userfiles/1424/The Diary of Anne Frank

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Transcript userfiles/1424/The Diary of Anne Frank

Bell work: Monday, Jan. 2
Someone to
Share my
Thoughts and
my Dreams….
Someone who
knows all my
good and all
my bad…
and loves me
Part of what makes being a part of
the human race so special is the
relationships that we create with
other people.
Take some time to make a record of
one very special moment that you
have shared with another person.
What are we going to do today?
Bell work
Review classroom expectations
Read The Diary of Anne Frank
During the next few weeks we will be studying the life of a
young girl named Anne Frank through excerpts of her
diary, poems, and a play.
At the end of the unit, we will take a summative test; by
taking a pre-test, you will be able to see your progress.
Let’s Begin!
Vocabulary ~ Group One
Act A major division of a play.
 Actor/Actress A male or female person who
performs a role in a play, work of theatre, or
 Autobiography A story of a person’s life,
written by that person.
Biography The story of a person’s life, written
by someone other than that person.
 Character A personality or role an
actor/actress re-creates.
 Characterization The development and
portrayal of a personality through thought,
action, dialogue, costuming, and makeup.
Costume Clothing worn by an actor on
stage during a performance.
 Flashback Interruption of the chronological
sequence of a literary work and presents
an event that occurred at a later date.
Memoir a type of autobiography that
focuses on one incident or period in a
person’s life.
 Scene A short section of a play that
usually marks changes of time and place.
 enhance-to make greater
Vocabulary ~ Group One
ban- to forbid; outlaw; prohibit
 superficial- lacking deep meaning;
shallow; unimportant or unnecessary
 perturb- to disturb greatly
Bell work: Wednesday, Jan. 4
Who is the kindest person you know?
Describe that person.
How kind are you? What is the kindest
thing you've ever done? How could you
improve, to make yourself kinder?
Anne Frank’s Early Life
Full name: Annelies Marie Frank
Born: June 12, 1929
The writings from the two years she spent in such close
proximity to her family was discovered and published by
her father, Otto Frank and continue to touch people
The Frank Family
She was born in Frankfurt,
Germany; her family
emigrated to Amsterdam in
the Netherlands.
When Hitler became
Chancellor of Germany in
1933, the Frank family
immediately realized that it
was time to flee.
Otto later said, "Though this
did hurt me deeply, I realized
that Germany was not the
world, and I left my country
Life As A Jew
All Jews were required to
 wear
a yellow star
 turn it their bicycles
 do their shopping between 3
and 5 PM
 go to only Jewish owned Barber
Shops and Beauty Parlors
 attend Jewish Schools
 not aloud outside after dark
(even in their own yard)
 had to give up jewelry and
Her Diary
On June 12, 1942, Frank's parents
gave her a red checkered diary for
her 13th birthday.
She wrote her first entry, addressed
to an imaginary friend named Kitty,
that same day: "I hope I will be able
to confide everything to you, as I
have never been able to confide in
anyone, and I hope you will be a
great source of comfort and
Going into Hiding
Weeks later, on July 5,
1942, Margot received
an official summons to
report to a Nazi work
camp in Germany.
The very next day, on
July 6, 1942 the family
went into hiding in
makeshift quarters in an
empty space at the back
of Otto Frank's company
building, which they
referred to as the Secret
Photos of the Secret Annex
They were accompanied
in hiding by Otto's
business partner Hermann
van Pels as well as his
wife, Auguste, and son,
Otto's employees Kleiman
and Kugler, as well as Jan
and Miep Gies and Bep
Voskuijl, provided food
and information about the
outside world.
Let’s find out more
about her…
Bell work: Thursday, Jan. 5
Anne Frank says, "…the mean Anne comes to
the outside and the good Anne stays on the
Write a journal entry where you describe the
you that is on the outside, the one people see.
Then, describe the you that is on the inside,
that most people do not ever see.
Bell work: Friday, Jan. 6
Anne Frank says, "I still believe, in spite of
everything, that people are really good at heart."
You know that history books, and the
newspapers and television, are full of terrible
things. Are people good at heart? Is anyone all
evil? Is anyone all good? Feel free to give
examples, from your own life, from the news, or
from history.
Act I Scene 1-2
Mr. Frank tells Anne, "There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your
mind" (379). He is speaking metaphorically. What does he mean? Do you agree? Support your
opinion with examples from your own knowledge or experiences.
The first segment of writing establishes characters. Choose two characters, write three descriptive
adjectives after each character's name, and discuss how Goodrich and Hackett develop these
Act I Scene 3
Each member of the Van Daan family has a weakness. Choose a character, identify his / her
weakness, prove it in a CD, and predict how this weakness will affect the goal of the group.
List the major conflicts so far developed in the play. Label these as internal or external. Connect
one of these conflicts to the greater outside conflict, the reason for hiding in the first place. What
connections, parallels, or ironies exist between the conflicts inside and the conflicts outside of the
Act I Scene 4-5
Does Anne seem to have typical teenage attitudes toward her parents? In your answer, quote a
passage in CD/CM format to support your opinion. (Avoid “I think”!) What is at stake here? How
will your decision change your relationship with those hiding with you?
Should Mr. Frank have consulted the other members of the Annex before inviting Mr. Dussel to live
there? Why or Why not? Does he exhibit leadership skills when making this decision? How could
this decision present a moral dilemma for him? How might it change his relationships with others in
the Annex?