Introduction to Horizon 2020

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Transcript Introduction to Horizon 2020

The New EU Framework Programme for Research and
Innovation (2014-2020)
Participation of European
Neighbourhood Policy
Fadila Boughanemi
Unit "EU Neighbourhood, Africa and the
DG Research & Innovation
What is Horizon 2020?
Framework funding programme for all EU research &
innovation-related activities (2014-2020)
The total budget in constant prices €70,2 billion
A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union & European
Research Area:
− Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and
− Addressing people’s concerns about their livelihoods, safety and
− Strengthening EU’s position in research, innovation and
Three priorities
Priority 1. Excellent science
funding (€ million, 2014-2020)
European Research Council (ERC)
Frontier research by the best individual teams
Future and Emerging Technologies
Collaborative research to open new fields of
13 095
2 696
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)
Opportunities for training and career development
6 162
Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructure)
Ensuring access to world-class facilities
2 488
Priority 2. Industrial leadership
funding (€ million, 2014-2020)
Leadership in enabling and
industrial technologies (LEITs)
(ICT, nanotechnologies, materials,
biotechnology, manufacturing, space)
13 557
Access to risk finance
Leveraging private finance and venture
capital for research and innovation
Innovation in SMEs
Fostering all forms of innovation in all
types of SMEs
2 842
+ complemented
by expected 20% of
budget of societal
challenges + LEITs and
'Access to risk finance'
with strong SME focus
Priority 3. Societal challenges
funding (€ million, 2014-2020)
Health, demographic change and wellbeing
7 472
Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry,
marine and maritime and inland water research and
the Bioeconomy
3 851
Secure, clean and efficient energy *
5 931
Smart, green and integrated transport
6 339
Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and
raw materials
3 081
Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
1 309
Secure societies
1 695
Science with and for society
Spreading excellence and widening participation
Simplification: summary
Single set of simpler and more coherent participation rules
New balance between trust and control
Moving from several funding rates for different beneficiaries and
activities to just two
Replacing the four methods to calculate overhead or «indirect
costs» with a single flat rate
Major simplification under the forthcoming financial regulation
Successful applicants to get working more quickly: reduction of
average time to grant by 100 days (current average of around
350 days under FP7)
International Cooperation in
Horizon 2020
•International cooperation is crucial to address many Horizon
2020 objectives
•Principle of general openness: the programme will remain to
be the most open funding programme in the world
•Need to join forces globally to tackle global challenges
New strategy for international cooperation in
research and innovation
Need to engage more actively and strategically in
international cooperation:
Three main objectives:
- Strengthen the Union's excellence and attractiveness in research
and innovation
- Tackle global societal challenges
- Support the Union's external policies
Combining openness with better targeted actions
Strengthened partnership with Member States
Stronger contribution of research and innovation to external
policies of the Union
Dual approach
Horizon 2020 open to participation from across the world
Revision to the list of countries which receive automatic funding
Targeted actions:
1. Thematic: identifying areas for international cooperation on the
basis of the Union's policy agenda
2. Differentiation by countries/regions to target partners for
 multi-annual roadmaps for cooperation with key partners
Multi-annual roadmaps for cooperation with
Enlargement and neighbourhood countries, and EFTA
Focus on alignment with the ERA
Support enlargement and neighbourhood policies (support to developing a
common 'Knowledge and Innovation Space')
Industrialised countries and emerging economies
Focus on competitiveness
Tackle global challenges
Business opportunities and access to new markets
Developing countries
Support development policy by building partnerships contributing to
sustainable development
Address relevant challenges (e.g. poverty-related diseases, energy and food
security, biodiversity)
Cooperation status in terms of policy in the
Mediterranean region
A new response to a changing Neighbourhood
 Development of Common Knowledge and Innovation Space (CKIS)
 New approach to cooperation: mutual benefit, mutual accountability and differentiation
New impetus given by the Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Research and Innovation held
in Barcelona (2-3/04/2012)
 Thematic areas addressed: water, energy, health, transport and marine sciences.
 Key cross-cutting issues addressed: Innovation, changing society, coordination of programmes,
infrastructure, mobility
New strategy on International Cooperation on Research and Innovation
 Need to access knowledge produced outside Europe
 Need to promote Europe as an attractive location and partner for research and
 Need to join forces globally to tackle global challenges
EU – South Mediterranean R&I cooperation
Specific activities to promote the EU – South Mediterranean cooperation
Support to bilateral activities (Bilats)
Support to regional platforms INCO-Nets (MIRA/MedSPRING)
Building competence in research labs (ERA-WIDEs)
Bridging the gap between research and innovation (R2I)
EU – South Mediterranean R&I cooperation
Bilateral policy dialogues
5 S&T agreements: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia
2 association agreements in FP7: Israel, Turkey
Bi-regional policy dialogue
The Monitoring Committee for Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation
in RTD (MoCo) -17 meetings since 1995
EU – South Mediterranean R&I
cooperation in FP7 (2007-2013)
296 FP7 funded projects
● Success rate – 13%
● 704 million EUR EU contribution to the projects
● 62 million EUR EU contribution to the South Mediterranean partners
● 586 participations of public and private South Mediterranean
● Main thematic areas of cooperation –KBBE, Environment, ICT
Synergy with the European Neighbourhood
Partnership Instrument (ENPI)
The ENPI supports research capacity building through the
implementation of Research Development and Innovation
Programme (RDI):
Algeria (21 M€), Egypt (11 M€ + 20 M€),
Jordan (5+5 M€), Morocco (1.35 M€), Tunisia (12 M€)
Participation in Horizon 2020 as
Third Country
As a general rule, the legal entities and individuals established in
the ENP countries may participate in all parts of the programme
(exception: access to risk finance)
The minimum rules of participation should be observed
For standard collaborative actions: At least three legal entities
each established in a different Member State or an Associated
For ERC, SME instrument, programme co-fund, coordination and
support, training and mobility actions: One legal entity established
in a Member State or in an Associated Country
Additional conditions can be set out in the work programme or work
plan, e.g. number of participants, type of participants etc.
Participation in Horizon 2020 as
Associated Country
• ENP countries already associated to FP7 are eligible for
association without pre-conditions (Art. 7.1.c)
• ENP countries, not previously associated, have to fulfill four
criteria (Art. 7.1.b)
- Close economic and geographical links with the Union
- Good capacity in science, technology and innovation
- Good track record of previous FP participation
- Fair and equitable treatment of IPR
Useful links and publications
Thank you for
your attention!
Contact point for more information:
[email protected]