The Leader`s Inner Circle

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Million Leaders Mandate Curriculum
Notebook Three
The Leader’s Inner Circle
Lesson 2
The Leader’s Inner Circle
Building a Healthy Network of Relationships
“Two are better than one because they have a good return
for their labor. For if either of them falls,
the one will lift up his companion.
But woe to the one who falls when there is not
another to lift him up”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Leaders Who Failed
Three Consistent Observations
• Stopped spending time alone with God each day
• No accountability to people in my life
• Never thought this kind of failure could happen
to me
What We All Need
Establish and enjoy relationships with:
A Paul (a mentor)
A Barnabas (an accountability partner)
A Timothy (an apprentice or disciple who follows
Why are these relationships
1. Every leader has weaknesses.
2. Leaders are on the front line and are vulnerable to attack.
3. Leaders are to set a higher standard for themselves and
4. Leaders can be “starving bakers” who are busy serving
bread to others, but never eating it for themselves.
5. Leaders can be blinded to the temptations of power and
6. Leaders can get so busy that their spiritual life suffers more
than anything else.
7. Leaders often react to needs and forget to train others for
the future.
Suggestions To Practice The
Discipline Of Time Alone With God
1. Make an appointment with God daily.
2. Begin by becoming quiet. Then ask God to speak to
3. Bring your Bible, pen, and paper and be prepared to
interact with God.
4. Develop a plan for study. Read Scripture you can
digest in one sitting.
5. Determine to read until you receive a principle or
truth to practice.
Suggestions To Practice The
Discipline Of Time Alone With God
6. Write out what God is saying through His Word.
a. One Time
b. All Time
c. Now Time
7. Learn to meditate on the specific word God has for you.
8. Pray through the passage of Scripture, asking God to build
truth in you.
9. Internalize the word through obedience.
Characteristics Of Strong Families
1. They express appreciation for each other on a regular
2. They structure their lives so they can spend time together.
3. They deal with problems in a positive way.
4. They demonstrate a strong commitment to each other.
5. They continually communicate with one another.
6. They share the same value system.
7. The parents model what it means to bless other members.
Steps To Find A Mentor
1. Pray that God will open your eyes to mentors
2. Set a realistic standard.
3. Look for strengths in a potential mentor that you
want to develop in yourself.
4. Be open to multiple mentors.
5. Recognize that mentors may be distant (phone
What To Look For In A Mentor
1. Godly: Should demonstrate godly character worth
2. Objective: Must be able to see your strengths
3..Authentic: Must be real.
4 . Loyal: Must be loyal to relationships.
5. Serving: Should be willing to give generously of their
time and resources.
What To Look For In An
Accountability Partner
Probing: Ask probing questions.
Authentic: Honest and genuine about their own
Challenging: Help you press on to a new level of
leadership and obedience.
Trustworthy: Value honesty and can handle
anything you share with them.
What To Look For In A Mentee
Faithful: Faithful to commitments they have already
Available: Have the time to commit to learning from you.
Initiative: Show initiative in their obedience to God and
desire to serve.
Teachable: Willing to learn for you.
Hungry: Have a passion and eagerness to grow as a
Alarm Bells for Leaders
Is my personal walk with God up to date?
Am I keeping my priorities straight?
Am I asking myself the hard questions?
Am I accountable to someone in authority?
Am I listening to what God is saying to the whole Body
of Christ?
6. Am I over-concerned with building my image?
7. Am I overly impressed by either criticism or flattery?
8. Am I a “loner” in my ministry?
9. Am I aware of my weaknesses?
10. Is my calling constantly before me?