AP French - MaFLA 2012 - Alexandrua - home

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Are You Ready for the
New AP French Exam?
Adina Alexandru
Southington Public Schools, CT
MaFLA 2012, Sturbridge, MA
AP Curriculum Framework
Achievement Level Descriptions
AP Course
ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners
AP overview
Même chance à tous
Rigueur académique
Ouvris les portes aux minorités
Problématique/solutions francophone
Le cours d’ AP - c’est un cours d’analyse et synthèse.
Allons au-delà
AP French
Controverses (for the AP teacher – text for college)
Imaginez (pre-AP) ***** - les exercices sur l’internet se corrigent eux-mêmes VISTA***
Quant à moi – pre-AP
Sur le vif – pre AP
Promenades – avant -pre AP
Rêvez – avant – pre AP
Overview continued
Donner le choix aux élèves de choisir un pays francophone
Présenter des activités récentes et authentiques
Question essentielle (ouverte) → vocabulaire → lectures, articles,
Défis mondiaux –
– La paix et la guerre – décision des peuples ou des chefs d’état ?
Famille et communauté
– L’amitié et l’amour – comment peut-on définir les relations sociales qui se
trouvent parmi les français. Ils ne se marient pas alors ils sont pacsés?
• Le pacte civil de solidarité (Pacs) est un contrat. Il est conclu entre deux
personnes majeures, de sexe différent ou de même sexe, pour organiser
leur vie commune.
Copy the same direction from the AP book for all quizzes
Some further requirements:
• Teachers must incorporate a
variety of authentic
materials into their AP
curriculum to address each
of the six themes:
– Literary and non-literary
– Audio, Audio-Visual and
• The three modes of
(interpretive, interpersonal
and presentational) must be
addressed throughout the
• Cultural products, practices
and perspectives must be
« Thematic Approach » : les thèmes du cours et
des contextes proposés pour les traiter en classe
The new AP French
Language and Culture
curriculum is built
around six required
Les défis
La science et la
• La diversité
• L’économie
• L’environnement
• La santé
• Les droits de l’être humain
• L’alimentation
• La paix et la guerre
• La recherche et ses nouvelles frontières
• Les découvertes et les inventions
• Les choix moraux
• L’avenir de la technologie
• La propriété intellectuelle
• Les nouveaux moyens de communication
• La technologie et ses effets sur la société
• La publicité et le marketing
La vie
L’éducation et l’enseignement
Les fêtes
Le logement
Les loisirs et le sport
Le monde du travail
Les rites de passage
Les voyages
La quête de
La famille et
la communauté
• L’aliénation et l’assimilation
• Les croyances et les systèmes de valeur
• Les sexes et la sexualité
• La langue et l’identité
• Le pluriculturalisme
• Le nationalisme et le patriotisme
• Les rapports sociaux
• L’enfance et l’adolescence
• La citoyenneté
• Les coutumes
• La famille
• L’amitié et l’amour
• L’architecture
• Le patrimoine
• Le beau
• Les arts littéraires
• La musique
• Les arts du spectacle
• Les arts visuels
Interpersonal writing
Interpersonal Writing
5: STRONG performance – email reply
• Maintains the exchange with a
response that is clearly appropriate
within the context of the task
Brief summary of rubric for 5(strong)
Frequent elaboration
Fully undestandable
Varied vocab. & idiomatic lang.
Grammar is accurate and varies
Consistent use of register for formal
• Variety of sentences
3: FAIR performance
E-mail Reply
• Maintains the exchange with a
response that is somewhat
appropriate but basic within the
context of the task
Brief summary of rubric for 3
Provides required information
Generally understandable
Basic vocabulary and idiomatic language
Some control of grammar
Register may be inappropriate
Simple sentences
1: POOR performance E-mail Reply
• Unsuccessfully attempts to maintain
the exchange by providing a
response that is inappropriate within
the context of the task
Brief summary of rubric for 1 (poor)
• Unsuccessful attempt to maintain the
• Little required information
• Barely understandable
• Few vocab resources
• Little or no control of grammar
• No attention to register
• Simple sentences or fragmentssen
Presentational Writing
• The task is constructed so that the print source and the audio
source present clearly distinct viewpoints.
