标准在专利许可与FRAND原则应用实践 - 知识产权中心

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标准专利许可与 FRAND


复旦大学 特聘教授



2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 1


 欧洲 电信标准协会( ETSI )于 1994 年 11 月 23 日通 过 《知 识产权政策 》( IPR Policy ,最新 2013 年 3 月 20 日修 订)规定:  制定 标准时涉及必要 IPR( 专利为主) , ETSI 总干事应 立即 请求权利人在 3 个月内 书面作出 “ 不可撤 销的承 诺 ” (an irrevocable undertaking )准 备以公平合理及非 歧 视( FRAND )条件 许可他人在实施标准时使用其 专利。该承诺也可以 “ 相互 ” ( reciprocate )同意 许可 为条件。 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 2







 ETSI Rule of Procedure, 20 March 2013 Annex 6: ETSI Intellectual Property Rights Policy  The ETSI IPR Policy seeks a balance between the needs of standardization for public use in the field of telecommunications and the rights of the owners of IPRs.

 IPR holders whether members of ETSI and their Affiliates or third parties , should be adequately and fairly rewarded for the use of their IPRs in the implementation of Standards and technical Specifications.

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    ETSI 程序 规则( 2013 年 3 月 20 日) 附件 6 : ETSI 《知 识产权政策 》 ETSI 《知 识产权政策 》 寻求在 电信领 域公众使用 标准的需求与 IPR 所有人 权 利的平衡 。 IPR 持有人无 论是否 ETSI 及其分支成 员 或第三方,均 应在实施标准与技术要求 方面因利用其 IPR 而 获得充分与公平的 回 报 。 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 4

       6 Availability of Licenses 6.1. When an Essential IPR relating to a particular Standard or Technical Specification is brought to the attention of ETSI, the Director-General of ETSI shall immediately request the owner to give within three months an irrevocable undertaking in writing that it is prepared to grant irrevocable licenses on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (“FRAND”) term and condition under such IPR to at least the following extent: Manufacture, including the right to make or have made customized components and sub-systems to the licensee’s own design for use in Manufacture; Sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of Equipment so Manufactured; Repair, use, or operated Equipment; and Use Methods The above undertaking may be made subject to the condition that those who seek licenses agree to reciprocate.

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    6.

许可的可获得性 6.1 当一 项必要知识产权与特定标准或技术要 求引起 ETSI 关注, ETSI 总干事应立即要求该 所有人在 3 个月内 作出不可撤回的 书面承诺, 准 备以公平、合理与非歧视性( FRAND )条 款和条件 给予不可撤回的许可 ,并至少在如 下范 围: 制造,包括制造或已制作既定零件和子系 统 的 权利给予被许可方将其设计用于制造; 销售,出租或处置设备以便制造;   利用方法。 上述承 诺可受制于寻求许可者同意的互惠性。 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 6

ETIS IPR Licensing Declaration Form

General IPR Licensing Declaration

 In accordance with Clause 6.1 of ETSI IPR Policy the Declaration and/or its Affiliates hereby informed ETSI that:  The Declarant hereby irrevocably declares that (1) it and its Affiliates are prepared to grant irrevocable licenses under its/their IPR on terms and conditions which are in accordance with Clause 6.1 of ETSI IPR Policy, …… 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 7

ETIS 许可声明表

  一般 IPR 许可声明 根据 ETSI 《知 识产权政策 》第 6.1

条 , 声明者及 / 或分支通知 ETSI;  声明者在此 不可撤回 声明 (1) 本人及分 支准 备 不可撤回 ,以 ETIS 《知 识产权 政策 》 第 6.1

条 的条款、条件 给予其知 识产权的许可, …… 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 8


际标准化组织的 标准专利许可政策

  ISO/IEC/ITU common patent policy 国 际标准化组织 / 国 际电工委员会 / 国 际电信 联盟 《共同 专利政策 》 (2007 年 4 月 18 日更新 )   Guidelines for Implementation of the common patent policy for ISO/IEC/ITU 国 际标准化组织 / 国 际电工委员会 / 国 际电信 联盟 《共同 专利政策的实施指南 》 ( ( 2007 年 3 月 1 日制定, 2012 年 4 月 23 日修 订) 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 9



》   Recommendations | Deliverables are non-binding ; their objective is to ensure compatibility of technologies and systems on a worldwide basis. To meet this objective, which is in the common interests of all those participating, it must be ensured that Recommendations | Deliverables, their applications, use, etc. are accessible to everybody.

It follows, therefore, that a patent embodied fully or partly in a Recommendation | Deliverable must be accessible to everybody without undue constraints of the code of practice. differ from case to case.

