MED POL Phase III Database

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MED POL Phase III is the pollution reduction and control programme for the Mediterranean Action Plan. Monitoring activities is an essential module of MED POL Phase III to track the efficiency of policy measures taken to reduce and control of pollution and as well to assess the status of the marine environment.

Development of the MED POL Phase III Database has been initiated by MED POL in order to increase its data storage and management capabilities according to the needs of MED POL Phase III and to achieve Internet access to the Database. As a first step, the needs and requirements were identified and the conceptual model was developed (2001). The model was thoroughly discussed and approved during expert consultation meeting (Athens, 2002). Development of the first version of the MEDPOL Database has been carried out during 2002 2003. All available data were loaded and the Internet version of the Database has been published at

that is linked to UNEP/MAP web site. Works on database upgrade continued in 2003-2004 concentrating on quality control issues, fixing errors found during exploitation and routine loading of monitoring data.

Database was developed using

Microsoft Access DBMS

, which provides end-to-end solution for all development tasks starting from creation of tables, reports, forms and queries and finishing with publishing database information in Internet.

Data Loading Data Management Working with data MED POL PHASE III Database (MS Access) Web Server Database Snapshot and Internet Module

MED POL Phase III Database

V. Myroshnychenko


, S.C. Polat Beken


(1) Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Erdemli-Icel, Turkey. E-mail: [email protected]

(2) UNEP, Coordinating Unit for MAP, Vas. Konstantinou 48, 11635 Athens, Greece. E-mail: [email protected]

General Information Database Components

Internet Stations Information Stations Maps Samples Information Monitoring Data Biota Sea Water Sediments Air Loads Database Contents Dictionaries Countries Matrix Identification Pollution Parameters Analysis Methods Quality Assurance Data Laboratories Quality Codes CRM Analysis Data

Monitoring data are stored in 4 main tables:







, More than 30 tables contain auxiliary information such as MED POL codes, formats, limits, etc. Most important of these are dictionaries containing MED POL computerization codes and reference information on: •Matrix Identification •Station Types •Pollution Parameters •Analysis Methods •Species •Tissues •Countries •Institutes •CRM Codes •Quality Codes, etc

Dictionary: Pollution Parameters

Parameter Code Group Code Description Air Unit Biota Unit …

Dictionary: Institutes

Institute ID Country Code Institute Code Institute Name Address …

Dictionary: Individual Species

Species Code Biota Group Latin Name Information … Dictionaries serve for data structuring and standardization of data exchange with providers of pollution data and with environmental agencies.

Every parameter value in the Database is supplied with Quality Code. The scheme for flagging data quality contains 2 subsets of quality codes. First subset corresponds to international standards on data exchange and is used by experts. Second subset is similar to first one and is used internally for assigning quality codes during loading and preliminary analysis.

MEDPOL Database Application provides next functionality: •Loading of data reported in standard formats •Data browsing •Data editing •Selection of data on different criteria •Generating different reports •Visualization of data (plots and maps) Database tools are accessible through the Main Switchboard, which opens at Database startup.

Monitoring data and Database statistics

The main purpose of the Database is storing and management of the data on trend (and state) monitoring of pollutants in Mediterranean, which are concerned with next monitoring matrices: •




• •

Sea Water Air

Types of data vary depending on matrix. These are trace metals, organic contaminants and biomarkers for Biota matrix, wet and dry deposition for Air matrix, etc. A set of 11 reporting formats for different data types has been defined in the MED POL Monitoring Programme. Every format contains: • common mandatory fields, e.g., laboratory code, station, date and time of sampling, coordinates, etc • mandatory fields, specific for every data type, e.g., species and tissue code in biota, or samples layer and fraction in sediments • optional fields – for reporting measured values of additional monitoring parameters Monitoring data are reported into the MED POL office once per year. Data loading is automated. The special tool is used for loading data in standard formats, fulfilling comprehensive checking of data, such as: • correspondence of data file structure to standard format • presence of all mandatory fields • correspondence of all codes to MED POL codes • presence and correspondence of parameter units • correspondence of station characteristics to those stored in the database, etc.

Later data is verified by data originators and finally checked against ranges and internal quality codes are assigned.


Albania Croatia Cyprus Greece Israel Slovenia Tunisia Turkey

Total Stations

5 51 98 140 54 28 50 31


*Only unique parameters are counted

Stations with data

3 35 88 47 41 28 41 27

310 Samples

17 487 481 460 1278 1196 665 519

5103 Parameters Values

24 106 98 48 37 3710 2588 2442 24 68 17 38


8136 8630 1978 2796


Algeria, Morocco and Syria are expected to submit data in 2005 since these countries have signed monitoring agreements with UNEP/MAP.

Set of predefined statistic and administrative reports allows manager check database contents and control state of data reporting and loading.



Web Application –

MED POL Database Internet

- has been developed in order to publish information from the Database Snapshot in Internet. The most popular Internet Browsers: Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator can be used for working with this Web application. Internet Module consists of 2 major parts: • ASP (Active Server Pages) application for retrieving information from the Database • ISAPI Map module for dynamic generation of map images Internet User retrieves information from the Database using Stations query form or Samples query form.

MED POL Database in Internet

The web page with result of database search contains table with found stations (or samples) and map with stations positions. In case country name was included into search criteria, the map of Mediterranean is limited to country extent.

134 3 33 28

Stations by Type

5 Atmosphere Loads Coastal 170 Effluents Hot Spots Reference River Loads Aquaculture waters 78 1352

Samples by Matrix

966 Loads 266 Sediments Biota Sea Water 2519 13% 23% 10%

Samples distribution

<1% 10% 26% 9% 9% Albania Croatia Cyprus Greece Israel Slovenia Tunisia Turkey 28% 7% 9%

Values distribution

<1% 12% 27% 9% 8% Albania Croatia Cyprus Greece Israel Slovenia Tunisia Turkey Internet User is restricted to retrieve only metadata (inventory) information from the Database: lists of stations and/or sample samples, details station including measured parameters, parameters values.

details, list of but not User can identify station on the map by clicking on the station marker. Upon receiving result of identification User can obtain all station details.