Branch Risk Management Presentation

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Transcript Branch Risk Management Presentation

Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 125 – Branch Risk
This report gives information of the risk of clients
This report is depended on risk management2 process
Before generating the report tick on the fields required for considering risk of a client
i.e. margin, collateral, client holding, etc
Select filter if required , select operator and input value if want to generate above/
below the specific value inputted, select ageing days if required
New debit list- ticking on this will show that clients which were credit in yesterday and
debit in today
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 125 – Branch Risk
This report displays risk figure of a branch / branches for today and previous day
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 137 – Branch Trading
This reports shows trading frequency of branches based on different factors as displayed in the
report below such as
Number of days traded, no of orders, percentage of orders based on traded days, no of trades,
percentage of trades, qty traded, qty percentage, trading turnover, delivery turnover, percentage
of net turnover, gross brokerage, refund brokerage (remeshire sharing), net brokerage and
percentage of it
An example is sown in the below screen in excel form for you kind reference
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 137 – Branch Trading
Branch wise trading frequency report
For displaying branch deposit in branch risk reports software provides us 4 options in which branch stock / deposit can be
inputted which are shown above maximum 4 ledgers codes can be inputted in the respective column
This is branch wise report displaying
Branch ledger – Total value of ledgers defined in branch master (other than branch clients
Value of branch stock- Total value of the stock of ledgers defined in branch master
UNC- The value considered in this option is clients Cash ledger balance, clients beneficiary
stock value, clients inward / outward shortage value & value of clients associate account (if
Pay in / Payout - Figure of branch pay in / payout
FOUNC- The value derived in this option is from clients derivatives ledger balance, clients
collateral stock value, clients associate account and FD value
Comm UNC- The value derived in this option is from clients commodities ledger balance,
clients collateral stock value, clients associate account and FD value
On drill down of report no 339 , report no- 340 is called in which details of client wise UNC
figures are shown (as per the example shown below)
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 339 – Risk
Management report v
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 339 – Risk
Management report IV
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 340 – Risk
Management report v
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 340 – Risk
Management report v
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 355 – Risk
Management report VI
This report gives information of the clients risk
This report is depended on risk management2 process
Select filter if required , select operator and input value if want to generate above/
below the specific value inputted
As per the example shown below
clients net ledger (that is BSE, NSE, FNO) is shown
Total stock (that is extra collateral, beneficiary stock, SOH, and inward / outward short
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 355 – Risk
Management report VI
Accounts-BSE-Repots2-Aeging Report -Report no 50 – Branch Ageing
This is branch wise report and can be generated with or
without inputting the parameters as below
report type- normal / LIFO (Last in first out) / First in first
Can be filtered on specific column and amount
Days I –Days II – Days III – in these options we can define
the numbers of days which we want (for e.g. – 30-60-90,
15-30-45). If not inputted by default 3-5-7 days will come
Across year – ticking on this option will considers lasts
years out standing too.
Refer to the example shown below
Accounts-BSE-Repots2-Aeging Report -Report no 50 – Branch Ageing
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Branch Margin Report -Report no 293 – Branch
Margin Report II
Report Gives Branch Wise Limit to be set, Calculating
Based on Var Margin, Exposure Margin and MTM.
Refer to the example shown below
Trading-BSE-Reports2-Branch Margin-Report no 293- branch margin report
(Full Report)
Define limit in branch master in base capital option
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Bill JV Data-Report no 370 – Branch Net Pay In-
This report gives us branch wise figures of Pay in-Pay out eg. shown below
Report no -370 Give Bank Request letter for Pay in / Out(Debit / Credit) of Branch wise
that allow you to transfer Funds from Branch Bank Accounts to Your Pay in / Out bank
Account and vice versa.
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Brokerage Report-Report no 49 – Globle
Brokerage Branch Summary
This report gives us branch wise exchange wise brokerage report if ticked on include
refund brokerage it will show net brokerage otherwise gross brokerage
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Brokerage Report-Report no 49 – Globle
Brokerage Branch Summary
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 309-Branch
This is branch wise exchange wise report which shows total number of client of that branch , number of clients having POA, number
of clients with web-ex id, number of New clients added within the period, number of clients who have done trading within the period,
total turnover- trading & delivery of those clients , total brokerage of those clients, and exchange wise net debit balance of that
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 310-Branch
Management Details
This is branch wise- exchange wise- client wisedetail report which shows whether the client is POA
or not, Web EX ID yes or no, total trading turnover,
& total delivery turnover , total brokerage, debit
balance of client in different exchanges
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 853-Branch
Profit & Loss
This is a summary report showing exchange wise-branch wiseincome & expenses along with total number of clients, number
of new clients added in that branch, number of clients having
done trading during that period
On further drill down – report no 851 is called for details
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 851-Branch
Profit & Loss
This is a summary report shows branch wise income
and expenses account from date – to date represents
-accounting date for general ledgers other income
from brokerage, Refund brokerage
Ref: - to the example shown below
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 851-Branch
Profit & Loss