Transcript Chpt 28 PPt

The Crisis of the Imperial Order, 1900-1929 Chapter 28

Origins of the Crisis in Europe and the Middle East

The Ottoman Empire and the Balkans  By the late 19 th century the Ottomans were on the decline  Young Turks and Germany

Nationalism, Alliances, and Military Strategy  Causes of WW1  Nationalism   Undermined large multiethnic empires Crusade for liberty   Revenge for past injustices Heal class divisions    Alliance system Militarism Germany ’ s ambition

  Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia in 1914  Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Two Alliances   Triple Alliance Triple Entente


Great War

and the Russian Revolutions, 1914-1918

Stalemate, 1914-1918

 Western Front   Unbroken line of trenches For __ years the war was inconclusive

The Home Front and the War Economy   Demands for trench warfare    Stringent controls (rationing) Recruitment of: British naval blockade Africa   British and French overran German colonies Used for crops, labor, and soldiers

 The U.S. capitalized on the war. How?

The Ottoman Empire at War

  Allies with Germany in 1914    Unsuccessful against Russia Deport of Armenians Closed Dardanelles Straits British subversion  Hussein ibn Ali of Mecca

  Balfour Declaration of 1917  “ establishment of Jewish national homeland in Palestine ” Britain troops in Mesopotamia

Double Revolution in Russia, 1917   Russian incompetent by 1916 Czar (tsar) overthrown in 1917  Vladimir Lenin ’ s “ Bolshevik Revolution ”

The End of the War in Western Europe, 1917-1918   German resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare brought the U.S. into war in April 1917.  Zimmerman Letter The arrival of U.S. allowed Allies to counterattack against Germany.

 Armistice signed on November 11 th , 1918.

Peace and Dislocation in Europe, 1919-1929

The Impact of the War

 Effects  Physical destruction   Refugees Immigrants to:  Closed door policy   Influenza epidemic 1918-1919  Killed over __ million people Hastened mines, railroad, and factory production

The Peace Treaties

 Paris Peace Conference  David Lloyd George   Woodrow Wilson Georges Clemenceau   Treaty of Versailles  Humiliated Germany    War guilt clause Reparations Demilitarization Austro-Hungarian Empire fell  New countries created from:

Russian Civil War and the New Economic Policy  Russian Civil War    Continued 3 more years By 1921, Communists defeated their political enemies By 1922, the Soviet republic of Ukraine and Russia merged to create ________.

  Soviet Union built a modern socialist industrial economy by extracting resources from the peasants in order to pay for industrialization. Lenin dies in 1924, _____ succeeds.

An Ephemeral Peace

  The decade after the end of the war can be divided into two periods: five years of painful recovery and readjustment (1919 1923) followed by six years of growing peace and prosperity (1924-1929).

Germany   French occupation inflation

China and Japan: Contrasting Destinies

Social and Economic Change

 China   Rapid population, unfavorable land, heavy taxation, and flooding Social tension

 Japan   Non-arable land, natural resources, natural disasters Industrialization and economic growth caused social tension between zaibatsu and poor farmers 

Revolution and War, 1900-1918

 China   Boxer Affair in 1900 led to desire of overthrow of Qing and modernization of country. Sun Yat-sen elected president but presidency turned over to general Yuan Shikai

 Japan    Joined ____ in WW1 Benefit from: Conquered German colonies in China  Twenty One Demands

Chinese Warlords and the Guomindang, 1919-1929  Paris Peace Conference   Allowed Japan to retain China  Protests in Beijing 1919 Chinese warlords  Supported army through plunder and arbitrary taxation  Result:

 In the 1920s China reorganized forming the Chinese Communist Party and industrial modernization. However, corruption and incompetent administration kept China poor.

The New Middle East

The Mandate System

 German and Ottoman were given as colonies to the Allies.

  German was Class B Ottoman was Class A  Britain- Palestine, Iraq, and Trans-Jordan  France- Syria and Lebanon

The Rise of Modern Turkey

  Mustafa Kemal formed a nationalist government in 1919 and reconquered Anatolia and area around Constantinople from W. Europe. Modernization     Secular Alphabet Family Women   Dress resistance

Arab Lands and the Question of Palestine   Changes in Middle East  Nomads   Population grew 50% Westernization Maghrib (Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco)  France monopolized government jobs and businesses  Arabs and Berbers remained poor and suffered from discrimination

 England   declared Iraq and Egypt independent in 1922 Limit wave of Jewish immigration in Palestine that began in 1920

Society, Culture, and Technology in the Industrialized World

Class and Gender

  Class    Declined and displays of wealth came to be regarded as _____. Increase in white collar work Decline in blue collar. Why?

Women   Suffrage 1915-1934 No effect on politics. Why?

Revolution in the Sciences

  Discover of sub-atomic particles, quanta, Einstein ’ s theory of relativity undermined _____ ’ s physics and offered new opportunity for: Innovation in social sciences challenged traditional values.

  Sigmund Freud Emile Durkheim

The New Technologies of Modernity     Airplanes Radio Film in 1920s  U.S., Japan, India, Turkey, Egypt  Diffusion on American culture Health and hygiene  Medicine, sewage treatment, pluming, soap  Result:

Technology and the Environment    Skyscrapers Automobiles   Replaced horses Suburbs Damns and canals  Generate electricity