MIS Module Presentation

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Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 309-Branch
This is branch wise exchange wise report which shows total number of client of that branch , number of clients having POA, number
of clients with web-ex id, number of New clients added within the period, number of clients who have done trading within the period,
total turnover- trading & delivery of those clients , total brokerage of those clients, and exchange wise net debit balance of that
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 310-Branch
Management Details
This is branch wise- exchange wise- client wisedetail report which shows whether the client is POA
or not, Web EX ID yes or no, total trading turnover,
& total delivery turnover , total brokerage, debit
balance of client in different exchanges
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 853-Branch
Profit & Loss
This is a summary report showing exchange wise-branch wiseincome & expenses along with total number of clients, number
of new clients added in that branch, number of clients having
done trading during that period
On further drill down – report no 851 is called for details
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 851-Branch
Profit & Loss
This is a summary report shows branch wise income
and expenses account from date – to date represents
-accounting date for general ledgers other income
from brokerage, Refund brokerage
Ref: - to the example shown below
Trading-BSE-Repots2-branch P&L detail-Report no 851-Branch
Profit & Loss
Trading-BSE-Repots2-brokerage report -Report no 154-Brokerage
This report shows calculation of brokerage on dynamic basis that is what would have been the brokerage according to the values
inputted in options given without cancellation of bill – (PER-REPRESENTS PERCENTAGE,MIN REPRESENTS MINIMUM for
OPTIONONESIDEPER-represents derivatives options one side percentage, OPTIONSONESIDEMIN- represents derivatives options
minimum as example shown below
Trading-BSE-Repots2-brokerage report -Report no 154-Brokerage
The above report will display Gross Quantity, Rate, Brokerage rate , Net Rate, Net Amount and the actual
brokerage calculation on per trade along with terminal id
Trading-BSE-Repots2-brokerage report -Report no 922 - Client
Brokerage Performance
This report is Branch wise- Family
wise – Client wise showing total
month wise clients brokerage total
for different exchanges or we can
say exchange wise month wise
performance of clients brokerage
Trading-BSE-Repots2-brokerage report -Report no 128 - Global
Brokerage Summary II
This report is branch wise global brokerage summary
report showing total brokerage along with remeshire
brokerage sharing too
Trading-BSE-Repots2-brokerage report -Report no 113 - Global
Brokerage Summary III
This report is Exchange wise – Branch wise
showing global branch brokerage
total for different exchanges or we can say
exchange wise performance of branch
Trading-BSE-Repots2-brokerage report -Report no 366 - Global
Brokerage Summary IV
This report is Exchange wise – Branch wise –Family
wise showing global branch brokerage total for
different exchanges or we can say exchange wise
performance of branch Brokerage
Trading-BSE-Repots2-brokerage report -Report no 49- Global
Brokerage Branch Summary
This report is Branch wise -date wise – exchange wise summary
Trading-BSE-Repots2-brokerage report -Report no 925- Month
wise Global Brokerage
This reports shows month wise
exchange wise brokerage that is
per month total company’s gross
brokerage for all segments.