• Time management: Students have the printed material in front
of them the whole time.
– Print sources: For the first 6 minutes, scan the article, chart, and
underline examples to use in the essay.
– Audio sources: Take notes! The audio is played twice, but students
must take notes in order to be able to pull an example or two to
use in the essay.
– Possible plan for writing time: 5 minutes to outline, then write
Presentational writing - essay
Presentational Writing: Persuasive Essay
• 5 Fully understandable, with ease and clarity of expression:
occasional errors do not impede comprehensibility
• 4 Fully understandable, with some errors which do not impede
• 3 Generally understandable, with errors that may impede
• 2 Partially understandable, with errors that force interpretation
and cause confusion for the reader
• 1 Barely understandable, with frequent or significant errors that
impede comprehensibility
Interpersonal Speaking: Conversation
• 5 Maintains the exchange with a series of responses that is clearly
appropriate within the context of the task
• 4 Maintains the exchange with a series of responses that is
generally appropriate within the context of the task
• 3 Maintains the exchange with a series of responses that is
somewhat appropriate within the context of the task
• 2 Partially maintains the exchange with a series of responses that
is minimally appropriate within the context of the task
• 1 Unsuccessfully attempts to maintain the exchange by providing a
series of responses that is inappropriate within the context of the task
Interpersonal conversation
Presentational speaking
• HOW?
• Decide what mode(s) of communication your students need
to practice
• Create a free-response task that incorporates your essential
question(s) which evokes a product, practice or a
Putting theory into practice – cultural
• Choose a Theme or Themes: Families and communities
• Recommended context(s): Friendship
• Essential question(s): What is the attitude of people in
Chambéry, France and in Cotonou, Bénin towards cultural
• Formative and Summative Assessments :
Answer these questions!
Presentational Speaking: Cultural Comparison
• 5 Effective treatment of the topic within the context of the
• 4 Generally effective treatment of topic within the context of
the task
• 3 Suitable treatment of topic within the context of the task
• 2 Unsuitable treatment of topic within the context of the
• 1 Almost no treatment of topic within the context of the task
AP French Language and Culture Curriculum Framework
Essential Questions
• In a thematic approach to instructional design, essential questions
guide classroom investigations, learning activities and performance
assessments. They may provide topics for project work, take-home
essays, and in-class debates, for example.
• Essential questions allow students to investigate and express
different views on real-world issues, make connections to other
disciplines, and compare aspects of French-speaking cultures to
their own.
• Essential questions should capture students’ interest, inform the
selection of authentic materials to use in class, and help students
consider the course themes across time and across cultures.
Resources by themes
Global challenges
greenhouse effect
Destruction of coral reefs
Model AS level essay onsport
Beauty and Aesthetics
Haunted house story
Child labour
Binge drinking EN
Binge drinking FR
Families and communities
Marriage and health
Violent clashes in Amiens
Nobel Peace Prize for the EU
Personal and public identities
Le point sur le Sida
GM crops
Should teachers give zero?
Snakes and ladders conversation game
AQA A2 stimulus cards by Richard Oates
Powerpoint on AQA A-level specification
Contemporary life
Prostitution – a prostitute’s account
Integration and immigration
Women’s rights – mini dossier
Household chores and divorce rates
Science and technology
Genome research
Solar energy
Pros and cons of electric cars
Other resources for the classroom
Richard Ladd – AP French - workbook
Richard Ladd – Allons au-delà – textbook
Face a Face- textbook
AP French Language All Access – workbook
New Barron
TCF (test de connaissance du français)
Other resources
Quelques journaux francophones
Quelques films :
La règle du jeu
Mr. Klein
Les emotifs
La grande séduction (qc)
Les invasions barbares (qc)
M. Lazhar (qc)
Pure laine (qc) (série)
L’enfant (be)
Le hussard sur le toit
Mon meilleur ami
Les visiteurs
Les chtis
le papillon
La graine et le mulet
Le 8eme jour
Le fils (be)
Les femmes du 6eme étage
Comme une image
Rue cases- nègres
Kirikou la sorcière
La bataille d’Alger