Transcript Norway


Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry


Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures



Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures


Et lite land

Antall innbyggere: 4,5 millioner Areal: 307.860 km 2

A cold country…

A cold country… men mye varmere enn andre områder så langt mot nord, på grunn av Golfstrømmen

Only 3 % arable land

70 % is high plateaus and rugged mountains

A long coastline and 50.000 islands

Norway: The traditional view

Norge er også et moderne samfunn med høyt utdannet befolkning og et dynamisk næringsliv


Bebodd siden slutten av istiden (10 000 år siden) Vikingtid 800-1200 Union med Danmark i perioden 1200-1814 Egen grunnlov i 1814 Union med Sverige 1814-1905 Selvstendig i 1905


Nøytral, men okkupert av Nazi Tyskland i 1940 NATO-medlem 1949 Nei til EU i 1972 og 1994 In the course of a century, Norway has evolved from a quiet agrarian society to a dynamic, high-tech country


Henrik Ibsen Knut Hamsun Sigrid Undset X X Dagens: Jan Kjærstad, Jostein Gaarder


Edvard Munch Gustav Vigeland X X Dagens: Olav Christoffer Jensen, Odd Nerdrum, Per Maning, Marianne Heske…


Edvard Grieg Kirsten Flagstad X X Dagens: Jan Garbarek, Leiv Ove Ansnes, A-ha, Røyksopp


Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures



Norway’s core markets: the Nordic region and Europe Membership in the European Economic Area (EEA) provides full access to the EU Single Market Oil & gas, fisheries, aquaculture, light metals

Norway is the world’s second largest oil exporter after Saudi Arabia

4 % of the world´s production of aluminium 14 % of the world´s production of magnesium

Verdens nest største fiskeeksportør

Leading maritime nation

Norway has the world’s fourth largest merchant fleet, with 4,5 % of the world’s total tonnage

Norway – a specialized shipbuilder


Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry Education

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures



Andel med høy utdannelse: Blant de med høyest andel i Europa X X X X


Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures


13 Norwegian centres of Excellence

Theoretica l Linguistics Quality of Service in Communication Systems Ships and ocean structures Biology of memory Molecular biology and neuroscience Mathematics for applications Climate Research Centre and perifery in medieval Europe Study of Civil wars Physics of geological processes Integrated petroleum research Geohazards Aquaculture protein

Center for the Study of Civil War

Hvorfor bryter det ut borgerkrig?

Borgerkrig er dagens mest dominerende form for krig

Ships and Ocean Structures

Innovativ drift og konstruksjon av frem tidens skip og marine konstruksjoner

Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience

DNA-reparasjoner ved nevrologiske sykdommer og aldring av hjernen

Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research

Kunnskap om fortidens klima, havets rolle i hurtige klimaendringer og betydningen av forandringer i polarstrøkene

Forskning som drivkraft i havbruk

Produksjonskostnad per kilo laks

100 kroner 80 kroner Hitra vaksin e Stor merder 60 kroner 40 kroner Furunkolos e-vaksine ILA vaksine?

20 kroner 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000



Forskning som drivkraft i norsk olje og gassindustri

40 0 1.000

STBODP EKOFISK-feltet: Produksjon 30 0 20 0 1976 1981 1986 Forskning har gitt økt produksjon og større reserver!

1991 1996 0

Mison, et teknologieksempel

Samarbeid mellom kreative sivilingeniører, medisinske grunnforskere og kirurger

Mison, et teknologieksempel

Utstyr for å utføre hjernekirurgi ved hjelp av ultralydveiledet kikkhullsteknikk

DNA-merking av olje

Opplysninger om oljens opphav blir kodet ved hjelp av syntetiske DNA-molekyler

Kaupang – Norges første by

Utgravingene viser spor etter en liten by etablert på 700-tallet. 200 år før historikerne trodde Norges byer ble etablert

Gullmynter fra Nederland Bronsehest Glassperler fra Midt Østen og Asia

Funnene viser rik kontakt med omverden


Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures


Norwegian R&D efforts 1999: 25 500 R&D man-years


man-years – higher education sector 11.000 man-years – industry sector 7.100 man-years – institute sector