The detailed arrangements . To meet this requirement in general is the sole objective arising from patents (licensing, royalties, etc.) are left to the parties concerned, as these arrangements might 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 10

  建 议标准是无拘束力的 ;其宗旨在于确 保世界范 围的技术和体系可兼容性。为 达到 这一符合所有参与方共同利益的目 标,必须保证建议标准及其适用、使用 等 对任何人开放。 因此, 全部或部分被 纳入建议标准的专 利必 须为任何人所获得而没有不适当的 限制 。一般地 满足这一要求是行为准则 的唯一目 标。 因 专利而产生的具体安排 ( 许可、费用等)留由有关当事方解决, 因 为这些安排可能个案而不同 。 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 11



》  The Organizations should not be involved in evaluating patent relevance or essentiality with regards to Recommendations/Deliverables, interfere with licensing negotiations , or engage in setting disputes on Patents; this should be left-as in the past-to the parties concerned.

 The Declaration Form gives Patent Holders the means of making a licensing declaration relative to rights in Patents required for implementation of a specific Recommendation/Deliverable.

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各 组织均 不涉及 对建议标准有关专 利的相关性或必要性 作出 评价,也 不干 预许可谈判 或参与 专利争端解 决;如同以往, 这应由相关当事方

解决。 声明表 给予专利持有人一手段以作 出与 实施 一 项特定建议标准 所需 专 利中有关 权利的许可声明 。

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Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration   This declaration dose not of license represent an actual grant The Patent Holder is prepared to grant a license to an unrestricted number of applicants on a worldwide, non-discriminatory basis and on reasonable terms and conditions to make, use and sell implementations of the above document.

  Negotiations are left to the parties concerned and are performed outside the ITU-T,ITU-R,ISO or IEC.

Also mark here if the Patent Holder’s willingness to license is conditioned on Reciprocity for the above documents.

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    本声明 不代表 一 项实际的许可授予。 本 专利持有人 准 备 以世界范 围、非歧视 基 础及合理条款、条件给予无限制数量 的申 请人制造、利用和销售上述文件的 实施物。 谈判留由有关当事方 ,并在 ITU-T,ITU R,ISO or IEC 之外 进行。 另外注意:如 专利持有人愿意许可以上 述文件的 互惠 为条件 。 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 15





  Apple. Inc. v. Motorola, Inc. (N.D, Ill) Order denying motion for summary judgment (6/22/12) [Posner, J] “To begin with [defendant’s] injunctive claim, I don’t see how, given FRAND, I would be justified in enjoining [plaintiff] from infringing the [patent subject to FRAND obligations] unless [plaintiff] refuses to pay a royalty that meets the FRAND requirement. By committing to license its patents on FRAND terms, [defendant ] committed to license the [patent subject to the FRAND obligation] to anyone willing to pay 1 FRAND royalty and thus implicitly acknowledged that a royalty is adequate compensation for a license to use that patent. How could it do otherwise ?...(p.18) ” 16 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会

苹果 诉摩托罗拉案 2012 年 6 月 22 日裁决 伊利 诺艾斯州北区联邦法院,驳回即时判决诉求  波斯 纳法官:先考虑 【被告】禁令 诉求,我看不 出在 FRAND 下,我如何 论证禁止 【原告】侵犯 【在 FRAND 义务下的专利 】,除非【原告】拒 绝支付满足 FRAND 要求的 许可费。根据其承诺 以 FRAND 条件 许可其专利, 【被告】承 诺许可 其【 FRAND 义务下专利 】 给任何愿意支付 FRAND 许可费者,因而默认许可费是足够补偿 其 许可使用该专利的。如何另行其事呢? …… 第 18 页 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 17

Apple. Inc. v. Motorola Mobility, Inc. (W.D, Wisc) Civil Action , Order (10/29/12) [Crabb, J]   There is no language in either the ETSI and IEEE contracts suggesting that Motorola and the standards setting organizations intended or agreed to prohibit Motorola from seeking injunctive relief. In fact, both policies are silent on the question of injunctive relief. Moreover, in light of the fact that patent owners generally have the right to seek injunctive relief both in district courts,...and in the International Trade Commission,… that any contract purportedly depriving a patent owner of that right should clearly do so. The contracts at issue are not clear.


