Transcript Discuss

Which of the following most directly controls
the flowering response in short-day plants?
a. length of the light period
b. length of the dark period
c. relative amounts of blue light available
d. intensity of light during the light period
e. air temperature during the dark period
Answer: b
The coiling of a vine around a pole is due to
a. phototropism
b. gravitropism
c. thigmotropism
d. circadian rhythms
e. photoperiodism
Answer: c
In plants, the initiation of flowering in response
to photoperiod is triggered by changes in
a. ethylene
b. gibberellic acid
c. auxin
d. phytochrome
e. cytokinin
Answer: d
a. Indoleactic acid (IAA)
b. Cytokinin
c. Gibberellin
d. Ethylene
e. Abscisic acid
1. A gas the hastens fruit ripening
Answer: d
2. Promotes germination
Answer: c
3. Stimulates activation of proteins for mitosis
Answer: b
SAR= Systemic acquired resistance
• Chemicals that spread the
“alarm” of infection
Salicylic acid
The coiling of a vine around a pole is due to
a. phototropism
b. gravitropism
c. thigmotropism
d. circadian rhythms
e. photoperiodism
Answer: c
Which of the following most directly controls
the flowering response in short-day plants?
a. length of the light period
b. length of the dark period
c. relative amounts of blue light available
d. intensity of light during the light period
e. air temperature during the dark period
Answer: b
a. Indoleactic acid (IAA)
b. Cytokinin
c. Gibberellin
d. Ethylene
e. Abscisic acid
1. A gas the hastens fruit ripening
Answer: d
2. Promotes germination
Answer: c
3. Stimulates activation of proteins for mitosis
Answer: b
In plants, the initiation of flowering in response
to photoperiod is triggered by changes in
a. ethylene
b. gibberellic acid
c. auxin
d. phytochrome
e. cytokinin
Answer: d
Only female gametes are produced in which
of the following structures?
a. antheridia
b. stamens
c. protonemata
d. flowers
e. archegonia
Answer: e
Which is true of seeds?
a. They contain the gametophyte.
b. They are characteristic of all plants.
c. They are a mechanism for pollen dispersal.
d. They are not characteristic of conifers.
e. They contain the cotyledon.
Answer: e
Which of the following occurs after fertilization?
a. The ovule becomes the seed, the ovary
becomes the fruit.
b. The ovary becomes the seed, the ovule
becomes the fruit.
c. The micropyle becomes the seed, the sepals
become the fruit.
d. The stigma becomes the seed, the ovule
becomes the fruit.
e. The micropyle becomes the seed, the ovary
becomes the fruit.
Answer: a
Which of the following structures is NOT part
of the pistil?
a. ovule
b. ovary
c. style
d. anther
e. stigma
Answer: d
Angiosperms (flowering plants) have wide
distribution in the biosphere and the largest
number of species in the plant kingdom.
(a) Discuss the function of FOUR structures for
reproduction found in angiosperms and the
adaptive (evolutionary) significance of each.
(b) Mosses (Bryophytes) have not achieved
the widespread terrestrial success of angiosperms.
Discuss how the anatomy and reproductive
strategies of mosses limit their distribution.
(c) Explain alternation of generations in either
angiosperms or mosses.
Which is true of seeds?
a. They contain the gametophyte.
b. They are characteristic of all plants.
c. They contain the cotyledon.
d. They are a mechanism for pollen dispersal.
e. They are not characteristic of conifers.
Answer: c
Which of the following structures is NOT part
of the pistil?
a. ovule
b. ovary
c. style
d. stigma
e. anther
Answer: e
Which of the following occurs after fertilization?
a. The ovule becomes the seed, the ovary
becomes the fruit.
b. The ovary becomes the seed, the ovule
becomes the fruit.
c. The micropyle becomes the seed, the sepals
become the fruit.
d. The stigma becomes the seed, the ovule
becomes the fruit.
e. The micropyle becomes the seed, the ovary
becomes the fruit.
Answer: a
Only female gametes are produced in which
of the following structures?
a. antheridia
b. archegonia
c. stamens
d. protonemata
e. flowers
Answer: b
Angiosperms (flowering plants) have wide
distribution in the biosphere and the largest
number of species in the plant kingdom.
(a) Discuss the function of FOUR structures for
reproduction found in angiosperms and the
adaptive (evolutionary) significance of each.
(b) Mosses (Bryophytes) have not achieved
the widespread terrestrial success of angiosperms.
Discuss how the anatomy and reproductive
strategies of mosses limit their distribution.
(c) Explain alternation of generations in either
angiosperms or mosses.
Flowering plants have evolved various
strategies for fertilization.
(a) Describe the process of fertilization in
flowering plants.
(b) Discuss TWO mechanisms of pollen
transfer and the adaptations that facilitate
each transfer.
Some species of flowering plants have evolved
Mechanisms to prevent self-fertilization.
(a) Discuss an evolutionary advantage of
preventing self-fertilization.
(b) Describe TWO mechanisms that prevent