Troubled Families

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Medway Action For Families

(Troubled Families and European Social Fund Programme)

Project Manager: Andrew Willetts

Troubled Families


• • • • • • • Update: Agreement to change the name from Troubled Families to:

‘ Medway Action for Families ’

Standard Operating Procedure in place and awaiting signature with partners.

Terms of reference developed for Strategic/ Operational and Task Groups.

Budget in place.

Developing initiative with DWP community engagement programme in Luton and Wayfield.

Data sent and returned from DWP and now internally processed.

AASSA intensive keyworker to support in Luton and Wayfield as pilot develops.

• • • • • • • • Presentations to: Community Safety Partnership Children's Trust District Chief Inspectors Forum Councillors Luton and Wayfield Strategic Group Voluntary Sector Forum Health and Well-being Board Paper prepared for Kent Police Authority • • • DCLG event: DCLG 1-1 meeting. Like and happy with Medway programme Regional meeting took place- Medway on target.

National event today …… .


• • • • 2.

• • Criteria: 1.

Are involved in crime and anti-social behaviour


Families who meet Criteria 1 - Crime/Anti-social Behaviour (1 or more U/18 with a proven offence in the last 12 months);


Families who meet Criteria 1 - Crime/Anti-social Behaviour (ASBO, ABA or housing AS intervention in last 12 months); Have children not in school


Families who meet Criteria 2 - Education (3 or more fixed school exclusions across last 3 consecutive terms);


Families who meet Criteria 2 - Education (In a PRU because previously excluded); Not on a School Roll)


Families who meet Criteria 2 - Education (15% unauthorised absences across last 3 terms); 3.Have an adult on out of work benefits (Awaiting to send list to DWP) Met criteria 1 and 2 Met criteria 1 and 3 Met criteria 2 and 3 Met criteria 1, 2 and 3

Local criteria

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Families who meet Criteria 4 - Local (Adult Mental Health Problems);


Families who meet Criteria 4 - Local (Child Mental Health Problems - for reference we have used CCIS to match and determine all young people that we have as having a Statement)

Frequent Police call outs or arrests

- there are


families recorded from data received,

Local Authority Considering LAC

- we have again matched to CCIS and we there



awaiting an up to date list of LAC from the LA

U/18 conceptions

- we have used CCIS to match and have included those who are 18 and have only matched



17 year old NEETS

- again we have used CCIS to match and have found


families to date.

18 Year old NEETS

- again we have used CCIS to match and have found



Luton & Wayfield Priority Groups

families - we have used the Medway Place Data to match

65 Domestic Violence

– Awaiting data

U/18 on a child protection plan

– Awaiting data

Adults with proven offences in last 12 months (incl PPOs)

– Awaiting data

Families involved in gang related crime

- No data received to match to,

Adults with drug and alcohol misuse

– Awaiting data

U/18s with drug and alcohol misuse

– Awaiting data

Map of Medway showing location of Troubled Families.

Top 3 wards = 30% of Troubled Families

Ward: Chatham Central Gillingham North Luton and Wayfield Count 68 65 56 % 11.83



Implementation of programme

Diagram showing how programme will develop over next 3 years: Phase of implementation Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Oct 2012 -13 Nov Dec 2013 -14 April- June Luton and Wayfield Chat Central Gill North Pilot 10 cases 90 Cases 80 Cases Gill South Strood Medway 57 Cases 100 Cases 100 Cases Phase 5 2014-15 April June Medway 123 Cases

Team around the Family and PBR

Example Payment By Results (PbR) for family: Diagram showing service involvement through one plan: Strategic group Service 1 Service 2 TTAF Service 3 Service 5 Service 4 Over and above Intervention Intensive Enhanced Standard Service costs 40% 20% 10%

European Social Fund


• • • Update: On phase 4 in its development Implementation of work on target. Referrals slower than expected initially, but referrals on the increase Programme linked with Youth Contracts (16-17 year old NEET’s) • • • DWP: Regional event taken place.

Nationally slow start to programme.

Medway well placed and also had visit from Chris Grayling as leading area for South East.

• • • • Presentations: Social care (CRAST teams) Children’s Centres Job Centre Plus Integrated Youth Services Support • • Outcome: A Mum has undertaken programme and due to enthusiasm and achievement made, she has now been employed to be a coach for the provider coaching further parents and young people accessing the programme.

3 cases closed as Child In Need and stepped down onto ‘progress programme’.

Referral update

Year 1: April 2012- March 2013

Actual Target

April May June August Oct Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5

IPS JCP/ Provider Social care Childrens centre IYSS 15 20 20 50 8 110 6 40 30 49 250

Results for Troubled Families

Criteria and data matching

Troubled Families Will this work….?

Panel/ focus group

Single Point of entry

Integrated Prevention Service

X 10 SW Students

Troubled Families (Virtual Hub)

X 9 Keyworkers Lead Professionals Assessment in place (CAF/ CIN/ CP) Delivery and action plan. (Includes focus on criteria) CSP JCP School/ Academies Housing Police Probation YOT Health Parenting Social care Inclusion etc


% Salary back



NFA Standard Enhanced Intensive FFT Family evaluation and feedback Review (6 weeks, 12 week, 18 weeks, and 24 weeks).

Close Payment by result

What next

Troubled Families: • Develop steering group/ operational group • Develop and agree evidence based toolkit for evaluation of programme- (IYSS/ Hidden patterns) ESF: • Project Manager to be based in CRAST to support social care referrals • Provider (ATS) to be based in CRAST and Children's Centres Medway Action for Families: • Finalise the families to be supported in the first year • Pilot on 5 families will be active shortly • Hold stakeholder event for launch 1 st October 2012.

• Start to work with families October 2012.

• Evaluate December 2012 and February 2013 • Claim PbR March and again in May 2013.

TF Numbers

How do we make this work?

This will be agreed when developing the team around the family. This will be based on level of intervention planned and hours of working to support family. This can be used to back fill post to support the initiative On achieving all outcomes, this will be used to support further work and develop a training/ mentoring hub for parents to support other families over year 2 and 3.


August 2012- March 2013 April 2013 - March 2014 April 2014 - March 2015 Total


180 257 123 560


£480'000 £514'000 £164'000 £1'162'667


£120'000 £342'666 £246'000 £703'999


£600'000 £856'666 £410'000 £1'866'666
