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Transcript 英语技能比赛获奖课件(二)

Unit2 Keeping Healthy
You’d better go to see a doctor
Section A
What is wrong with them?
Have a cold
Have a cough
What is the matter with them?
Have a backache
Have a headache
Have a toothache
Have the flu
What is the trouble with them?
一、 words and expressions:
backache n.背痛
toothache n. 牙痛
stomachache n.胃痛
headache n.头痛
cough n. 咳嗽
fever n. 发热发烧
sore n.疼痛的.酸痛的
dentist n. 牙医
flu n. 流行性感冒
at night 在夜晚
boil v. 沸腾 烧开 煮 boiled water 开水
have a cold
have a fever
have a cough
have a toothache
have a backache
have a stomachache have a headache
have the flu
have sore eyes
四、Language points(知识重点):
1. What’s wrong with you ?(你怎么了?)
=What’s the matter with you ?
2.have a toothache/backache/stomachache
have a cold /fever/ cough (患/得感冒、发烧、
have the flu (得流感)
have sore eyes/have a sore eye (患/得眼炎)
3. I’m sorry to hear that.
4.look well (看起来健康) 系V.+ adj.
get well (恢复健康)
5.should/ shouldn’t(情态V.)+ 动词原形
You should drink lots of boiled water
You Shouldn’t drink coffee or tea in the evening.
6. plenty of = a lot of =lots of + 可数名词/不可数
=many + 可数名词(复数)/ much +不可数名词
Eg. I have ________
books. He has __________
7.see a doctor/ dentist (看医生/牙医)
have sore eyes, →not read too long.
have a cold,
→ see a doctor.
have a backache, → take a rest. not lift
heavy things.
4. have a fever,
→drink more boiled water.
5. have a stomachache, → not eat cold food.
6. Have a cough,
→take some medicine
A:I have a cold.
B: You should stay in bed and have a good sleep.
A: I have a backache.
B: You shouldn’t lift heavy things.
A:I have a fever,
B: You should drink lots of boiled water.
A:I can’t sleep well at night
B: You should not drink coffee or tea in the evening.
Listen to the conversations and number the following
一、Answer the following questions
1.-- I have a headache .
--You should ________________________.
2.--I have a fever .
---You should___________________.
3.-- I can’t sleep well at night .
---You shouldn’t ______________________.
4.-- I have a backache.
---You shouldn’t___________________.
(1.stay in bed and have a good sleep
2.drink lots of boiled water
3.drink coffee or tea in the evening
4.lift heavy things)
( c ) 1. I’m sorry _______ that.
A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. to listen
( A ) 2. What should I______ ?
A. do
B. does C. doing
D. did
( C ) 3. He has the flu, he
go swimming.
A. has better
B. had better
C. had better not
D. has better not
( B ) 4. --Do you have a sore throat? --______
A. Yes, I have.
B. Yes, I do.
C. No, I haven’t.
D. No, I doesn’
1.We should learn how to talk about illness!
2.We learn how to give advice with “should/
shouldn’t ”