Evaluate the impact that settlement in the West had upon different

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Evaluate the impact that settlement in the West had upon different groups of people and upon the environment

Week 4 Day 2

Macro Concepts

Environment-Location affected by people, animals and weather.

Status-Rank or level of a person based on wealth/education.

Resources-Items that can be used for benefit or making things.

Micro Concepts

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Transcontinental Railroad and its Construction

Train tracks were built across the entire United States from connecting West to East and North to South.

Construction took place from the 1860s to 1910s.

The work was very dangerous due to mountains] [dynamite].

weather terrain

[cliffs, valleys and [extreme heat and cold] and


used Irish and


immigrants were early laborers who roughed the harsh conditions for low wages.

     

One of the most disgraceful events in U.S. history.

Cheyenne and Arapaho Nation peoples were mostly friendly with U.S. citizens near their territories.

In 1864 the U.S. Civil War was still being fought and Union armies were on high alert to threats.

The Cheyenne Chief Black Kettle approached the U.S. Army Fort Lyon in Colorado.

U.S. Army Colonel Chivington may have misunderstood or felt threatened by the Chief.

The result was the slaughter and mutilation by the U.S. Army of over 100 Native Americans including women and children.

Sand Creek Massacre

Battle of Little Bighorn

   

One of the most embarrassing defeats in U.S. Military history. During a patrol Lt. Colonel George Custer encountered a massive camp of Lakota and Cheyenne.

Custer launched an attack in three directions underestimating the Natives.

Custer and all of his troops but one were defeated and killed under the leadership of Lakota Chief Sitting Bull.

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Buffalo Soldiers

One of the first all black army units in the United States.

The 10 th Cavalry Regiment was formed in 1866 to fight in the U.S. Civil War.

The soldiers received their nickname from the Native tribes they fought.

According to historians it was because of both their dark skin and dark curly hair that similar to the buffalo. Also the ferocity with which they fought.

    Wounded Knee Massacre

The U.S. Government had banned the tribes.

Ghost Dance for all Native The Ghost Dance was when Natives led by a Chief or spiritual leader would call the spirits to help them.

The U.S. Government believed the dance threatened peace with the natives.

On December 29, 1890 at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota over 150 Sioux were killed by U.S. Army troops after tried to disarm the Sioux during a ceremony.

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Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce

Chief Joseph was the leader of the Nez Perce Nation located in what is now Oregon.

U.S. Forces attempted to remove the Nez Perce Nation to a reservation in Idaho.

His people refused and fought the U.S. Army.

Under Joseph’s leadership the Nez Perce were able to resist by using effective military tactics.

Eventually the Nez Perce fled to Canada to avoid U.S. Forces but later returned and accepted life on the reservation.

Reservation System and the Dawes Act

 In 1891 Senator Henry Dawes led the passage of the [a.k.a. the Dawes Severalty Act]

Dawes Act

 To solve the

Indian Problem

remove from their lands.

land was reserved [set aside] to  Vast areas called reservations were created to make room for American settlers. “Indians” were required to live on these reservations.

Frederick Jackson Turner and Helen Hunt Jackson

   Two American authors who chronicled [wrote about] the

effects of Western expansion

and Helen Hunt Jackson.

were Frederick Jackson Turner Turner explained that settlement of the Western Frontier was important but would lead to overseas expansion later on.

Jackson wrote a book called A Century of Dishonor that

criticized the injustice and mistreatment of Native Americans

by the United States.

Assignment: What if?

After thinking about the events you learned involving Western Expansion you need to think about how things could have been different [you may make things better or worse].

 Select one of the events/incidents that occurred and explain about how things could or should have been different. happened differently?

What if

things You can do one of the following: [a] 8-panel cartoon strip [b] diary entry [c] speech [d] newspaper/magazine article [e] poster/advertisement [f] foldable brochure


              http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Buffalo_soldiers1.jpg



http://api.ning.com/files/*pK2zhilSFVU30hqX7sKsXr AQOIKYHRnArLsdSttZIBNl1QGxeKPIfeRgr95sekDsiPc6iCG2ktseJ9uubj33W7X5eW*0fJ/custerlasts tand1.jpg

http://www.myimagezone.com/lib/Thumb.aspx?f=/data/0/82/82666.JPG&l=400 http://home.comcast.net/~zebrec/imgs/Ghost_dance.jpg







