the departments of State Council according to specific procedure, law and the administrative regulations decree, orders of the State Council within the limit of power of the department.

– Local rules or the rules of local governments. That is, the rules made by the governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the General Government, by governments of the capital cities of provinces, autonomous regions, by governments of bigger cities approved by the State Council or by the government of special economic zones.

•4 . 2 . 4 validity and supervision of administrative legislation • the validity grade( 效 力 等 级 ) of administrative legislation – Constitution---law--- administrative regulation-- administrative rule – It’s equal between the department rules and the rules of local government. When they are not identical on the same items, the common superior is supposed to judge.


legislation the supervision •1)Putting on records of administrative – Administrative regulations should be reported to the NPC standing committee for record.

– The administrative rules should be reported to the State Council for record.

– The local administrative rules should be reported at the same time to the same level of NPC standing committee for record.

– The rules made by the large cities’ government should be reported to the same level of NPC standing committee and to the higher next government.

•2) examination – If the State Council, Central Military Committee, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Prosecutorial Office and the NPC and NPC standing committee of provinces, autonomous regions, municipality consider the administrative regulations and rules are contradicted with the Constitution and law, they could ask NPC standing committee for examination.

– If other state organs, social organizations and citizens consider the administrative regulations and rules are contradicted with the Constitution and law, they could provide suggestions for examination.

•Case study: Sun Zhigang’s Case (孙志刚案)

•关于审查《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》的建议 书 •全国人民代表大会常务委员会: •《中华人民共和国立法法》第88条第2款规定,全国 人大常委会有权撤销同宪法和法律相抵触的行政法规, 第90条第2款规定,公民认为行政法规同宪法或法律 相抵触的,可以向全国人大常委会书面提出进行审查 的建议。 •我们作为中华人民共和国公民,认为国务院1982年5 月12日颁布的,至今仍在适用的《城市流浪乞讨人员 收容遣送办法》,与我国宪法和有关法律相抵触,特 向全国人大常委会提出审查《城市流浪乞讨人员收容 遣送办法》的建议。

•建议审查事项: •《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》是否属 于《中华人民共和国立法法》第87条第1款规 定的“超越权限的”和第2款规定的“下位法 违反上位法的”行政法规。

•事实与理由: •《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》第6条规定,被 收容人员“必须”服从收容、遣送,遵守收容遣送站 的规章制度,这是授权民政部门和公安部门可以对被 收容遣送对象实施行政强制措施,实际上赋予了行政 部门具有剥夺或限制公民人身自由的权力。该办法的 实施细则第13条规定:“收容遣送站要及时组织遣送。 被收容人员留站待遣时间:省内的一般不超过十五天; 外省的一般不超过一个月。”这说明,有关行政部门 可以把那些没有违法的人关押在收容所里,限制他们 的人身自由长达半个月或者一个月,甚至更长时间。

•《中华人民共和国宪法》第37条规定:中华人民共和 国公民的人身自由不受侵犯。任何公民,非经人民检 察院批准或者决定或者人民法院决定,并由公安机关 执行,不受逮捕。禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥 夺或者限制公民的人身自由,禁止非法搜查公民的身 体。 •《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》第9条规定:限制人 身自由的行政处罚,只能由法律设定。《中华人民共 和国立法法》第8条和第9条规定:对公民政治权利的 剥夺、限制人身自由的强制措施和处罚,只能制定法 律。

•我们认为,根据以上法律规定,国务院没有权力制定 以限制公民人身自由为内容的行政法规。我国宪法以 及立法法颁布之后,《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办 法》作为国务院制定的行政法规中有关限制人身自由 的内容与我国现行宪法以及有关法律相抵触,属于 《中华人民共和国立法法》第87条第1款规定的“超 越权限的”和第2款规定的“下位法违反上位法的” 行政法规,应该予以改变或撤销。

•因此,作为中华人民共和国公民,我们根据《中华人 民共和国立法法》第90条第2款之规定,向全国人大 常委会提出建议:建议全国人大常委会审查《城市流 浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》。 •以上建议,请审查。2003年5月14日 •中华人民共和国公民:俞江(法学博士,华中科技大 学法学院),腾彪(法学博士,中国政法大学法学 院),许志永(法学博士,北京邮电大学文法学院)

•2003年6月20日,国务院总理温家宝签署国务院令, 公布《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》 (Administrative Measures for Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Support in Cities ),1982年5月12日国务院发 布的《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》 (Deportation Measures for Urban Vagrants and Beggars)同时废止。

•Discuss: •2006年5月8日,医学专家钟南山院士在广州街头被抢 后,他提议收容游民、重罚罪犯,一时引发强烈的讨 论。 •各大网站引发热烈讨论,过半网友主张用重典整治街 头犯罪,但也有网友对是否恢复收容制度表示了质疑, 认为不能把无业游民与犯罪分子划等号,恢复收容制 度的主张是一种历史的退步,而且一味重罚并不治本, 政府应该加大对社会弱势群体的关注,帮助他们、引 导他们走向正途。 •何兵 :



钟南山院士手提电脑被抢”引发对广州治安问 题的讨论 •钟南山呼吁收容无业游民评论选 •思考: 知识分子


是否应独立于自身 得 失

gains and losses

来谈 是非

right and wrong

•思考:知识分子与 学者



•Intellectuals are the conscience of society.

• 知识分子是社会的良心。

•《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》 •就法规本身来讲,贺卫方教授认为至少有三点值得称 道: •第一,新法规的执法主体发生了变化,办法第四条规 定,“县级以上人民政府民政部门负责流浪乞讨人员 的救助工作,并对救助站进行指导、监督。”该办法 以民政部门作为执法的主体,公安部门基本淡出了救 助管理领域,公安部门作为行政强制机关过多介入对 城市生活无着的流浪和乞讨人员的救助会使这部法规 治安管理的色彩过重,而民政部门作为执法主体,无 疑加强了法规的社会福利与救济的意义,体现的是政 府对社会贫弱者的责任;

•第二,法规对救助对象进行了严格的限制,该办法第 一条就明确规定了城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员是基 本的救助对象,保障其基本的生活权益是救助的目标, 也就是说,“三证”不全不能成为收容遣送的条件, 更不能成为限制人身自由的理由,这对保障城市外来 务工人员的基本权益无疑是一个很大的进步;

•第三,新法规中对救助站和救助站工作人员的禁止性 规定较多,如,第十条“救助站不得向受助人员、其 亲属或者所在单位收取费用,不得以任何借口组织受 助人员从事生产劳动。”第十一条“救助站应当劝导 受助人员返回其住所地或者所在单位,不得限制受助 人员离开救助站


以及救助站要为受助人员提供 食宿、医疗救助和交通费用,要保证受助人员在站内 的人身安全和随身携带物品的安全,维护站内秩序等, 这些规定都对救助站及其工作人员的权力进行了严格 的规范与限制,显示了该办法的政府福利救助性质, 而非治安管理的性质。

4.3 Other Abstract Administrative Acts

•They refer to decrees, orders and administrative measures besides administrative regulations and rules, with general binding forces, made by state administrative organs within legal limit of power in order to imply laws and execute policies.