Fitness testing

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Fitness Testing
Learning Objectives
 Identify the health and skill related
components to different sports.
 Understand how these components of
fitness can be tested.
 Analyse your own fitness test results to
the national norms.
 Use your sheet provided
 Watch the following video clips
 List all the components you think each
sport or skill requires.
Testing Components of Fitness
Cooper 12
Minute Run
Two Ball Bounce
Sit and Reach Test
Ruler Drop Test
30 Metre Sprint
Testing Components of Fitness
Hand Grip Test
Illinois Agility Test
Step Up Test
Standing Stork Test
Sergeant Jump Test
 Use the sheet provided.
 The aim is to find out from another student the
information you need.
 You can not have the same name twice. You MUST
have ten different names.
 The winner is the first person to complete all text
information with the test name, explanation,
other tests and the name of the person you asked.
TEST – Body Mass Index
Weight (kg)
(Height (m) x Height (m)) = .........
OTHER TEST – Skinfold test
NAME – Mr Bishop
HEALTH related fitness tests
Body Composition
 BMI (Body Mass Index)
 Weight:......................... Kg
 Height:.......................... Cm
 BMI:
Weight (kg) .
(Height (m) x Height (m)) = .........
Sit and Reach Test
 This tests your ‘FLEXIBILITY’
 A sit and rest box is used.
 Athletes put their feet against the box, and keeping their
legs flat on the floor, reach forward as far as they can.
 A measurement is then taken.
Cooper 12 Minute Run
 This tests how far you can run in 12 minutes.
 The further you run, the fitter you are.
 Usually done on a athletics track.
 You can also use the Treadmill Test and the Harvard Step
Harvard Step Test
 The athlete steps up and down on the step at a
rate of 30 steps per minute (every two seconds)
for 5 minutes or until exhaustion.
 Pulse rate is measured every 3 minutes after
the test.
 FORMULA – length of exercise in seconds X 100
5.5 x pulse count
Hand Grip Test
 This tests your ‘MUSCULAR STRENGTH’
 A hand dynamometer is used in this test.
 Start with the hand dynamometer by their side, grip it as
hard as they can and bring it up to shoulder height.
 A measurement is then taken.
 This tests your ‘SPEED’
 Run as fast as you can from start to finish
 Cones are separated with a distance of 30 metres
 Record the time it takes to travel the distance. It is ok
to have a run and start the timing on passing the start
Illinois Agility Test
 This test ‘AGILITY’
 Start by laying face down and
on the whistle following the
set route.
 The athlete is timed on how
quick they can complete the
 They must be able to change
direction quickly and
Sergeant Jump Test
 This tests ‘POWER’
 Stand side on to the wall, keeping both feet
remaining on the ground, reaches up as high as
possible with one hand and mark the wall with
the tips of the fingers.
 From a static position jump as high as possible
and mark the wall with the chalk / MARKER PEN.
 Distance between the two marks is measured.
Ruler Drop Test
 This tests your ‘REACTION TIME’
 A 30cm ruler is held above the hand.
 It will then be dropped and the athlete has to quickly
respond and catch the ruler.
 A measurement is then taken at the point where the ruler
has been caught.
Standing Stork Test
 This tests ‘BALANCE’
 The athlete will stand on one leg,
the other leg will rest on the
standing leg.
 Athletes will then be timed on
how long they can stand without
putting their foot down.
Tennis ball test
 This tests your ‘COORDINATION’
 Bounce 2 tennis balls (1 in each hand) as many
times as you can without dropping them.
 Record the number of bounces before you dropped
one or both.
Testing Components of Fitness
Cooper 12
Minute Run
Two Ball Bounce
Sit and Reach Test
Ruler Drop Test
30 Metre Sprint
Testing Components of Fitness
Hand Grip Test
Illinois Agility Test
Step Up Test
Standing Stork Test
Sergeant Jump Test
Tests worksheet
 Complete the worksheet you started in
the practical lesson yesterday.
Exam Q’s
 Coordination is:
A How well a task is completed
B The ability to use two or more body
parts together
C The ability to change position quickly
and with control
D Working together as a team
Exam Q’s
Exam Q’s
Guess what card
Guess the test your partner has on
their card
Once you guess it correctly you
then move onto another person.
 Complete the exam questions worksheet.
 Hand in next lesson (Monday 8th October).
 If you are struggling to complete these questions please
come to see me before this Friday.