House Corp Vision

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Return Gamma
Upsilon Chapter of
Delta Tau Delta to
Strength at Miami
Provide a Shelter that…..
Aligns with the Fraternal principles and
University mission.
Fulfills the needs of future undergraduates,
alumni and guests.
Exceeds the competition and attracts growth
in membership.
Location on campus.
Chapter members living lives of
Positive relationship with the university.
Good Leadership
Good recruitment team.
Condition of Shelter.
Shelter design does not meet student
Colony has not been chartered.
Alumni participation.
Alumni engagement.
Create a living-learning environment.
Become the bellwether fraternity on
Dream big.
Second year residency requirement.
Lot coverage.
Alumni support.
Alcohol policy
Funding requirements.
Create a healthy, safe and comfortable
living space.
Create a living-learning environment that
results in being the academic leader on
Create an environment that provides
opportunities to learn and live lives of
Create an environment that fosters pride in
the building and results in membership
Create an environment that demands
every member is a contributor and builds
Create an environment that provides a
positive and priceless brotherhood
Create an environment that welcomes
alumni and visitors and is admired by the
community and benchmarked by the
fraternity world.
Create an environment that is affordable,
competively priced and will assure
continued financial growth.
Create an environment that continuously
Create an environment that meets the
needs and expectations of the residents.
Create a healthy, safe and comfortable living
 Establish a substance-free facility.
No smoking
No drugs
No alcohol
 Implement ADA structural requirements per code.
 Install fire detection and sprinkler systems per code.
 Install heating and air conditioning systems.
 Install appropriate key and lock systems to secure interior and
exterior entry.
 Establish a dining and meal plan that assures good health and
 Design abundant natural daylight and openness into the structure.
Create a healthy, safe and comfortable
living space.
 Establish exterior green space for recreation.
 Design adequate space and amenities into the living quarters.
 Design adequate space and amenities into bathroom and shower
 Design entertainment areas inside and outside.
 Implement a cleaning and housekeeping policy for residents.
 Establish adequate parking spaces.
 Fire and safety program documented and understood by all
Create a living-learning environment that
results in being the academic leader on
 Build a quiet zone for study.
 Design a study lounge that is bright, open, well lit and living room
 Implement a quiet hour study time policy for the facility.
 Implement a social calendar that limits weekday events.
 Design multi-purpose room features and technology that allows for
classroom usage.
 Design multi-use office for faculty-student conferences.
 Recruit students of high academic interest and potential.
 Establish suite-style arrangements for live-in graduate student.
 Establish a member education chair responsible for developing
curriculum for each class (FR, SO, JR, SR).
 Work with the University to establish credit-earning courses within
the Delt curriculum.
Create an environment that provides
opportunities to learn and live lives of
Create an effective Honor Board.
Establish membership requirements and uphold code of conduct.
Expect our deeds to match our creed.
Make service a major focus.
Provide workshops on building self esteem and building bridges to
Attend Division and Karnea conferences.
Assign every member a responsibility.
Design programming that develops social competence, academic
competence and vocational competence.
Support and challenge each other to live up to our Fraternity Values.
Create an environment that fosters pride in the
building and results in membership growth.
Provide education on proper Shelter care.
Establish and document chapter housekeeping procedures.
Implement weekly house inspections.
Monthly meetings with House Corp officer.
Celebrate and embrace diversity within our membership and in our
recruitment process.
Create an environment that demands every
member is a contributor and builds leadership.
Implement member education programs.
Establish Big Brother Program and coaching process.
Provide on-site leadership training.
Schedule all-house goal setting retreat each semester.
Teach skills in motivation.
Instill the culture of involvement.
Establish funding for annual attendance at the Leadership Academy.
Nominate members for IFC officers.
Identify members for potential chapter leadership positions.
Promote external leadership training such as Futures Quest.
Create an environment that provides a positive
and priceless brotherhood experience.
 Provide a housing arrangement that allows members to live the Delt
 Engage members living off-campus in being involved.
 Create a strong Brotherhood Committee that drives exceptional
events for the betterment of individuals and the group.
 Generate master plan of brotherhood events each semester.
 Maintain an engaged Alumni Advisory Team.
 Plan annual visit to the Central Office.
Create an environment that welcomes alumni
and visitors and is admired by the community
and benchmarked by the fraternity world.
 Design entry foyer that embraces and “wows” visitors.
 Design curb appeal that is recognized by the Oxford community as
award winning and welcomes visitors into the Shelter.
 Design environment such that other Delt chapters and fraternities
come to us for input.
 Provide meeting and presentation space for community and
university organizations.
 Establish “fire-side chats” with speaker’s bureau.
 Invite alumni as guest speakers.
 Establish Parents Club.
 Design kitchen space to permit banquets, dinners and brunches with
various groups.
 Coach members in etiquette of welcoming guests.
Create an environment that is affordable,
competitively priced and will assure continued
financial growth.
Establish full year lease agreement with individual residents.
Establish room rate based upon competitive model.
Establish board rate based upon the meal plan strategy.
Require elected officers and designated chapter leadership to live in
the house.
House Corporation established rent to the chapter.
Benchmark available student housing.
House Corporation established financial plan.
Manage the Shelter as a profit-making investment.
Establish cash reserves.
Create an environment that continuously
 Create a “new” environment that generates “new” ideas.
 Train leadership in continuous improvement techniques and critical
 Create space where small teams can meet and work on projects.
 Establish officer training program.
 Establish goal setting process.
 Become a Hugh Shields chapter.
 Instill the process of personal growth and self improvement.
 Create a position of human resource manager to track personal
accomplishments and guide personal growth.
 Conduct annual self assessment of the chapter operation and
Create an environment that meets the needs
and expectations of the residents.
 Build a new house with the desired features.
 Acquire adjacent property.