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Compliance -Report no 285 – Client Pan
No Block Details
This reports gives information about
Pan Numbers blocked by SEBI /
In the above example client code 54000 can been seen in how many
segments it is opened /activated
Trading-BSE-Repots2-BTST Reports -Report no 942 – BTST
BTST- means buy today and sell tomorrow
Input parameters from date to date ,select exchange from
company code, select client if want to generate report for a
single client,
penalty percentage- in this option input the percentage figure for
charging penalty on report level if the client is have net
outstanding position of yesterday's Buy
Refer to the example show below
Trading-BSE-Repots2-BTST Reports -Report no 942 – BTST
In the above report as we can see the client has not sold on the next day of buying so it
Attracts penalty
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 900 – Risk
This report gives information of the risk of clients
This report is depended on risk management2 process
Before generating the report tick on the fields required for considering risk of a
client i.e. margin, collateral, client holding, etc
Select filter if required , select operator and input value if want to generate
above/ below the specific value inputted, select ageing days if required
New debit list- ticking on this will show that clients which were credit in
yesterday and debit in today
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 900 – Risk
Client risk report will be generated along with consideration of inward & outward short if any, along with beneficiary
valuation, if POA than POA valuation, holding for non POA, ageing days
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 125 – Branch
Risk Management
This report displays risk figure of a branch / branches for today and previous day
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 136 – Client
Trading Frequency
This reports shows trading frequency of clients based on different factors as displayed in
the report below such as
Number of days traded, no of orders, percentage of orders based on traded days, no of
trades, percentage of trades, qty traded, qty percentage, trading turnover, delivery
turnover, percentage of net turnover, gross brokerage, refund brokerage (remeshire
sharing), net brokerage and percentage of it
An example is sown in the below screen in excel form for you kind reference
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 136 – Client
Trading Frequency
Client wise trading frequency report
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 137 – Branch
Trading Frequency
This reports shows trading frequency of branches based on different factors as displayed
in the report below such as
Number of days traded, no of orders, percentage of orders based on traded days, no of
trades, percentage of trades, qty traded, qty percentage, trading turnover, delivery
turnover, percentage of net turnover, gross brokerage, refund brokerage (remeshire
sharing), net brokerage and percentage of it
An example is sown in the below screen in excel form for you kind reference
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 137 – Branch
Trading Frequency
Branch wise trading frequency report
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 339 – Risk
Management report IV
This is branch wise report displaying
Branch ledger – Total value of ledgers defined in branch master (other than branch
clients ledgers)
Value of branch stock- Total value of the stock of ledgers defined in branch master
UNC- The value considered in this option is clients Cash ledger balance, clients
beneficiary stock value, clients inward / outward shortage value & value of clients
associate account (if any)
Pay in / Payout - Figure of branch pay in / payout
FOUNC- The value derived in this option is from clients derivatives ledger balance,
clients collateral stock value, clients associate account and FD value
Comm UNC- The value derived in this option is from clients commodities ledger
balance, clients collateral stock value, clients associate account and FD value
On drill down of the above report- report no- 340 is called in which details of client
wise UNC figures are shown (as per the example shown below)
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 340 – Risk
Management report v
Trading-BSE-Repots2- Risk Management -Report no 355 – Risk
Management report VI
This report gives information of the clients risk
This report is depended on risk management2 process
Select filter if required , select operator and input value if want to generate
above/ below the specific value inputted
As per the example shown below
clients net ledger (that is BSE, NSE, FNO) is shown
Total stock (that is extra collateral, beneficiary stock, SOH, and inward /
outward short
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Risk Management -Report no 355 – Risk
Management report VI
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Sell Beneficiary Report -Report no 337 –
Sell Beneficiary Report
• day- in this option in put ageing days
• addition un concile credit- tick yes if required to consider unconciled
• consider access cash – tick yes if required to consider FNO excess
cash (i.e ledger+colletral-margin+cash collateral after this any
excess cash is left ) balance if any
• poa stock – tick yes if required to consider poa stock
• percentage – additional percent for e.g. you want to consider 5%
extra on total (hundred percent) debit than input 5 there
• scrip not include – select scrip’s from here which are not to be sold
for debit
• price%- for add or less (than input with minus sign) on previous
