IIE-Slides_ph2_gen - The Pacific Institute

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Transcript IIE-Slides_ph2_gen - The Pacific Institute

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• Time • Breaks • Lunch • Mobile Phones • Toilets • Emergency Exits

Phase 2:

Welcome back • Revisits and reinforces key concepts from Phase 1.

• Supplies new information and extends knowledge.

• Introduces Organisational Application.

• Some of the units are in workshop format and do not have DVD footage.


Feedback from Phase 1 1. Describe a success achieved since Phase 1?

2. Describe a challenge you have overcome since Phase 1?

3. What would you like to gain from Phase 2?

Revisiting your Balance Wheel




• Understanding the teleological nature of individuals, teams and organisations.

• Understanding the importance of setting clear and challenging goals.

• Understanding the importance of end-result thinking.

Investment In Excellence ®


Share some thoughts with the group about some of the things that you are looking forward to.

Reflecting on successes Reflecting on your successes:

Play Age 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85 86-90 91-95 96-100 Professional Development





• Understanding the importance of giving yourself constructive problems to solve.

• Understanding how energy and creativity is stimulated by setting goals.

• Understand the concept of Gestalt.

• Practice setting goals in teams and discuss how this can impact teamwork.


Table and chair activity:

• How did you find this experience?

Team affirmation workshop

‘The best year ever’

For the purpose of this exercise, assume you have as much power in the organisation/team as you would need to move it forwards in the direction you, collectively, choose.

Your goal is to write the organisational/team affirmations that you will have led you to the best year that the organisation/team has ever experienced when you look back at this year in ________(insert date one year ahead).

The best year ever Your overall goal is to have the best year ever, and I’d like you to consider the following points as part of that vision:


Maximising Our Thinking

• •


Understanding the RAS and how it impacts goal achievement.

Understand the impact of goal achievement on energy levels, individually and organisational.

Watch face exercise

Keep looking at the screen.

Without looking at either your watch or mobile phone, please draw the face of your watch or mobile as accurately as possible.

Watch face exercise 1) Why do you think you missed out so much detail from something you look at so often?

2) Without looking at your watch or mobile - what is the time?

3) What did you focus on when you bought the watch or mobile?


RAS What do you see?


Discuss the following questions in your groups:

How are organisational goals communicated to those people who have a responsibility to bring about success in your organisation?

What could we do to be more effective?


Optimism & Pessimism


• Understand the impact of our own and others’ pessimism or optimism on performance.

• Understand the importance of creating optimistic work environments - and to have the strategies to do so.

Discussion What do people do that make them appear Optimistic or Pessimistic?

Is there a place for Pessimists in your organisation?

ABCDE model A











Living a purposeful Life


• To consider what makes us happy on an individual and organisational level.


What makes you happy or brings you joy?

Professionally ………………..

………………… ………………..

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………………… ………………..

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Discuss the values of your organisation

. •

What behaviours would you need to exhibit to live these values?

What can teams do to live the values?

How could we encourage or reward each other to live the values?




• Understand Newtonian and Whiteheadian cultural and leadership traits.

• Identify the advantages / disadvantages of either style in the organisation.

Blindfolded walk exercise • What did it feel like when you had a better idea than your leader?

• Did a leader emerge in the Whiteheadian group?

• How involved/accountable did you feel during the task?

• What was your self-talk like when you saw the other group finishing the task?

• What culture was developing in the group?

Discussio n •What are the advantages of being totally Newtonian? And the dangers?

•Where do you think you could be more Whiteheadian in your organisation and would it be beneficial to do so? If so, how would those benefits manifest themselves?

Hole in the boat

9 Dot Exercise Link up the dots using only 4 straight lines which must follow on without raising the pen from the paper




• To de-mystify leadership.

• To help us see where we already are leaders in some area of our lives.

• To clarify how the concepts of IIE® will support you in developing the leadership skills you already have.

Leaders exercise • Create a list of people that you consider to be leaders, or have made a significant difference.

• Create a second list of the things you saw the leaders doing, or believe those leaders to be doing, in order to be great.

Leaders exercise • Which of the things, listed on the flipchart, are you already doing - in some measure, in some area of your life?

Giving and receiving feedback

• Has anyone had a successful experience of either giving or receiving feedback?

Giving and receiving feedback

Notes for Giving and Receiving Feedback

Notes for Giving feedback:

リ Establish a relationship of trust.

リ Timing is everything.

リ Get permission.

リ Get to the point.

リ Focus on the behaviour not the person.

リ Be objective.

リ Be specific.

リ Link to common or individual goals.

リ Suggest an alternative.

Notes for Giving and Receiving Feedback

Giving and receiving feedback

Notes for Receiving feedback:

• • It’s an opinion.

Look for the grains of truth.

• Get specifics.

Gloves, Glasses and Lego • •

Using the material provided:

Please deliver a prototype according to the requirements.

Try to deliver your prototype faster than any of the other teams.




• Enable you to move your goals from being ‘have to’s’ to ‘want to’s’.

• Understand the difference that ‘want to’s’ make to your motivation.

• Understand the impact of your leadership style on others.


Give some examples of some of the things you have to do.


Share some examples that you think you could convert from a ‘have to’ to a ‘want to’.


Pygmalion Concept


• Understand the concept of Pygmalion.

• Consider the strategies for using this concept positively.

• Understand the link between expectations and self-esteem.

• Consider the impact that you have on others’ aspirations.

Discussion •Think of someone who is a brilliant, inspirational mentor/coach/leader to you.

•What did this person do specifically that has had such an impact on you?

Discussion 1. Where in the organisation do you see this sort of positive sculpting happening?

2. How does it manifest itself?

3. What do the best models of this strategy actually do to give others the ‘I believe in you’ feeling?




• Clarity on your commitment to change.

• To develop support structures and processes for their commitment.


Think of instances when have you successfully made and kept commitments in the past.

•List the factors that made it easy for you to keep those commitments successfully.

Discussion • Do you think that having some structure to support your efforts would help you make the changes you want to?

•What would you need to support your efforts?


Onwards and Upwards for the group

• Next meeting?

• When? (date and time) • Where? (who will arrange the room) • Leader? (who will be accountable for making it happen?) • Content? (agenda) • Buddy system?

• Group commitments?

• Who will send out reminders?


Onwards and Upwards for yourself

• What will be your first positive goal, action or step when you leave the programme?

• When will you do this?

• Who do you need to support you in this?

• How will you feel when you have achieved this?

Wrapping up

How will you take what you have learnt forward?

Some final thoughts

Keep at it!

IIE® is just like any other language - if you learn it and don’t use it, you will forget it. So keep working with affirmations, and be patient if they don’t seem to work straight away. Life is a journey not a destination!

Some final thoughts

Sharing the information with others

If you want to share this information with others, choose to talk to them about some of the ‘easier’ concepts such as self-talk and goal setting. The best way to integrate the concepts in your private or professional life is by ‘walking the talk’.

Some final thoughts

Reflective thinking

Reflective thinking is extremely important for personal development, especially as a preparation for goal setting. Why not get a notebook and write down your thoughts and reflections - and remember to note the date. Written goals have more power than those that are only thought about.

Some final thoughts

Evaluation Form

Please take a moment to fill in the evaluation form - your feedback is very valuable to us. Please leave the completed evaluation form in the room before leaving today. Thank you!

Some final thoughts

The best way to control your future is to invent it!

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!