Transcript Document

The first Russian-Chinese Agricultural Forum «The status and prospects of the Russian-Chinese cooperation in agriculture » 1 July 2014 .

Solagift – the world manufacturer of high technology products from the conifer green foliage - an export resource of Tomsk Region.

The Solagift story

2003 –

construction of the production facility for conifer needles extraction in Semiluzhki,Tomsk Region.


– installation and bringing the carbon dioxide extraction line to production capacities. Launching of СО2 – extracts of ТМ «SibEX


» on the Russian market.

2006 –

Cooperation agreement between «SIBEX» Ltd.


Solagran» Ltd and


85% shares of «Sibex» belong to «Solagran» Ltd. Start of upgrading plan implementation.

2008 –

start up of the world’s first commercial production of polyprenols (20 March). Making and defence of the business plan for construction of the GMP-certified factory in the Special Economic Zone in Tomsk.

2010 –

launching of Ropren ® on the pharmaceutical market of Russia (February). Structural reorganization of the Russian companies into the holding company Solagran Son with 100% capital transfer to Solagran Ltd (May). Purchase of the production facility in Vyshny Volochyok, Tver Region (September).

2011 –

a project participant of Skolkovo Innovation Center


– registration of the trademarks in Asia Pacific, Middle East and European Economic Community.

2013 –

10 million rubles budget subsidy for creation of Innovation Center in the Special Economic Zone in Tomsk.

2014 -

The winner of the All-Russian contest «Regions – sustainable development »


Management company «Solagran Son» LLC, Tomsk Production complexes

Biotech LLC

Production of CGNC and provitamin complex

Vyshny Volochyok, Tver Region.


Production of polyprenol concentrates and СО-2-extracts,

Tomsk Solagift LLC

Manufacture of finished dosage forms and pharmaceutical substances,

Tomsk, SEZ

Scientific group

Darius LLC Skolkovo Solana Biotech St. Petersburg

Exclusive distributor

Biofar LLC Tomsk

Company’s technologies

The carbon dioxide extraction workshop. Original patented technology, which enables to extract biologically active substances from the plant by using liquid carbon dioxide supercritical fluid extraction processes. No organic solvents and high temperatures used in the process. No chemical disruption of biologically active substances.

The workshop of organic extraction and preparatory chromatography. The technology enables the suite of compounds of conifer green foliage to retain their biological activity and function. The first world’s production of polyprenols under the technology of multistage selective extraction and preparatory chromatography.

Substances – core family of BIOEFFECTIVES

The company manufactures 11 basic substances - Bioeffectives. The process enables the live elements of conifer needles to be extracted without disruption of their biologically active properties.

Stage I processing stage II processing Bioeffective ® A Coniferous wax Bioeffective ® R Bioeffective ® N Essential oils Bioeffective ® V Bioeffective ® S Green conifer needles Bioeffective ® P Bioeffective ® B Natural green needles aqueous extract Bioeffective ® I Liquid CO2- extraction Bioeffective ® E

Polyprenols - Bioeffective R

Polyprenols are naturally occurring precursors of dolichols Which are found in all key organs and soft tissues of human body. Dolichols are essential in protecting cellular membranes, stabilizing cell proteins and supporting the body’s immune system. They also act as coenzymes in The synthesis of polysaccharides and in protein – carbohydrate metabolism. Polyprenols are present in trees and plants, whereas dolichols are found in animals. Ingested polyprenols are metabolized by the liver into dolichols which then are involved in the dolichol-phosphate cycle. Live conifer needles are one of the richest and most widely available sources for polyprenol extraction in the world.

Bioeffective R

is a 95-98% concentrate of polyprenols. The compound consists of a series of homologues each containing 13-18 isoprene units (65-90 carbon units) in the molecular chain.

Concentrations of dolichols in various human tissues, μg/g Tissue

spleen liver kidney lungs ovary heart cerebrum hypophysis bowels adrenal gland thyroid gland pancreatic gland Prostate gland

Concentration, μg/g

85-165 465-1226 240-760 80-100 1493-3226 240-270 430-680 1400-6058 230-320 1270 1145 943 268

Pharmaceutical properties of polyprenols

The pharmacological activity of polyprenols is based on their substitutive effect in the case of dolichol deficits, or deficiencies in the dolichol-phosphate cycle, which are observed with chronic inflammatory, degenerative and oncological diseases.


