Meeting in Chelmsford, March 2013

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Transcript Meeting in Chelmsford, March 2013

FLOODCOM Partner Meeting 5 & 6
March 2013 Chelmsford, Essex, UK
Activity Report
Tuesday 5 March Steering Group Meeting
Presentations from Antwerp and Breda:
On the 5th March, the steering group meeting was held at
Anglia Ruskin University.
The meeting was chaired by Keith Lawson and opened by
Councillor John Jowers of Essex County Council.
Dorien Verstraete presents to the partners
Cllr Jowers welcomes the partners to Chelmsford
The partners discussed finances, communications and the
project’s educational activity. The partners then gave
presentations about progress at their individual sites.
Tom Rozendal explains the situation in Breda
For full details of the meeting, please see the minutes.
The meeting was followed by a walk of the areas in
Chelmsford City centre that would be protected by the flood
alleviation scheme. The walk concluded with a partner meal at
Loch Fyne restaurant overlooking the river Chelmer.
Carole Redt talks about the St Omer scheme
Wednesday 6 March Partner Site Visit
The Second day of the Steering Group Meeting was dedicated
to the Chelmsford Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS).
The meeting was held in Hylands House in Chelmsford.
Matthew Perry the case officer for the planning application for
the Margaretting site that forms the first phase of the
Chelmsford FAS talked about the site and the first phase of
the scheme. Stuart Graham then talked about the second
It was stressed that 1,200 residential and commercial
properties are at risk of flooding. In Chelmsford, three rivers
meet in a catchment area of 650km.
Flood prevention will enable city centre regeneration for new
houses and jobs and protect homes and businesses. In the
Chelmsford City presentation it was explained how
Chelmsford City floods and that the project is a partnership
between Chelmsford City Council and the Environment
The partners learn about the Chelmsford scheme
Matthew Perry addresses the
partners about the Margaretting
site of the Chelmsford Flood
Alleviation Scheme
The partners outside Hylands House
The flood defences are seen as a catalyst for growth and
improvement, including regeneration of derelict land for
sustainable economic use and a new urban quarter.
Some lessons learned so far from the work on the
Chelmsford FAS were highlighted by the Chelmsford City
Council representatives.
The Chelmsford FAS has 2 stages - Stage A, which includes
flood defence at Chelmer Village and a water storage area at
Margaretting. The Chelmer Village works are completed and
planning permission has just been granted for the works at
Margaretting. The second stage (B) includes building a series
of city centre defences with a target of 2015 for construction.
It is essential to understand each others’ roles and
responsibilities and to challenge each other.
It is also important to find the right structures, processes and
governance. Communication is also very important together
with trust and the ability to try new ideas.
Partners travel to the Margaretting site
Floodcom will help to deliver the works at the Margaretting
site, including design and construction of the main
embankment, removal of the defunct kerosene pipeline,
improvements to St Peters Way and new river habitat.
Partners walk the Margaretting site
The partner meeting concluded with a visit to the
Margaretting site. Partners walked the site and were able to
see the location of the proposed works and discuss the issues
raised. Partners used the occasion to swap ideas and learn
from each other’s experience.