closing price to be considered at the time generation of file for
selling securities
• in view data – Option to view only saleable scrip’s or all scrips can
be selected from here
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Sell Beneficiary Report -Report no 337 –
Sell Beneficiary Report
The above report shows cash clients ageing debit along with closing
balance’s and their scrip’s parked in your beneficiary which can be sold up
to cover up their respective ageing debit (on FIFO/ LIFO basis as per
defined in system settings)
In system settings options are there for inputting any branch or family or
client code which should not be considered while generating sale
beneficiary file
Trading-BSE-Day To Day - Sell Beneficiary File Generation
Trading-day to day- sale beneficiary file generationGeneration of the file can be done as per the screen shown above and it can
be uploaded on neat or bolt (as per exchange) and can also be uploaded in
Odeon if ticked yes on Odeon file option in the above screen
Trading-FNO-Repots2-Fo Sell Collateral -Report no 174 – FO Sell
•day- in this option in put ageing days
•addition un conciled credit- tick yes if required to consider un conciled receipt
•consider access cash – tick yes if required to consider FNO excess cash
(i.e ledger+colletral-margin+cash collateral after this any excess cash is left )
balance if any
•poa stock – tick yes if required to consider poa stock
•percentage – additional percent for e.g. you want to consider 5% extra on total
(hundred percent) debit than input 5 there
Trading-BSE-Repots2-Fo Sell Collateral -Report no 174 – FO Sell
The above report shows cash clients ageing
debit along with closing balance’s and their
scrip’s parked in your beneficiary which can be
sold up to cover up their respective ageing debit
(on FIFO/ LIFO basis as per defined in system
Trading-FNO-Repots2-Fo Margin Release -Report no 236 – FO Margin
Shortage % - input percentage for shortage
Price % - input price percentage
Exclude last debit margin- tick here last debit margin is to be excluded
SOH Broker Ap. Scrip- tick here if want to considered SOH broker
approved scrip's only
SOH Max Amount- if want to set soh amount limit tick here
Refer to the example shown below
Trading-FNO-Repots2-Fo Margin Release -Report no 236 – FO Margin
Accounts-BSE-Repots2-Aeging Report -Report no 50 – Branch Ageing
This is branch wise report and can be generated with or
without inputting the parameters as below
report type- normal / LIFO (Last in first out) / First in first
Can be filtered on specific column and amount
Days I –Days II – Days III – in these options we can define
the numbers of days which we want (for e.g. – 30-60-90,
15-30-45). If not inputted by default 3-5-7 days will come
Across year – ticking on this option will considers lasts
years out standing too.
Refer to the example shown below
Accounts-BSE-Repots2-Aeging Report -Report no 50 – Branch Ageing
Trading-BSE-Repots1-Business Intelligence Report –
This report is generated in excel –
The uniqueness of this report is that we have a selection list from which
one can select columns, define grouping and order by can and
generated the report required by him (in short we can define our report
and generate it)
Example shown below
Trading-BSE-Repots1-Business Intelligence Report –
Trading-BSE-Repots1-Brokers Report –
This report can be generated by ticking on the report type options and selection
of exchanges
It gives us information about- new clients opened in branch with each exchange
(as per selection), top ten debtors and creditors exchange wise, exchange wise
turnover, client wise brokerage along with remeshire sharing
Example shown below
Trading-BSE-Repots1-Brokers Report –
Trading-BSE-Repots1-Brokers Report –
Demat-BSE-Repots2-Ageing Report -Report no 329 – Ageing
Report II
This report gives information about client shares lying in our beneficiary along with number of days. Through this
We can ascertain that from how much time the client may have not cleared his payment. This reports displays
Client code, beneficiary (counter), scrip name, isin, date, narration etc.
Demat-BSE-Repots2-Ageing Report -Report no 330 – Ageing
Report III
Input number of days if required in the
fields provided
For e.g. 30,60,90 or 15-45-60
See the example below
Demat-BSE-Repots2-Ageing Report -Report no 330 – Ageing
Report III
This report is branch wise- client wise and scrip wise showing quantity lying in beneficiary as per the number of
Days defined at the time of generation
Demat-BSE-Repots1- Settlement Report
The above report provides information of
• Missing DP details, Missing ISIN, Missing clients
• Settlement process done or pending
• Batches generated or pending
• Type of files imported or not (e.g. SPEEDY, DPC9, RCBDL etc.)
Pool stock status
Pay in / Pay out status details at a glance
Shortage transfer process done or not
Cell wise drill down available
Confirmed and non confirmed transactions
Demat-BSE-Repots1- Beneficiary wise Summary
This report can be generated by selecting respective options available
1. considering debit – Only debit (negative) stock of client
2. Considering credit- Only credit (Positive) stock of client
3. Without beneficiary means only client stock will be shown
4. Only beneficiary means – no clients but only beneficiary
Demat-BSE-Repots2- Beneficiary Reports -Report no 981 – Ben
Holding Status Check
Through this report we get mismatch /
difference of quantity if any between
the quantity of shares lying in our
beneficiary and actual quantity lying
with DP
See the example shown below
Demat-BSE-Repots2- Beneficiary Reports -Report no 981 – Ben
Holding Status Check