– lower cytolysis and cholestasis markers, fibrosis index

Hypolipidemic –

atherogenic factor lowering cholesterol, triglycerides,

Neuroprotective and nootropic -

Improvement of memory and attention, regression of the symptoms of polyneuropathy

Antioxidant –

increased activity of antioxidant enzymes

. I mmunomodulatory –

prolonged interferon inducing action


reduction of depressive symtoms, fast and pronounced spectrum of antidepressant activity against various depressive disorders

Oncoprotective -

ability to inhibit carcinogenesis and initiate the induction of apoptosis of cancer cells. Gemoprotective Prevents the pathological changes in the cellular composition of the bone marrow, provides gemosupressive effects of chemotherapy

Adrenotropic -

reduces inflammatory process, improves the functional condition of the prostate gland, increases testosterone levels.

Geroprotective –

prevents the development of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

Anti-ischemic -

significantly reduces the incidence of myocardial infarction, improves coronary blood flow. Protects the brain from metabolic asidosis, prevents the development of energy disturbances.

Burn and wound healing -

reduces healing time of wounds and burns, stimulates the process of complete epithelialization at early stages.

in vivo

Pharmaceutical properties of polyprenols

Immune system Endocrine system Liver R Neuro - immuno - hormone regulation Brain

Ropren ( BIOEFFECTIVE R) – the first Russian innovative pharmaceutical of a new type.

Positioning: Modern tissue protector and stimulator of reparative regeneration.

Advantages: shows a wide range of biological properties and hepatoprotective effect in treatment of patients with chronic disorder of the hepatobiliary system. It has a short dosage schedule and convenient form of release; it is obtained from natural raw material ; it has a complex action and restores the essential biochemical processes in liver, pancreatic gland and nervous tissue.

Estimated reserves and polyprenols content in tree species within the forestry of Tomsk Region.

(Report of the TPU Research Institute under the Government contract № 373 of 21 November 2013 )

Health improving and prophylactic mission of Solagift Ltd. in new products (TM BIOEFFETIVE and TAIGA)

Bioeffectives with cell sap of fir 5 kinds Phytococktails 6 kinds Bioeffectives based on oil fraction of silver fir extract 5 kinds Bio active additive « TAIGA» 3 kinds Creams «Taiga healer» 3 kinds Biologically active additives based on polyprenols and conifer extracts 6 kinds

Application of substances from conifer green foliage in agriculture «Growth promotants » are biological growth promotant for plants enhancing germination and accumulation of dry biomass of crops. Use of «Growth promotants for plants”» in agriculture provides:

active germination of seeds of vegetable and grain crops

 carrot, cabbage, and increase of crop yield  stimulation of growth for cereal crops ( wheat, rye) pea, onion, cucumber, Increases resistance to diseases (fungicidal and bactericidal properties)  economical consumption - 3 - 10 g/ha

«Feed additives » are natural biological growth promotant of animals and is recommended for use in pig breeding, poultry farming and cattle raising. Use of «Growth promotant» in agriculture :

boosts the body weight gain of broiler chickens by


was 12,5%)

 

Increases safety of animals up to 100% (mortality in the control group Improves zootechny performance due to lower feed consumption per a kilogram of obtained meat. is an alternative to the use of antibiotics in the treatment and prevention activities

The site of the Special Economic Zone in Tomsk – development prospects of highly competitive biotechnological products.

General view of administrative and production complex «SOLAGIFT» Future production of substances in SEZ in Tomsk

The site of the Special Economic Zone in Tomsk – development prospects of highly competitive biotechnology products

Production of substances: Name

Provitamin concentrate (PVC) Plant waxes silbiol polyprenols Chlorophyll carotene paste Balsamic paste Sodium chlorophyllin

Production of liquid dosage forms and biologically active additives: Name

СО2-extract of Siberian silver fir, oil fraction

Yearly capacity, kg

37 313 5 500 17 670 2 750 1000 1000 600

Годовая мощность, тыс. флаконов

2000 СО2-extract of Siberian silver fir, water fraction 440 Ropren

Production of solid and soft dosage forms: Name

Tablets, including coated tablets capsules ointment suppository 1500

Годовая мощность

7,9 million units 23 million units 142,86 thousand tubes 2,32 million units

Pharmcluster of Tomsk Region – a tool for company potential commercialization.


«Growth of integrated structure for the development of innovative medicines based on natural and synthetic raw materials » .


2014 - 2018.

Project goal:

To ensure conditions for continuous production, development and commercialization of new medical products and technologies starting from fundamental research to commercial manufacture of products and their further launch on the Russian and global markets.