Transcript napd-NEPAL

Regional events: Welcoming new Asia and the Pacific
Decade of Persons with disabilities
24-27 October 2012 Incheon, Republic of Korea
Accessibility to build Environment
25 October,2012 DPIAP Assembly
Mr. Kiran Shilpakar
G.P.O 8975, EPC 971, Jwagal-10, Lalitpur, Nepal
Telephone (977) (0)1 5260928, Fax (977) (0)1 5260350
E-mail: [email protected],
 Introduction
of NAPD-Nepal
 Accessibility to build in Environment
 Situation of Accessibility in Nepal
 Recommendation
 Conclusion
Established in 1997 under the Country Act of Nepal
which is non-for-profit making, non-political and self
motive organization by and for the Persons with
physical disabilities.
A country where people with physical disabilities live in an
inclusive, barrier free environment with access to human
rights, rehabilitation and an independent and respected life.
NAPD-Nepal exists to listen to people with physical
disabilities, to support them in solving their problems, to
advocate and lobby for their human rights, to remove
physical barriers that stop them accessing education,
employment and health facilities and to increase
awareness of the causes of physical disability.
 To
identify the problems and needs of
People with Physical Disabilities (PwPDs)
through different means and work
accordingly to resolve it.
 To broaden social awareness of PWDs
issues strongly and effectively to ensure
equal human rights and duties are met.
 To explore appropriate programs to
create proper opportunities for the
 To advocate the UNCRPD-2006 in favor of
PwPDs to the concerns agencies and
increase the inclusion of PwPDs into
mainstream society.
 To
enhance the capacity building
mechanism for activists and NAPD-Nepal
employees in the process of
organizational development.
 To rehabilitate and strengthen the
economic status of PwPDs through several
types of income generating programs.
 To improve the access of education for all
 In order to work against the challenges of
PwPDs issues, execute programs
cooperatively and collaboratively.
 Right
Based Advocacy, Lobby and Campaigns
 Livelihood and Economic Empowerment
 Education
 Awareness Raising
 Employment Opportunities
 Training and Camps
 Strengthening Capacity Building
 Research, Documentation and Publications
 Volunteering
 Partnerships, Networking and Exchanges
 Resource and Skill Centre
Accessibility to build Environment
Major issues of Accessibility in Nepal
Accessibility in terms of Public Physical
Infrastructures, Transportation, Law,Policy and
In Nepal, None of the physical infra-structures like
schools/colleges, hospitals,
Business Complex Public roa,Housing, water
sanitationand Public Transportations and ICTs
Government of Nepal (GoN) has already
promulgated some policies for PWDs.
 Disabled People Protection and Welfare Act-1983
which is now amending to make CRPD friendly
 Vehicle Tax Act 1974,Transport Act 1992, Transport
 Transport Guidelines-2003
 Building Code-2003
 National Plan and Policy of Action on Disability-2006
 Code of Conduct for Disabled Friendly Public
 Ministry
of Local Development made
special circular to National Planning
Commission to design disability
friendly plans and programs
 Supreme Court of Nepal made a
judgment on “Special Provisions for the
Protection of the Rights of PWDs”
 NAPD-Nepal executed some sample
projects building/constructing ramps in
some public in Kathmandu valley.
 NAPD-Nepal just completed a year of
project working in Kathmandu Valley to
increase PWDs access in public land
 GoN
is recently formulating an “Accessibility
Guidelines” which will be a great landmark for
disability movement to work for social model of
disability to avoid maximum barriers with
support of DPOs and line agency. It is on process
on discussion with different stakeholder.
 City Planer Division under the GoN is intensively
working for appropriate management of city with
extending entire public roads for creating free
 Aware /lobby/Campaign for this issues.
 etc)
Implementation of CRPD
Rewrite and revised discriminative laws / polices with
CRPD friendly
Evaluation / Monitoring Mechanism Team and Unit
Include curriculum these issues/text book
To involve private area
Aware stakeholders/line agencies continuously for to
change attitude
To develop and introduce technology/ICT-Web
ATM Auto Machine/Brail Talking
Equal Access/Fundamental rights
Penalty/punishment for who ignore
Voting Machine/Access Area
Thee gee Mobile/Communication
Implementation of articles CRPD-9/Decade
 Rewrite and revised discriminative laws / polices
with CRPD friendly
 Evaluation / Monitoring Mechanism Team and Unit
 Include curriculum these issues/text book
 To involve private area
 Aware stakeholders/line agencies continuously for
to change attitude
 To develop and introduce technology/ICT
 Equal Access/Fundamental rights
 Media Role s
 Penalty/punishment system
If there is Access = we all Success
Glimpse-of “Promoting Access of Persons with Disabilities
(PWDs) to Public Transport in Kathmandu Valley“ Prject.