Court refused to declare that Motorola breached its contract or to “declare” a FRAND rate for Motorola’s patent . P. 2 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 18



2012 年 10 月 29 日判决 威斯康辛州西区 联邦法院,判决  克拉布法官:在欧洲 电信标准学会和电气电子工程师学会的合 同中均无任何表述提示摩托 罗拉与标准化组织旨在,或同意禁 止摩托 罗拉寻求禁令。事实上,两组织政策均未涉及禁令问题。 基于 专利所有人一般拥有在地区法院和国际贸易委员会请求发 布禁令的 权利,因而,任何合同明确剥夺专利所有人都这一权 利, 显然应这样。 本案 该合同不清楚 。第 15 页  法院 拒 绝判决摩托罗拉违反其合同或 “ 宣布 ” 对于摩托罗拉专利 的 FRAND 许可费率 。第 2 页 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 19

Microsoft Corp. v. Motorola Inc. (W.D, Wash) Order Granting Microsoft Motion Dismissing Motorola Complaint for Injunctive Relief (11/29/12) [Robert, J]  Statements by Motorola to ITU/IEEE re SEPs constituted binding agreements to license SEPs on FRAND terms ; Microsoft third party beneficiary to those agreements, had right to FRAND license on SEPs; letter offers by Motorola re terms; applying for a patent license and negotiating towards a patent license were not conditions precedent to Motorola’s obligations to grant license on FRAND terms.

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2012 年 11 月 29 日 华盛顿州西区联邦法院判决支持微软, 驳回摩托罗拉请求禁令的诉求  罗伯特法官: 摩托 罗拉向 ITU/IEEE 所做关于 标准 必要 专利的声明构成以 FRAND 条件 许可标准必 要 专利的有拘束力协议 ;微 软的第三方收益于这 些 协议,有权要求标准必要专利的 FRAND 许可; 摩托 罗拉根据该条件所做的书面要约;适用于专 利 许可和谈判达成专利许可并非先于摩托罗拉有 义务以 FRAND 条款 给予许可的条件。 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 21

InterDigital Communications Inc. v. Huawei Te. Co D. Del. 2013, Motion for Expedited Discovery 3/14/13 Andrews J.

 The court denied defendants’ motions for expedited discovery and trial on their counterclaims to set a FRAND rate for three patents-in-suit:  The gist of request is that each Defendant will be harmed if its products are excluded from the U.S. by the ITC, that the ITC cannot set a FRAND rate , and that the Plaintiff will not offer it a FRANF rate although it has an obligation to do so …. It dose not seem to me like a very practicable idea to try to race to a partial judgment here so that each defendant will be in a better position in the ITC litigation. Therefore, I will deny the motion for expedited and trial in the two cases. P.1

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交互数字通信 诉华为案 2013 年 3 月 14 日裁决 德拉 华州地区法院,拒绝华为请求加快庭审调查和确定 3 项涉案专利的 FRAND 许可费率的反诉  安德 罗斯法官:请求的法理依据是每个被告如其产 品被 ITC 排除出美国将受 损,且 ITC 不能确定 FRAND 许可费率, 尽管原告有 义务作出 FRAND 要 约,却没 有 这样做。 …… 在我看来, 这不是很切合实际的想 法,即 试图在此作出部分判决以便每一个被告在 ITC 的 诉讼中将有更好的地位。因此,我拒绝快速庭审 调查和在这两起案件的诉讼。第 1 页。 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 23

Related Cases regarding Interchange v. Huawei in U.S.

InterDigital Communications Inc. v. Huawei Te. Co ,etc. ITC . July 24, 2013,

granting joint motion to amend protective order for the purpose to add specific provisions permitting the use of discovery from this investigation in four co-pending actions in D. Del. Regarding Huawei, ZTE, Nokia and Samsung. 

InterDigital Communications Inc. v. Huawei Te. Co ,etc. D. Del. November 13, 2013

The Court has set a Markman hearing for 9:30 a.m. on December 5, 2013. 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 24




  交互通

讯诉华为等案( ITC

) 2013 年 7 月 24 日,同意 华为、中兴、诺基亚和三星(被 告)与交互通 讯(原告)的共同请求,允许 在 ITC 的 337 调查案采用的庭审调查信息用于 在德拉 维州地区法院诉讼。 交互通


(德拉 维州地区法院) 2013 年 11 月 13 日,宣布 2103 年 12 月 5 日 马克 曼( 审前)听证会。 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 25

FRAND 标准专利许可费

   Microsoft v. Motorola April 25, 2013 微 软诉摩托罗拉 2013 年 4 月 25 日 西雅 图联邦地区法院 法院根据假 设的谈判中合理当事方确定  The upper bound ( 上限 )   The low bound (下限) 修改的 乔治亚 太平洋 计算法( modified Georgia-Pacific methodology ) 2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 26






较已确定的许可费 established royalty



FACTOR 5 许可方与被许可方的商业关系





FACTOR 7 专利有效期和许可期

FACTOR 9 专利对于改变旧模式或装置的效用和好处










2014/4/2 标准专利许可研讨会 27

复旦大学知 识产权研究中心



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