Norway spent NOK 20,5 billion/year on research in 1999

Sources of funding

Private sector 10 billion

Foreign sources + others NOK 2 billion

Public sector 8,5 billion Industry sector 9,5 billion

R&D performers

Institute sector 5 billion Higher education sector 6 billion

Total R&D expenditures in some OECD countries

(1981-1999) 4,0 % of GDP 3,0 Sweden Japan Finland USA OECD average 2,0 Denmark


1,0 1981 1991 1999

R&D expenditures financed by industry

(1995-1999) 5 % of industry’s gross product Sweden 4 Finland 3 2 1 Denmark OECD-average Norway 1995 1997 1999

New or improved products as a share of total turnover

(1996 (97))

Norway Denmark Finland Sweden Ireland

0 10 20 Improved New products 30 % 40

Relative citation index

(1980-2000) 1,3 Index in overlapping five years periods 1,2 1,1 1 Denmark Sweden Finland World average Norway 0,9 0,8 1980 1990 2000

R&D expenditures in industry by R&D fields

(1999) Other Offshore technology Energy supply/usage Biotechnology Aqua culture Material technology Pharmaceuticals Environmental technology Information and communication technology

Main challenges for Norwegian research and innovation

Strengthen financing, organisation and quality of research Secure future creation of wealth through a more knowledge intensive industry Strengthen productivity and quality of services in the public sector Strengthen the universities Strengthen the coordination of science policy in and between the ministries


Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures


The Research Council allocates ~30 % of all public sector R&D funding Private sector 10 billion

Foreign sources + others NOK 2 billion The Research Council NOK 3.3 billion 57 % 36 % 7 %

Institute sector R&D performers


The Research Council of Norway (1) Semi-autonomous government agency funded by 15 ministries Activities in both basic and applied research in all scientific fields

The Research Council of Norway (1) Semi-autonomous government agency funded by 15 ministries Activities in both basic and applied research in all scientific fields


A society that values research-based knowledge as a source of enrichment, learning and innovation

A strategic body designed to be

An important research adviser to the Norwegian government   Identifying research needs Proposing research priorities Norway’s main research funding body  Implementing national research policy measures by allocating funds to research programmes and projects A network builder between researchers, funding sources and research users

Priorities 2001-2006

Basic science Marine science and technology Information and communication technology Energy and environment Medicine and health

Main objectives and strategies

2002–2006 Research of high quality A well-functioning research system Increased research-based value creation and renewal A future-oriented research policy

Main objectives and strategies


Research of high quality

Improved framework conditions More competition and openness Increased interaction Increased concentration Increased internationalisation

Main objectives and strategies


A well-functioning research system

More co-operation and mobility Continuous assessment of structure of and co-operation in the research system Make the research profession attractive

Main objectives and strategies


Increased research-based value creation and renewal

A good balance between developing scientific disciplines and use of competence Further development of the tax incentives and increased funding of industrial R&D More research improving production of services in the public sector Dissemination of research results into society

Main objectives and strategies


A future-oriented research policy

Greater focus on innovation policy An extended mandate for the Ministry of Education and Research (UFD) Increased internationalisation


Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures


Budget development (1993-2003)

4000 3500 3000 2500 Mill. NOK 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1993 1995 1997 1993-NOK 1999 2001 2003

Funding received from the ministries Total NOK 4.245 million

(2003) Administration The Research Fund Miscellaneous ministries 529 197 Ministry of Education and Research 1 075 Ministry of Environment 118 Ministry of Agriculture 221 Ministry of Fisheries 313 235 235 Ministry of Petroleum and energy 845 Ministry of Trade and Industry

Total budget by activities Total NOK 4.245 million

(2003) Misc.

FuGe Programmes Infrastructure Independent projects

Budget by activities

(1994 -2003) 1500 Mill. NOK


1000 500 0 1994

Infrastructure Independent projects


1996 1998 2000




Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures


The Research Council of Norway

Director General Staff International staff Administration Communication Division of Science Division for Strategic Priorities Division for Innovation


Nature, history, culture

Trade and Industry

Norwegian research


Status and challenges

The Research Council of Norway

Mål og visjon

Facts and figures
